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Master Excel Formulas

Make The Leap to The Next Level

Part 1

Master Excel Formulas – Make the leap to the next level

Top 10|Quote of the Day

If you are not moving forward, you are moving

Master Excel Formulas – make the leap to the next level


When are they used:

1. Sum – allows for the summation of a specific number of cells, both adjacent and non-

Sum (Start Range, End Range)

2. SumIf – allows for the summation of a range of cells that meet a specific criterion

SumIf (Criterion Range, Criterion, Sum Range)

3. SumIfs – allows for the summation of a range of cells that meet a number of different

SumIfs (Sum Range, Criterion Range 1, Criterion 1, Criterion Range N, Criterion N)

Master Excel Formulas – make the leap to the next level


When are they used:

1. Average – allows for the summation of a specific number of cells, both adjacent and

Sum (Start Range, End Range)

2. AverageIf – allows for the summation of a range of cells that meet a specific criterion

SumIf (Criterion Range, Criterion, Sum Range)

3. AverageIfs – allows for the summation of a range of cells that meet a number of
different criteria

SumIfs (Sum Range, Criterion Range 1, Criterion 1, Criteria Range N, Criterion N)

Master Excel Formulas – make the leap to the next level


When are they used:

1. Count – allows for the summation of a specific number of cells, both adjacent and
Sum (Start Range, End Range)

2. CountIf – allows for the summation of a range of cells that meet a specific criterion
SumIf (Criterion Range, Criterion, Sum Range)

3. CountIfs – allows for the summation of a range of cells that meet a number of
different criteria
SumIfs (Sum Range, Criterion Range 1, Criterion 1, Criteria Range N, Criterion N)
Master Excel Formulas – make the leap to the next level

Top 10| IF Statement

When are they used:

1. IF Statement – allows for the assessment of a statement / expression and displays

output specified by the user in both cases – if the statement is true or false

If (Expression = True,Outcome1, Outcome2)

Master Excel Formulas – make the leap to the next level


When are they used:

1. Vlookup – looks up and retrieves data from a specific column in a table

Vlookup (Value to Look Up, LookUp Range, Column, false)

2. Hlookup – looks up and retrieves data from a specific row in a table

Hlookup (Value to Look Up, LookUp Range, Row, false)

Master Excel Formulas – make the leap to the next level


When is it used:

1. Concatenate – allows the user to merge the values of two or more cells. It is usually
used to merge first name with surname and have the whole name in one cell rather than
in two separate ones

Concatenate (Value1, Value2, ValueN)

Master Excel Formulas – make the leap to the next level

Top 10| MAX & MIN

When are they used:

1. Max – allows the user to get the highest number in a range of numbers

Max (Range)

2. Min – allows the user to get the lowest number in a range of numbers

Min (Range)
Top 10| AND & OR
When are they used:

1. And – this is a logical function, which allows the user to check whether multiple
statements are true

And (Statement1, Statement2, StatementN)

2. Or – this is a logical function, which allows the user to check whether at least one
statement is true from the multiple statements presented within the brackets

Or (Statement1, Statement2, StatementN)

Master Excel Formulas – make the leap to the next level


When are they used:

1. Proper – used when a range has text that is not formatted correctly. There might
capital letters where there should lower-case ones and the opposite.

Proper (Range)

2. Lower – allows for all characters in a range to be converted into lower-case letters.

Lower (Range)

3. Upper – allows for all characters in a range to be converted into upper-case letters.

Upper (Range)
Master Excel Formulas – make the leap to the next level

Top 10| Trim & Clean

When are they used:

1. Trim – used to remove unnecessary empty spaces in a statement

Trim (Range)

2. Clean – used to remove non-printable characters in Excel

Clean (Range)
Master Excel Formulas – make the leap to the next level

Top 10|

Repetition is the mother of learning

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