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Course: MA in Early Childhood Education

Subject: MAED 608 Advance Curriculum Development

Submitted to: Dr. Reynaldo Pineda
Submitted by: Althea Alabanzas

I. What are the best practices in terms of curriculum development/ design?

Suggest measures or strategies on how to sustain these best practices.
A. Child Study Team
- Lockhart Elementary School has created a multi – disciplinary team that identifies students
that are at – risk of failing and the factors that affect them. They ensure that these students will
get the intervention they needed to progress in a regular classroom. These students do not have
IEP or 504’s but, showed limited progress. Students who are experiencing academic difficulties
are then evaluated at the end of the school year the team will make recommendation on the
best services students can get to be successful academically. The creation of the child study
team enabled the school and the parents to have an open and smooth communication that
benefits that child. It ensures that the parents and the school has a shared responsibility on the
over-all development of the student.

B. Professional Learning Community

“A professional learning community (PLC) in schools involves collaboration, sharing and ongoing
critical interrogation of teaching practices in line with professional standards. PLCs should be
learning-oriented and promote the growth of teachers and students.
In Lockhart Elementary School the administration sees to it that all grade levels have a schedule
to meet twice a week. In doing this, the school has allowed teachers to collaborate and share
best practices in the classroom. It also enabled them to plan together. It also promotes parallel
teaching objectives and activities in the same grade level. Pacing of the topics, worksheets to be
utilized in the classroom and lesson plans are also discussed during the regular meeting. Also it
created opportunities share classroom management strategies. It lessen the burden of
responsibilities of teachers and makes teaching efficient and effective.

B. Personalized Learning
According to National Center for Learning Disabilities Personalized learning allows all children to
receive a customized learning experience. Students learn at their own pace with structure and
support in challenging areas. Learning aligns with interests, needs and skills, and takes place in
an engaging environment where students gain a better understanding of their strengths.
Lockhart has always been open to changes that would significantly impact the students
achievement. If it is for the students interest Lockhart Elementary School gladly embrace the
opportunity. Personalized learning is new to the district. This initiative re – created the lesson
plans and thus, then recreated how the classroom operates.
MAED 6008: Advance Curriculum
Submitted to Dr. Reynaldo Pineda by
Althea Alabanzas
Course: MA in Early Childhood Education
Subject: MAED 608 Advance Curriculum Development
Submitted to: Dr. Reynaldo Pineda
Submitted by: Althea Alabanzas

I. What are the best practices in terms of curriculum development/ design?

Suggest measures or strategies on how to sustain these best practices.


Creating guidelines and readily available templates would create ease for the child study team.
It should also be in the school’s academic calendar as to give leeway for teachers to provide
sufficient documentation of the students. It will also decrease anxiety for the teacher as
teachers need to plan ahead. Teachers need to have ample to time since they are not only
dealing with one student at a time. Intervention kits should also be provided whenever needed.


Most readings about Professional Learning Community implies that it most effective when there
is mutual trust, respect , and support from the team members and the administration. Hence, I
believe when the school will have a team building activities, it will help build cooperation among
the school members. It is also important that teachers are supported by monitoring and feed

According to, increasing student engagement and achievement, developing
students as lifelong learners, preparing students for college and careers, and reducing inequities
are common goals in schools across the US. However, even though Lockhart has already
implemented this initiative teachers are still groping around to seek information and more
concrete examples of this personalized learning. I would recommend that the District should
have trainings on how to implement this. This training should be hands- on and interactive as
this is new to most. Districts should also limit the paperwork's for teachers to provide more
instructional time for teachers and lessen teachers burn – out.

MAED 6008: Advance Curriculum

Submitted to Dr. Reynaldo Pineda by
Althea Alabanzas
SWOT Analysis: Lockhart Elementary

Strengths Weakness

• On – Time transmittal Reports

Timely distribution of Monthly Bulletin
Information Dissemination
• Unified PBIS • Extra – curricular activities
• Regular PTA Meeting • Limited classrooms
• District Wide Initiative and Programs are • Technology Software Update
monitored • Technology Maintenance
• Regular Professional Trainings • Classroom Maintenance


• PTA Meetings • Loss of Teachers

• Library • Loss of School facilities
• Organize Community Linkages • Students behavior towards adults
• School Clubs • Teachers appreciation
• Fieldtrips • Students vandalism
• Outdoor activities • Parents less regards to education and mind
set of school as a day care

MAED 6008: Advance Curriculum

Submitted to Dr. Reynaldo Pineda by
Althea Alabanzas

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