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Evidence: Not so different in the end


According to studies from different

universities, soccer is not an
exclusive sport for men or it is not the
best for men. Since not all men are
good at soccer, neither are all women
bad at soccer. The macho belief
completely crumbles. In various parts
of the world, female teams are better
than men's, I personally think so too.
As with football, the old social stigma,
which says that fashion is exclusive to
women, dies bearing in mind that many of
the great fashion characters are men, this
does not diminish the great feminine
influence of women on the subject. the
people too mistakenly believe that things
like sexual orientation or femininity create
some kind of gift for topics that are believed
to be unique to women. the woman is
generally more detailed and perfectionist to
dress but the so is man

The most classic way of characterizing women is by

their mood swings, either by their hormones on their
special days of the month, or by the simple fact that
women are always portrayed on television as jealous or
controlling a relationship. loving. the reality is very
different, studies have shown that women have mood
swings due to different circumstances than being
women, men also have the same problem. This problem
of madness in the love relationship is something that
worries the common woman and the man too. many
men can become more crazy and jealous than any
In ancient times there is a belief that women
cannot have political power in a country because
they are not made for it, the belief collapsed over
time because the same society demonstrated that
this belief is false, men can rule a country and
women too. The macho belief that women cannot
wield political power falls on the example of
Angela Merkel, the most powerful woman in

Germany doesn't believe that anymore and

neither do I

Another common myth that existed in

ancient times is that women were the
only ones who could do housework, the
reality is that men too. Nowadays, men
have and should help with household
chores. Society has shown us that both
women and men who live in a home must
collaborate to maintain it. the world
changed his way of thinking and the
whole world too.
In the macho culture it has been thought that women
can never be unfaithful, but men can be unfaithful as
much as possible. For the man, the infidelity of his
wife is the worst thing in the world, while according
to ancient society, the woman was happy that her
man was unfaithful to her and if she did not like it,
she had to put up with it. The reality that is now more
visible and is taught in all corners is that women do
not like to be unfaithful and neither the man. The
woman also has the right to be unfaithful and the
neither the man. The reality is that rights and duties
are mutual in all areas of life.

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