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Susana Agudelo

Precisely 2000 was marked by
characteristic and unforgettable garments:
women wore exposed thongs, fur collars
and stoles, leather pants and jackets, top
with a navel in the air, camouflaged
clothing of military cut, necklaces that
imitated tattoos, low rise and wide leg

The fashion to wear clothes in which the brand is
read is a trend. Do not hide the brand and, quite
the contrary, boast about it. The logos are the
protagonists of this leading trend.
Transparencies. They come in all their versions.
You can get a dress or a transparent shirt and you
will succeed
Garments with checkered prints will be the
queens this year. They jump from blazers and
pants, the 'print' star of last season to bags and
sweaters, etc.

In the future:
Clothing in the future will have a futuristic
vision, with many of the new trends that
will be released in the coming years, based
on some upcoming events or styles


Foods such as cassava and lettuce

A lot of ethnic and Peruvian cuisine was
seen, in addition to the frozen ones

We find that our current lifestyle, fast, stressful and

without time for practically "nothing" forces us to take
advantage of the type of food that the industry puts at
hand. It is much easier for a student to buy a bag of
frozen vegetables (which have been in the bedrooms
for months, which have been grown and treated with
hundreds of chemicals potentially harmful to consumer
health and the planet) than to find the time to go to buy
them fresh and prepare them yourself. The
consequences of examples like this are none other than
a slow and safe cell degeneration that will become
chronic, inflammatory or difficult to diagnose over the
years, when it will not end up being one of the possible
causes of certain types of cancer. , the greatest
epidemic of our century.

tree starch, 3d pizza, printed meat, food

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