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What Is An Earthquake? Click here to find out

Adapted from powerpoint by Liz LaRosa 2009

What is an earthquake?
• Used to describe both sudden slip on a fault, and the resulting
ground shaking and radiated seismic energy caused by the slip
• Caused by volcanic or plate activity,

The map above shows the distribution of earthquakes with magnitudes greater
than 5.0 that occurred between 1965 and 1995.
Three Types of Faults Animation of fault movement

Strike-Slip Reverse

Normal fault

Pulls on the crust stretching rock so that it becomes thinner (like pulling
on bubble gum) = tension
Occurs when plates are moving apart

Hanging wall

Foot wall

Results in hanging wall slipping downward

What type of fault?


Hanging wall
Foot wall
What causes earthquakes?
• Tectonic plates move past each other causing
stress. Stress causes the rock to deform
– What type of fault boundary is this? transform
– What type of stress is shown? shearing
Strike – slip fault
Rocks on either side of fault slip past each other sideways with little
up or down motion -
What type of stress is produced? shearing

Occurs at a transform plate boundary

Animation of strike-slip motion

Fault rupture across road in western Kaynasli, right-lateral strike slip displacement was
about 4.0 m (13 feet) at this location
Reverse fault

Pushes on the crust squeezing rock until it folds or breaks (like a trash
compactor) = compression
Occurs when plates are moving together

Hanging wall
Foot wall

Results in hanging wall slipping upward animation

What type of fault? reverse

Hanging wall

Foot wall
What type of fault?
Focus – 1. point inside the Earth where an
earthquake begins
Epicenter – 2. point on Earth’s surface above focus where
earthquake is FELT most strongly

How Seismographs Work
A seismograph is an instrument used for recording the intensity and
duration of an earthquake.

the pendulum remains

fixed as the ground
moves beneath it
• How are earthquakes measured?

Seismogram –
seismic wave
display record

Seismic Waves
Primary Waves (P Waves)

• A type of seismic wave that compresses

and expands the ground

• The first wave to arrive at an earthquake
Secondary Waves (S Waves)

• A type of seismic wave that moves the

ground up and down or side to side
Comparing Seismic Waves
Surface Waves
• Move along the Earth’s surface
• Produces motion in the upper crust
– Motion can be up and down
– Motion can be around
– Motion can be back and forth
• Travel more slowly than S and P waves
• More destructive

Animation of wave types

How do scientists calculate how far a location is
from the epicenter of an earthquake?

• Scientists calculate the difference

between arrival times of the P waves
and S waves

• The further away an earthquake is,

the greater the time between the
arrival of the P waves and the S waves
Typical Seismogram

How much time elapsed between the arrival of the

P wave (start) and the arrival of the S wave (finish)?

start finish
Locating Earthquakes
Locating Earthquakes
Now you are going to be seismologists
and locate an Earthquake

Go to:

Click here to go to virtual earthquake site

National Geographic earthquake information
How are Earthquakes Measured? Richter

A logarithmic scale
used to express the
total amount of
energy released
magnitude of an
earthquake. Its
values typically fall
between 0 and 9,
with each increase
of 1 representing a
_________ increase
in energy.
How are Earthquakes Measured? Mercalli
Intensity Scale
A scale of earthquake intensity based on ___________
observed effects
and ranging from I (detectable only with instruments) to
XII (causing almost total destruction).

Click for Interactive Demo Go to

Earthquake Waves & Earth’s Interior

Seismic wave animation

Waves in
the Earth

Click here for animation
Click here for explanation of a tsunami
Formation of a tsunami
a large ocean wave usually caused by an underwater earthquake
or a volcanic explosion.

PBS –tsunami animation
With typical waves, water flows in circles, but with a tsunami, water
flows straight. This is why tsunamis cause so much damage!

Click here for Japan helicopter view of tsunami

Tsunami Warning System
Review Questions
1. A large ocean wave usually caused by an
underwater earthquake or a volcanic explosion.


2. Used to describe both a sudden slip on a fault,

and the resulting ground shaking and radiated
seismic energy caused by the slip

How are Earthquakes Measured?
3. Which one uses a logarithmic scale to express the
total amount of energy released or magnitude of an

Richter Scale

4. Which uses a scale of earthquake intensity

based on observed effects and ranging from I
(detectable only with instruments) to XII (causing
almost total destruction).

Modified Mercalli Scale

What type of fault is shown by each picture?



3. Transverse
or strike-slip
Which type of wave travels through solids only?

Which type of wave causes the most destruction?

Surface or
Love waves
What type of fault?

Source: B
Strike –slip or
Hanging wall has moved upward
transverse fault
Reverse fault
Focus – 1. point inside the Earth where an
earthquake begins
Epicenter – 2. point on Earth’s surface above focus where
earthquake is FELT most strongly

People walk along a damaged road in the province of
Bohol on Tuesday, October 15, 2013.

Do you think this was a major earthquake? Why or why not?

Yes, it was a major quake.
It crumbled a number of buildings

Such as this church

7.1 magnitude earthquake hit the Philippines


3. Surface

1. P-wave 2. S-wave

4. ____________
seismic wave
display record

5. Seismograph

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