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Food, Cells, Physical and Mental

Dada Dhyanasiddhananda
Cell formation and DNA
 Cell can be reproduce ( Ribosome).
 Human cell and microbiome cell bacteria.
 Feeding microbiome.
 Feeding own cell
 Life of human
 Cell ,Body and mind
 Purpose of the human body
 Human body is composed of countless cells
 There are two kinds of cells
 Protozoic
 Metazoic
The Human Physical Structure
 Allparts of the human body are composed of this
two types of cells.
 The entire human structure can be regarded as one
metazoic cell
The Human Being
 Human beings have their individual mind and soul.
 Every cell has also their own individual mind and
 The mind of the cells is different from the human
The Human Mind
 The human mind is:
 The unit microcosm
 Plus the collection of the minds of the metazoic and
protozoic cells.
 The unit mind is inseparably related to each of its
cells and the mind of the cells have a relation with
the unit mind.
Life of a cell
 Generally a cell lives 21 days, dies and is replaced
by new cells
 When you rub your body some dirt comes off,
even when the body is covered. These are actually
mostly dead cells.
 In old age the old cells decay and new cells are
produced in lesser number and get less
 Cells grow out of light, air, water and the food we
 The nature of food and drink have its effect on the
cells and consequently on the human mind.
3 Types of Energy
 1. Sentient
 2. Mutative
 3. Static
3 Types of Food
 1. Sentient
 Conducive for mental and physical well-being
 2. Mutative
 3. Static
 Harmful for the mind – may or may not be good for the
The Human Mind
 Conscious
 Subconscious
 Unconscious
 Supramental
 Subliminal
 Causal
The position for meditation
 Padmasana – the lotus pose
Step by Step to the Lotus - 1
 Ankle-knee pose
Step by Step to the Lotus - 2
Step by Step to the Lotus - 3
 Half-Lotus
Step by Step to the Lotus - 4
 Full Lotus
Mantra Meditation
 Mantras are words or thoughts with
 A vibration
 A rhythm
 A meaning…

 …which help to liberate the mind from the

disturbances of the outer layers and…
 …merge in the depth of the inner layers.
Mantra Meditation
 The mantra establish a connection between the
microcosm and the Macrocosm
 In Ananda Marga we use two types of mantras
 UniversalMantra
 Personal Mantra
Our Practice Today
 Today we will practice meditation with the
universal mantra
 Baba Nam Kevalam – All is Cosmic

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