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Globalization, international
dimension and Diversity
What is globalization and what is its impact
on organizations?
Relation of globalization to diversity
International dimensions in trade and tariff
Culture and diversity
Bindu’s misery
Diversity in terms of:

 Ethnicity
 Race
 Disability
 Gender
 Young adults
 Expatriates
Concerns: dual career couples, care of elderly parents, language/ religion/ cultural/
multi-ethnic diversity
Two types of diversity

 Surface-level diversity: differences in easily perceived characteristics like gender,

race, ethnicity, disability etc. do not necessarily reflect how people think or feel,
but sometimes may activate certain stereotype.
 Deep-level diversity: differences in values, personalities, work preferences which
are important for determining similarity as people get to know one another better

Surface-level are first level difference but deep-

level actually determines the bonding for long-run
(superficial match versus real match)

 Noticing a difference in specific individual traits; unfair discrimination means

making judgements about individuals based on stereotypes regarding their
demographic groups
 Discriminatory policies and principles: policies that deny equal opportunity or gives
unequal rewards for performance
 Sexual harassments: unwanted sexual advances of verbal and physical conduct
 Gender: glass ceiling, glass elevator and glass cliff
 Intimidation: overt threats or bullying
 Mockery and insult: jokes or negative stereotypes
 Exclusion: of certain people from jobs opportunities, social events, discussions
 Incivility: disrespectful treatment/ overpowering/ ignoring/ interrupting
Biographical characteristics – are they
related to work outcomes?
 Age: old (experience) versus the young (flexible)
 Age-turnover:
 more age, less likely to quit
 Age-absenteeism:
 less avoidable absenteeism by older people
 Age-productivity:
 unrelated, old people exhibit more citizenship behaviour
 Age-job satisfaction: satisfaction takes a U-shaped curve with age

Age discrimination can lead to lower organization

 Sex: studies did not find any significant male-female difference in working skills
(female higher on performance, male on promotion potential)
 Gender biases in terms of selecting candidates, allocating jobs, potential for
performance, opportunity of challenging jobs to be promoted faster, earning
discrimination for the same position, harassments and mental stress

Sexual discriminations may lead to lower

performance among females
What could be wrong in this picture?

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