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Difficulties in translating using

auxiliary and modal verbs

prepared by:

Vagif Fatullayev, Lamiya Heydarova

While translating the sentences with the
verbs shall, will, should, would it can be
difficult to give the correct translation of it.
Because it has a number of meanings in
different function.
Shall: In the present-day shall is not a purely modal
verb.It always combines its modal meaning of
obligation with the functioning of an auxiliary verb
in the future tense. As a modal verb shall is not
translated into Azerbaijani. Shall combined with
only a non-perfect infinitive expresses.
Promise, oath, strong intention. – with the 2nd and 3rd person
with a weak stress; with 1st person singular with a strong stress
Ex:1) He shall do his job.
2) I want that dress and I shall buy it.

Threat or warning – in the 2nd and 3rd persons

EX: That day shall come

A suggestion or offer- in the questions (and offers) in the 1st

person singular and plural.
Ex: Shall I read?
Will: The verb will as an auxiliary verb expresses futurity. As a model verb it
1. Willingness, intention, determination. İn this case it is translated into
Azerbaijani as: mütləq, hökmən, qəti surətdə.
Ex: I can and will do it.
2. A polite request or an offer.
Ex: 1) Will you have some tea?- offer
2) Will you pass the salt, please? – request
3. A command. Ex: Will you be quiet
4. Insistence, resistance.
Ex: The door will not open. (Qapı açılmır ki, açılmır)
5. Disapproval of something expected- in this meaning only would is used. İt is
found mainly in responses.
Ex: -He refused to interfere
He would.
Should: In the function of an auxiliary verb should is used for
forming future in the past forms- with the 1st person singular and
plural. In the function of modal verb should:

1. Expresses obligation, duty, advice, etc. It is translated into

Azerbaijani : lazım, gərək.
Ex: This book should be printed.

2. Expresses supposition and probability. This meaning of the verb

is rarely used.
Ex: It should be about five now.
To be: the verb to be used as a notional verb means “to exist, to take place, to happen, to go”. In Azerbaijani it
corresponds to –dır4. The verb “to be+ Infinitive” has a modal meaning and can express:

1. Obligation, arrangement, plans. In Azerbaijani it is translated as –malı2.

Ex: I am to write my homework.

2. Supposition and probability. In this meaning to be is usually followed by passive.

Ex: His talent is to be envied. (Onun talantına qibtə etmək olar)
To have: the verb to have as a notional verb means “to possess, to hold, to
experience”. In Azerbaijani the sentences with the verb to have are
translated by means of “var”.
As a modal verb to have expresses duty or necessity. In Azerbaijani it is
translated as “məcbur olmaq, -malı2”.
Ex: They have to decide what to do.
The verb to have with the following complex object conveys different

1.Motive to perform the action. Meanings: məcbur etmək, vadar etm ək,
öhdəsindən gəlmək.
Ex: 1) We had them beaten this time. (Bu dəfə biz onların öhdəsindən g əldik)
2) They will have him back. (Onlar onu qayıtmağa məcbur edəcəklər)

2. Action done or made independently from the wish of the person expressed
by the subject of the sentence.
Ex: We had a note handed to us. (Bizə bir yazı
To do: the verb to do as a notional verb causes no
problems in translation. It is equal to the meaning of the
verbs: to perform, to execute etc. The verb to do as an
auxiliary verb causes some problems. The verb to do isn’t
used only for forming interrogative and negative forms.
1) The verb to do has an emphatic function too. In this
case it has meanings as: həqiqətən, doğrudan da,axı,
Ex: His words did show that he was lying. (Həqiqətən də
onun sözləri göstərdi ki, o yalan danışır)

2) The verb to do can be used as a verb-substitute to

avoid the repetition of the main verb or the whole
Ex: Did the Foreign Secretary know that such an
arrangement existed? His replies implied that he did.
(Xarici işlər nazirinin belə bir sazişin mövcudluğundan
xəbəri var idimi? Cavabından aydın oldu ki, o bilirdi)

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