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Creativity in Business: 2007

Bubbly Advice
for the Creative
Business Person in

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Tell Them Where to Go….

If someone tells you

that you’re not creative,
tell them to go to hell.

Everyone in business
is creative.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Who’s Most Creative?

Some of most creative people I’ve

ever met are in manufacturing.

They actually CREATE products that

change the world.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Who’s Least Creative?

Some of the least creative people
I’ve ever met are in advertising.

They spend most of their creative

energy telling manufacturers that
they…aren’t creative!

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Salespeople Are Creative.

Natural Born Story Tellers.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Accountants are Creative.

Tax Loop-de-Loopholes.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Best Creative Exercise Ever

Write down your ideas.

You have a ton every day.

But most of the time, you can’t

remember them by the day’s end.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Yes, You CAN Write.

Don’t let spelling & grammar issues

or relentless self-editing stop you.

Get your ideas on paper.

(Let someone else edit it.)

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

How Do You Noodle?

Blackberries and PDAs may look cool, but
they stink when you want to noodle with

Go retro: carry a notebook, pen, and

calendar into your meetings.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Go Retro!

Where the great ideas are:

The back of a cocktail napkin.
The back of a coaster.
This is still true in 2006.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Eyes up here, Buster!

Blackberries and PDAs

eliminate eye contact.

Look up at people.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Story First. Technology Last.

Don’t invest in a presentation class called
“How to Use PowerPoint”….

…until you’ve take a class called

“How to Tell Stories and Connect with
Your Audience”.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

A Simple Creative Exercise…

Simplify everything. Your

life, your home, your
office, your desk, your
processes, vision, policy,
procedures. Everything.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Fixing Problems is Creative

Your job is to fix problems,

not complain.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Me-too trendy hip…

Wearing designer duds is NOT a

sign of creative flair.

It is playing it safe.

Get your own sense of style.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Brainstorming 101

Don’t tell people that

their ideas are bad,
especially if you don’t
have a better one.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

It’s only your life’s work.

Never say,

“It’s not my job to be creative.”

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

How to Lose an Audience…

Show your audience slides
with columns of numbers.

Refuse to tell them a story

about the meaning of the

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Eyes on the Audience, Buster!

Do not read your speech or


Instead, read your audience.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

How about a puppet show?

Try “giving a performance”

instead of merely “giving
a presentation.”

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Everyone in Sales Knows…

Tell stories.

Don’t just provide data.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Avoid Meetings.

Do not attend more than

two meetings a day, or
else you will never get
any real creative work

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Get Fresh Ideas.

Leave the office building

at least once a day.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Stay Sane.

The idea that creative people are

[emotionally unstable – drunk - crazy –
dangerous – high – bad at math]
is a myth.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

The Insanity Clause….

It’s a bad idea to hire a drunk on the

outside chance that he/she might turn
out to be creative.

It’s just as silly to assume that you can’t

hire a creative person because he or
she is bound to be unbalanced.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Drinking is a bad excuse.

I know a designer who says he only drinks

so that people will think he’s a genius.

(He’s a crappy, unhappy designer.)

He’s also an alcoholic.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Get off the pot.

Doing drugs doesn’t make you

creative, either.

Nothing clouds creativity and

productivity as much as dope.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Another Lame Excuse…

I wish designers would put more of

their passion into designing great
work, instead of endless (boring)
discussions about the superiority
of the Macintosh over the PC!

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

The Lame Excuse Factory…

“I can’t [write/design/create]
because I don’t have the latest
[software/hardware/ upgrade]….”

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Stop Whining Already!

You don’t need a Macintosh to be

It’s just a machine.

You’re the one with the creativity.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007


You can’t let a machine take

credit for your creativity.

And you can’t blame a

machine for your creative
failures, either.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Don’t Blame the Tool!

The more you become a

master of your particular
creative form….

….the fewer tools you will use.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Go Gadget Free!

Master carpenters use fewer

tools than novices.

So do cooks.

Use what works.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Creativity: Use it or Lose it.

Don’t just have a nice day.

Create one.

Create something every day.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Creativity is Interesting.

The most interesting

people I know are creative.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Creativity is your life’s work.

Creativity takes place every

day, not once in a while.

It’s not rare.

It’s just been mystified.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Who Mystified Creativity?

It doesn’t matter.

Own your creativity.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Like I said in the beginning….

If someone tells you

that you’re not creative,
tell them to go to hell.

Everyone in business
is creative.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

Don’t Have a Happy New Year…

Create one.

Shaharudin MN
Creativity in Business: 2007

About the Speaker. . .

Writer. Speaker. Podcaster. Internet Marketing Coach.

You just watched the break screen from an January

address on creativity in business. These were my
index cards!

Get Perspective.
Contact Shaharudin Mohd Noor
phone: 016-3679282

Shaharudin MN

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