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Before the interview, we had a chat with the owner of Navyaa Creation, Mr. Dilen Sarvaiya regarding
some qualifications and competences required for a person so that the route to the business field is
competitively easier.

Mr. Dilen embarked on very few selective competences, but with strong definitions for each. He said
that in his field of jewellery, basic ICT and graphic designing skills are must along with creative
thinking. A person should also possess self confidence so that he never doubts his own work. These
qualities are important as it defines a person as a true entrepreneur. Furthermore, he spoke about
the confidence skills and the curiosity skills. He added that if a person is not interested in something,
it is not meant for him. Interest is the key to everything in business. If you are interested, you can do
wonders in this business field.

Lastly, he quoted that, “ True self confidence is not about being fearless, but about trusting your
ability to navigate the unknown, embracing challenges, and emerging stronger on the other side.”

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