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Home Olympic Games 2020
Eastcourt Home Olympics

What will I need?
◦ Equipment required:
◦ Anyone can get involved in the Home School
◦ Stop watch
Olympics, amend the challenges to make them
◦ Water bottle age appropriate.
◦ Tape measure
◦ Most importantly enjoy yourselves and have
◦ Masking tape
some fun.
◦ Boxes/ bucket
◦ Socks
◦ Towel
◦ 2 tins of food
◦ A big smile
Challenge 1: Running
◦ Running on the spot- using high knees, how many high knees can you do in 60 seconds,
◦ Find some space, somewhere safe. Get a parent or sibling to time you with a stop watch.
◦ Count how many times your foot hits the floor, remember keep those knee’s nice and high.

◦ You get one point every time your foot strikes the floor. For example if you counted 120 foot strikes then your score = 120
Challenge 2: Long Jump
◦ Find a line or create a line using masking tape, or use some household objects to put either side.
◦ Now Take 2 foot steps and put down some tape,
◦ A further two foot steps. And place some more tape.
◦ And another 2 steps to finish.
◦ You should have 4 pieces of tape, we are now going to perform a standing long jump.
◦ If you can jump and land past the first piece of tape you get 5points, the 2 nd line of tape =10, 15 and even 20 points if I get past
the last line with a really big jump.
◦ Bend your knees swing your arms, propel your body forwards
◦ Record your best jump, your furthest jump and count up your score.
◦ REMEMBER We cannot go over the line unless we’re jumping. We must start with both feet behind the line.
◦ Look at the world record for a standing long jump on the next page
World record
You could challenge yourself
and see how far you can jump
from a standing position.

Using a tape measure get a

parent/sibling to measure your
jump. Remember we measure
from the back of our closest
foot to the take offline.
Challenge 3: How high can you Jump?
◦ Find a safe space and find some cushions.
◦ You will need to wear some trainers.
◦ See how many cushions you can stack up and
jump over, you get
◦ 5 points for 1 cushion,
◦ 10 for 2 cushions
◦ 15 for 3 cushions
◦ 20 for 4 cushions and so on.
◦ Bend your knees, swing your arms, and lift those
legs up nice and high.
◦ Bend those knees to land to soften your landing.
Challenge 4: Gymnastics balance beam.
◦ Use a line or create a line with masking time
◦ In a safe space and area.

◦ Stand with one foot up in the air and one foot on the beam.
◦ The aim is to jump from one foot to the other and land on the
◦ Don’t put that other foot down, keep it off the floor
◦ Ensure the whole of your foot lands on the beam.
◦ Keep jumping from foot too foot, every time you jump and land
on the beam you will get 1 point.
◦ Remember your best score.
◦ Totally up you score from all the challenges so far.
Challenge 5: Weight Lifting
◦ Find yourself some tins for example 2 x baked bean cans
◦ Standing in a space, keep your arms up nice and straight in front of you holding your tin cans.
◦ Time how long you can keep those arms holding those cans,
◦ Points: 1 minutes = 60 points
◦ 2 minutes = 120 points
◦ And so on.
◦ Keep totalling up that score.
Challenge 6: Speed Bounce
◦ Find a safe space and create a wedge,
◦ cross the wedge (or substitute for wedge) as
many times as possible within 20 seconds.
◦ Speed Bounce is a two-footed jump – feet
should leave the mat or floor simultaneously
and land on the mat or floor simultaneously.
◦ All you need is a stopwatch or phone and a
soft item – kitchen roll or rolled up towels
are examples of what can be used as an
alternative wedge.
◦ How many 2 footed jumps you complete will
give you your point score.
Challenge 7: Boxing
◦ Find a safe space,
◦ How many punches into the air can you do in
60 seconds.
◦ Count how many times you punch into the air.
These will equal your points.

◦ ** you will get NO POINTS if you hit

anyone!!!! This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
Challenge 8 Target throw:
◦ In a safe space
◦ Stand behind a line, you can create one using tape
and throws three items into the target placed at
3m. The target is then moved to 5m and the
process is repeated.
◦ 5 points if the item lands in the target. 2 points if
the item bounces out of the target or if the item
touches the floor before the target
◦ Tennis Balls, Rolled up socks or small soft toys
can be used.
◦ A washing basket, paper bin, cardboard box,
bucket or dog basket are example target items.
◦ Count up your scores.
How did you get on?
◦ By now you should have totalled up your scores, so you
should have added all your scores up across the 8
different Olympic activity challenges and then email your
scores into Mrs Fitzgibbon let
me know your name and which class you are in.
◦ If you can send in photos/videos of you taking part in the
Olympic challenge please send them over.
◦ We can see who makes it onto the leader board

◦ Most of all well done for completing the

challenge, you should be incredibly proud of
yourselves 
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

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