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caucasus university

Healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle topics

Consumer health
Quit smoking
Stress management
Weight loss
Consumer health
Can you remember how you got consumer health
information before the Internet? Your doctor was
probably your only credible source, and that meant
going in for an appointment. Today the Internet is a
rich and easily accessible source of information about
consumer health — making it possible to be more
informed about your health care options.

Even so, navigating the complex health care system is no easy task. To be a savvy
health care consumer, you have to ask questions and take charge of your health.
Fortunately, more and more tools are available to help you make smart choices.
Take advantage of these resources and take charge of your health care.
Starting a fitness program may be one of the
best things you can do for your health. After
all, physical activity can reduce your risk of
chronic disease, improve your balance and
coordination, help you lose weight, and even
boost your self-esteem. And the benefits are
yours for the taking, regardless of age or
physical ability.
The Department of Health and Human
Services recommends that healthy adults
include aerobic exercise and strength training
in their fitness plans, specifically:
• At least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic
activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic
activity a week
• Strength training exercises at least twice
a week
Quit smoking
Tobacco is a killer. Smokers and other tobacco users
are more likely to develop disease and die earlier than
are people who don't use tobacco. If you smoke, you
may worry about what it's doing to your health. You
probably worry, too, about how hard it might be to quit
smoking. Nicotine is highly addictive, and to quit
smoking — especially without help — can be difficult.
In fact, most people don't succeed the first time they
try to quit smoking. It may take more than one try, but
you can stop smoking.

Take that first step: Decide to quit smoking.

Set a stop date. And then take advantage
of the multitude of resources available to
help you successfully quit smoking.
Stress management
Stress is a normal psychological and physical reaction to the ever-increasing demands of
life. Surveys show that many Americans experience challenges with stress at some point
during the year.
In looking at the causes of stress, remember that your brain comes hard-wired
with an alarm system for your protection.When your brain perceives a
threat, it signals your body to release a burst of hormones to fuel
your capacity for a response. This has been labeled the
"fight-or-flight" response.
Once the threat is gone, your body is meant to
return to a normal relaxed state. Unfortunately, the
nonstop stress of modern life means that your alarm
system rarely shuts off.
That's why stress management is so important.
Stress management gives you a range of tools to reset your alarm
Without stress management, all too often your body is always on high alert. Over time, high
levels of stress lead to serious health problems. Don't wait until stress has a negative impact
on your health, relationships or quality of life. Start practicing a range of stress management
techniques today.
Weight loss
Your weight is a balancing act, and calories are part of that
equation. Fad diets may promise you that counting carbs or
eating a mountain of grapefruit will make the pounds drop off.
But when it comes to weight loss, it's calories that count.
Weight loss comes down to burning more calories than you
take in. You can do that by reducing extra calories from food
and beverages, and increasing calories burned through
physical activity.
Once you understand that equation, you're ready to set your
weight-loss goals and make a plan for reaching them. Remember,
you don't have to do it alone. Talk to your doctor, family and friends
for support. Ask yourself if now is a good time and if you're ready to
make some necessary changes.
Also, plan smart: Anticipate how you'll handle situations that challenge your resolve and the
inevitable minor setbacks.
If you have serious health problems because of your weight, your doctor may suggest weight-loss
surgery or medications for you. In this case, you and your doctor will need to thoroughly discuss the
potential benefits and the possible risks.
But don't forget the bottom line: The key to successful weight loss is a commitment to making indefinite
changes in your diet and exercise habits.

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