HV - Unit 1

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Course Name: Human Values and

Environment Sustainability
Introduction - Need, Basic
Guidelines, Content and Process
for Value Education
Human values are the virtues that guide
us to take into account human element
when one interacts with one other human
beings. They are our feelings for the
human essence of others.
It’s both what we expect others to do to us
and what we aim to give to other human
beings. These human values give the
effect of bonding, comforting and
Moral Value
Ethical Value
Professional Value
Social Value
Aesthetic Value
Psychological Values
What is a Social Values
 The quality (positive or negative) that renders
something desirable or valuable
 Principles, standards or qualities considered worthwhile
or desirable by the person who holds them.
 Those qualities of behavior, thought, and character that
society regards as being intrinsically good, having
desirable results, and worthy of emulation by others.
 Values are our subjective reactions to the world around
us. They guide and mold our options and behavior.
Values have three important characteristics.
◦ Developed early in life and are very resistant to
◦ Define what is right and what is wrong.
◦ Cannot be proved correct or incorrect, valid or
Ethics is the branch of philosophy that
involves systematizing, defending, and
recommending concepts of right and wrong
In ethics, value denotes something's degree of
importance, with the aim of determining what
action of life is best to do or live, or to describe
the significance of different actions. It may be
described as treating actions themselves as
abstract objects, putting value to them.
• The concept of professionalism often relates to your
conformity to workplace norms concerning your
treatment of others and the workplace.
• This includes showing up on time, dressing well,
keeping your working area clean, sending email
messages without typos and without exposing the
addresses of others.
Accountability and Responsibility
Role of Education in Holistic
The Role of Education

What is the Role of Education?

The role of education is to facilitate the development of the competence

to live with Definite Human Conduct*

*Conduct in accordance with one's Natural Acceptance

•Out of the three types of fear, which is predominant for
 Fear of Natural Calamities
 Fear of Wild Animals
Fear of the Inhuman Behaviour of Human
Being Is this on the increase or decrease?

•Literacy is increasing
The fear of the Inhuman Behaviour of
Human Being is also increasing…
Basis of Definiteness of Conduct

• All units around us exhibit definite

conduct... except human being
• Trees, Plants...Conduct is based on their
• Cow....Conduct is based on their breed

• Human being Conduct is based on their

What is the role of education-sanskar?
• The role of education-sanskar is to facilitate the
development of the competence to live with Definite
Human Conduct
• Is there need for such education-sanskar?
Who is responsible to make it available?
• Parents, Teachers, Society
• Are we able to ensure it?
If we want to provide such education-sanskar, what would be
the basic requirements?
• We will explore into this
Desire State of being

Do we want to be happy?
Are we happy?
Do we want to be prosperous?
Are we prosperous?
Do we want the continuity of
happiness and prosperity?
Is there continuity of our
happiness and prosperity?

Check within Yourself!

The unhappiness in your family is

 More due to lack of physical facility or
 More due to lack of fulfillment in relationship?
How much time and effort are you investing:
 For physical facility
 For fulfillment in relationship

The unhappiness is more due to lack of fulfillment in relationship

Most of the time and effort is spent for physical facility

Check within Yourself!

For human being physical facility is necessary but relationship is also

On examining carefully, we find that this is a fundamental difference between
animals and human being

Physical facility is necessary for animals and necessary for human being
For animals physical facility is necessary as well as adequate
For human being physical facility is necessary but not adequate

•When an animal has lack of physical facility it becomes uncomfortable,
when it gets physical facility it becomes comfortable
• Eg. When a cow gets a stomach-full of grass, it becomes
comfortable, sits and chews the cud

• When a human being has lack of physical facility, he becomes

uncomfortable and unhappy
•But once he gets the physical facility, he forgets about it and starts
thinking about hundred other things
• (Check for yourself if you feel happy every day that you are getting
enough to eat?)
For human being, physical facility is necessary but relationship is also

For animals:
& adequate
with human being With nature
For human being:
necessary but
not adequate

For animals, physical facility is necessary as well as adequate

On further examination, we find that we all do want to live in relationship
with others

Every night when there is a fight, we want to resolve it. We start the next
day with the thought that we don’t want to fight today, but due to lack
of right understanding about fulfillment of relationship, a fight takes
place by night

For fulfillment in relationship, it is necessary to have right understanding

about relationship. i.e. Right understanding is also necessary for
human being

Right Understanding is also Necessary for Human Being

in the self

For animals:
with & adequate
with rest of nature
human For human being:
being necessary but
not adequate
Are all 3 required? Is something redundant? Is anything more
required? Are we working on all 3?
If all 3 are required, what would be the priority*?
*Working on the high priority makes it easier to deal with the lower
priority 24
Priority: Right Understanding, Relationship & Physical Facility

in the self

2 3 For animals:
- Trust with & adequate
- Respect with rest of nature
human For human being:
being necessary but
not adequate


Priority: Physical Facility

in the self

? 1 For animals:
with & adequate
with rest of nature
human For human being:
being necessary but
not adequate

Making others Unhappy Exploiting and
others 26
Therefore we can observe two
categories of human being
1. Lacking physical facility, unhappy deprived
2. Having physical facility, unhappy deprived

•While we want to be
•Having physical facility, happy prosperous

•Check within yourself

 Where are you now – at 1, 2 or 3 and
 Where do you want to be?
Animal Consciousness, Indefinite Conduct

in the self

? 1
with with rest of nature
being Animal

Making others Unhappy Exploiting and
others 3
•If we are living for all three (right
understanding, relationship and physical
facility) then we are living with human

• Human being can be fulfilled by being

happy and prosperous on the basis of
these three
Human Consciousness, Definite Human Conduct

in the self

- Trust with
- Respect with rest of nature
-… human


( ( 3
Transformation = Development
in the self

Transformation& Progress
with rest of nature
tho psruk
( ( 3
Role of Education-Sanskar: To
Enable Transformation

Holistic development is transformation to Human Consciousness.

The role of education-sanskar is to enable this transformation by way of
ensuring the development of the competence to live with Definite
Human Conduct
For this, the education-sanskar has to ensure
1. Right understanding in the self of every child
2. The capacity to live in relationship with the other human being
3. The capacity to identify the need of physical facility and the skills &
practice for sustainable production of more than what is required
leading to the feeling of prosperity
These are the 3 components of human eduction-sanskar, if it has to
ensure development of definite human conduct

Role of Education-Sanskar:
Enable Transformation
Holistic development is transformation to Human Consciousness.
The role of education-sanskar is to enable this transformation by way of ensuring the
development of the competence to live with Definite Human Conduct
For this, the education-sanskar has to ensure
1. Right understanding in the self of every child
2. The capacity to live in relationship with the other human being
3. The capacity to identify the need of physical facility and the skills & practice for
sustainable production of more than what is required leading to the feeling of prosperity
These are the 3 components of human eduction-sanskar, if it has to ensure
development of definite human conduct
If we look at the education we are giving today…
4. First one is missing
5. The second one is missing
6. In the third one, identification of physical facility, is also missing.
The willingness to produce by way of labour is also missing. The core feeling that is
generated is to accumulate more & more rather than produce more & more ; and to
consume more & more
Understanding the Need, Basic
Guidelines, Content & Process
for Value Education
State of Society Today…
Many advances have taken place through the use of science,
technology, management, medicine...
Has society also advanced toward the desired state? Out of the
three types of fear, which is predominant?
 Fear of Natural Calamities
 Fear of Wild Animals
 Fear of the Inhuman Behaviour of Human Being
Is this on the increase or decrease?
There is increasing tension in individuals, division in family, terrorism in society…
There is increasing exploitation of nature, climate change, global warming…
Is education contributing positively or negatively to this?
 Do students develop a mindset of sustainable production & right utilisation
 Or they develop a mindset of accumulation & indulgence (with minimum labour)

Does this increase the fear or decrease the fear?

Is it getting money?
Is it getting a degree?
Is it getting a job?

What is success?

Should Education
prepare you to be

Expectations from Education
Education has the responsibility to facilitate:
Understanding „what to do‟ – What is valuable, as a human being
Learning „how to do‟ – skills, technology

Are both required or we can do with just one of them?

Both are important

What would be the priority between these two?

The Priority is
1. Understanding „what to do‟
2. Learning „how to do‟

The Current Priority: Learning „how to do‟
Knowingly or unknowingly, our education has become skill-biased.
There is almost no input on values

We are currently so focused on providing skills to do things, to prepare

people for profession or jobs that in spite if tremendous achievements
of science and technology, we can observe:
1. Lack of mutual feelings in relationship with human beings
2. Lack of mutual enrichment with rest-of-nature

This shows up as confusion in the self; being easily influenced by

others; and being busy in their program
- Language
- Clothes
- Course
- Job…
Can we decide “What is Valuable”
on our own right?
Is it possible to for us to decide what is valuable for us, what is
meaningful, what is right, what is wrong, what is innate in us?
What do we want to achieve, how do we want to live:
As an individual
As a member of the family
As a member of an institution... society
As a unit of nature

Can we decide these on our own right? This is the issue, this is the
essential point
Is this possible?
We need to explore into this further

The Need for Value Education
We saw that the first issue is that we need to understand “what to do”?
And we need to learn “how to do it”?

To understand “what to do”, we need Value Education

Second, in order to ensure this we need to get into the details of things,
for which we need a holistic perspective

To develop a holistic perspective, we need Value Education

So, that is the need of Value Education

Guidelines for Value Education
- Universal
Whatever is studied as value education needs to be universally applicable to
all human beings and be true at all times and all places. It should not
depend on sect, creed, nationality, race, gender, etc.
- Rational
It has to be amenable to logical
reasoning. It should not be based on
blind beliefs.
- Verifiable
The student should be able to verify the values by checking with one's own
experience, and is not asked to believe just because it is stated in the
- Leading to Harmony
Values have to enable us to live in peace and harmony within our own self as
well as with others (human being and rest of nature).
Content of Value Education
Holistic, All Encompassing

Covers all 4 dimensions as an Individual:

1. Thought
2. Behaviour
3. Work
4. Understanding/Realization
Eg. In Thought – we want to have clarity (a state of resolution,
solution) NOT confusion (a state of problem)
Covers all 4 levels as a Society:
5. Individual
6. Family
7. Society
8. Nature/Existence
Eg. As a Family, Society – we want Fearlessness / Trust
NOT fear (due to mistrust / opposition)
Process of Value Education
1. Universal – all time, all place, all individuals
2. Rational – logical, appeals to human reasoning
3. Natural – Naturally Acceptable to human being &
there is provision in Nature for its
4. Verifiable – through one‟s own Natural Acceptance
as well as experience in Living
5. All Encompassing – covering all aspects of human
6. Leading to Harmony existence
– among human beings and with nature

Based on the inputs of MHRD

President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam‟s Message to the
Nation – 2006
Dr. Kalam, the then President of India, had 4
personal discussions about this, recognized
its potential and spoke about the effort in his
address to the nation on the eve of
Independence Day in Aug 2006

“… being practiced by Prof Ganesh Bagaria, … Prof Rajeev Sangal… and their
teams … [it] is a „teachable human value based skill‟… This process of imparting
self-knowledge would promote a learning atmosphere, where this whole
movement of inquiry into knowledge, into oneself, into the possibility of
something beyond knowledge would bring about naturally a psychological
revolution.. From this comes inevitably a totally different order in human
relationship and therefore society as a whole. The intelligent
understanding of this process itself can bring about a profound change
in the consciousness of mankind…”
Source: http://www.indianembassy.ru/docs-htm/en/en_hp_win_official_direct_t075.htm 41
Self Expolration
Self-Exploration, Self-investigation

Content of Self Exploration:

a. Desire - Aim, Objective, Purpose
What do I want to achieve?

b. Program– Process of achieving the desire, action

How do I achieve it ?

2. Process of Self Exploration

a. Whatever is stated is a Proposal Do
not assume it to be true/ false
Verify it on your own right
b. Self-verification

Process of Self-verification


1 Verify 2 Experiential Validation

on the basis
Of Live according to it
your 2a 2b
Behaviour with Work with
Human Beings Rest of Nature

Mutual Happiness Mutual Prosperity

Proposal – Listening – Self-exploration – Seeing the Reality (meaning)

Not Self-exploration
Proposal – Listening – Comparing with preconditioning – Agreeing /

Proposal – Listening – Assuming it to be True / False – Preconditioning

Proposal – Not Listening

Happiness Unhappiness
The state or situation, in which I The state or situation, in which I
live, live,

if there is harmony / synergy in it, if there is disharmony /

contradiction in it,
then it is Naturally Acceptable to then it is not Naturally Acceptable
me to be in that state / situation to me to be in that state /
To be in a state / situation which is To be forced to be in a state /
Naturally Acceptable is situation which is not Naturally
Happiness Acceptable is Unhappiness

To be in in a state of Harmony / To be forced to be in a state of

Synergy is Happiness Disharmony / Contradiction is
Happiness = To be in Harmony Unhappiness = Disharmony
Happiness Continuity of Happiness
The state or situation, in which I State / Situation in which I live or
live, Expanse of my Being:
1. As an Individual
if there is harmony / synergy in it, 2. As a member of a Family
3. As a member of Society
then it is Naturally Acceptable to
me to be in that state / situation 4. As an unit in Nature/Existence

To be in a state / situation which is Continuity of Happiness =

Naturally Acceptable is Harmony at all levels of my
Being. i.e.
1. Harmony in the Human Being
To be in a state of Harmony /
Synergy is Happiness 2. Harmony in the Family
3. Harmony in the Society
4. Harmony in Nature/Existence
Happiness = To be in Harmony
Continuity of Happiness
Happiness = To Be in Harmony

Expanse of my Being:
1. As an Individual
2. In Family
3. In Society
4. In Nature/Existence

Continuity of Happiness = Harmony at all levels of my Being. i.e.

5. Harmony in the Human Being
6. Harmony in the Family
7. Harmony in the Society
8. Harmony in Nature/Existence

Program for Continuity of
To understand the Harmony at all levels of my Being
1. Harmony in the Human Being Scope of Understanding
2. Harmony in the Family
3. Harmony in the Society
4. Harmony in Nature/Existence

To live in Harmony at all levels of my Being

1. As an Individual
2. In Family
3. In Society Scope of Living
4. In Nature/Existence

Sum Up
Basic Human Aspiration = Happiness & Prosperity  Continuity
Happiness = To be in a state of harmony
Expanse of my Being = 4 levels
Family, Society,
Continuity of Happiness = Harmony at all 4
levels of my Being
Program for Continuity of Happiness =
Understanding the Harmony & Living in
Harmony… at all 4 levels of my Being 44

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