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Concrete, Abstract, and Gender of Nouns

Concrete and Abstract Nouns
• Most Nouns that represent people, animals, plants, and
places that can be recognized by the bodily senses.
• Examples are nouns you can see, hear, touch, smell, and

sofa radio curtains

machine comb headset
keyboard mirror speaker
Abstract Nouns
• Nouns that you cannot see, hear, touch, smell, or taste.
• These nouns are name, ideas, actions, conditions, or
• They have no form.

hatred melody energy

companionship joy silence
surprise bliss eagerness
Gender of Nouns
• Nouns that vary in gender: masculine, feminine, common,
and neuter.
1. Masculine Nouns- pertains to the male gender
Ex. Grandfather, nephew, king, cock, count, uncle, priest,
prince, janitor, minister

2. Feminine Nouns- pertains to the female gender

Ex. sister, enchantress, hostess, empress, duchess, nun,
aunt, niece, countess, masseuse
3. Common Gender- nouns pertaining to either male or
Ex. playmate, neighbor, professor, player, driver, speaker,
friend, mentor, cashier, aide

4. Neuter Gender- Nouns that pertain to inanimate objects

or non-living things that cannot have a gender
Ex. plate, plant, antenna, stars, stove, glass, router, oven,
magazines, mall

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