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Ecological Sustainability
Ecological VS Environmental

Coined by German biologist, Ernst Haeckel

from the Greek word oikos, meaning "house"
or "dwelling"

Oxford dictionary defined

sustainability as "the ability to be
maintained at a certain rate or level"
Ecological Sustainability
According to the University of Gävle, ecological sustainability
means to conserve for a long period of time the productivity of the
waters, the soil and the ecosystems.
According the KTH Royal Institute of technology, ecological
sustainability includes all things that is connected with the
ecosystem of the Earth. Which includes the stability of climate
systems, the quality of air, land and water, land use and soil erosion,
biodiversity and ecosystem services.
According to Perrings (1991) said that "The concept of ecological
sustainability requires that at least some stocks of environmental
assets be prevented from rising above or falling below certain
threshold levels."
Why is Ecological sustainability
Unsustainable ecology could lead to:

•Loss of biodiversity
•Land degradation
•Increase of pollution
•Climate Change
•Species extinction
•Ecosystem Degradation
•Ecosystem collapse
Principles of ecological sustainability
The six principles of Ecological Sustainability according Robert Costanza:

1. Responsibility
2. Scale-Matching
3. Precaution
4. Adaptive Management
5. Full cost Allocation
6. Participation
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