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Readings In

Erodiaz, John Carlo
Fonce, Froilan
Lora, Laurence Ford
Ledesma, Ivan Randolph
Paul, Peter

A payneta is an ornamental comb that Filipinas in the old days
wore in their hair, sometimes with a veil
In 19th century Philippine colonial society, clothing
changes occurred between generations and during
one’s lifetime. Differences in wealth and status
achieved between generations, or changes of
fortune over the course of one’s life, could and
have engendered changes in some people’s
appearance. a pure native woman or mestiza who
displayed the traditions of her race by wearing the
light and beautiful native ensemble consisting of a
skirt or saya suelta, an embroidered piña baro so
short that it only fell above the navel, an
ornamented comb (payneta), small earring and tiny
slippers-- up until the time she marries.
Our idea about the Peineta artifact is that it is once
made of tortoise shell but now it is usually made of
synthetic materials such as acrylic or plastic. And
due to Spanish influence, old generations of Filipina
women used to wear elaborate payneta or
bejeweled combs. It is very known to wear during
special occasions, the origin of the Peineta back to
the 19th century in Spain. Our belief is that there is
an evidence of its use on the Iberian Peninsula as
early as the 5th century BCE and in other areas
from the 17th century. Lastly the values that people
hold is that more than just something that keeps the
hair in place, the combs are believed to show one’s
social status. The more bejeweled the comb, the
richer the wearer.
Educational Impact
Studying the cultural traits and values from the
past, are great in our course because it increase
our knowledge about history.
It also helps us to expand well understanding of the
world in which we live. Raising Comprehension and
mastery of historical artifact from over the past
century, enables us to develop much prominent
appreciation momentarily.
Knowing history is important because it allows us to
understand our past, which in turn allows us to
understand our present. History is the study of the
development of business administration.

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