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LAC Study

Teacher I Banadero HS
By the end of this Module,
Lesson 1: Course Overview
you will be able to
describe what this course Lesson 2: Organizing your
is about Learning Action Cell (LAC)
and how it will help you LAC Session 1
manage the teaching-
learning process in the
MODULE 1: Lesson 1
Stop and Reflect!
Module 1
Activity 1

The Learning Delivery Modalities 2 Course (LDM2) provides a self-directed and

output-oriented delivery mode for the teacher-participants where they are asked to
provide outputs and reflect on each activity in every module.
Activity 1

I believe nothing is sure unless it is tested and tried, all of the efforts and time given
for these sessions and module will only be fruitful once teachers placed them into
action. This course can only achieve its end goal once the teachers are equipped with
the knowledge and skills and as well as given the extra time to perform all the duties
that they have along with this one.
Activity 1

I am grateful that the team I belong with is full of competent teachers, I learn a lot
from them and somehow it gave me time to ponder on the discussions and activities
after each sessions.
Activity 2

I don’t actually know how I should answer this question, Of Course my characteristics will affect the way I
view the course, I am a very realistic person and I understand that not all plans will work the way I wanted
to and even if most of the time I feel overwhelmed with all the requirements that my Department is asking
from me, I still choose to do my best in every activity and make sure that there is a Work-Life Balance in
my life for the benefit of my mental health.
Activity 2

No one is perfect, we all have flaws. I’ll just do my best and if things will not go the way I planned or the
way I wanted. I just let it go. Just like what I mentioned earlier, I want to maintain a balanced life because in
that way I will be able to be of service for a longer time. I believe that taking care of myself is also taking
care of my students and my country.

(What is it that I repeatedly (What will prevent me from (What will push me to (Where will I accomplish the

do that may affect my participating fully in this participate in this course?) requirements of this course?

participation in the course in course?) Describe this environment.)

a positive or negative way?)

I always try to do my best TIME. 24 hours a day is Salary. My family. -I am At home (Work from
whenever I am given a not enough to finish all the very transparent and home) . Working from
task, the negative part is requirements of the realistic and that what home has its own
that I expect people to do Department not only for motivates me. :p advantages and
the same. this session but also with disadvantages, but
the other work loads and somehow, as of the
responsibilities that we moment I really love the
have Work from home setup
since I am able to take
care of my kids while
Your Learning
Action Cell
Module 1
Activity 1

1. Reflect on the objectives for conducting LAC sessions as listed in DO 35, s. 2016.
Rank the following objectives from easiest to the most difficult to achieve:
__2__ To improve the teaching-learning process to improve learning among students
__4__ To nurture successful teachers
__1__ To enable teachers to support each other to continuously improve their content and pedagogical
knowledge, practice, skills, and attitudes
__3__ To foster a professional collaborative spirit among School Heads, teachers, and the community as a
Activity 1

2. What are the top three challenges to having a successful LAC? List down and elaborate.

1. Proper Schedule of LAC - Schedule should be upon the consensus of the group considering the
availability of the majority.

2. Relevance of the Topics - LAC topics should be on-point to the reality and what the current challenges
are , it is of no use to study things that will not be so relevant to the future, learning a new skill should be
usable in the current times.

3. Stable communication lines - This is uncontrollable that is why every session should be recorded so that
if a member got cut-off she can still comeback to check the session at her earliest convenience. I believe we
teachers are professional enough to look for a good spot with great connectivity and I am sure most of us
are doing our best to be present in the sessions.
Activity 3
Activity 1
Activity 1

This wave represented the challenges that I encountered while working with the
LAC Sessions. The Higher Part of the waves represent the times that I am a stressed
while the lower part represents the times that I am calm and relaxed. As you can see
in the figure shows that most of the time, I am stressed-out with the activities and
responsibilities but once it is done, I feel calmed and accomplished.

MODULE 2: Lesson

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