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Writing the Thesis Sentence

IELTS Writing Class

IELTS Preparation Programme
Leiden Institute
1. Writing the Thesis Sentence
2. Opinion
3. Discussion
4. Discussion and Opinion
5. Evaluation
Writing Style adalah Gaya Penulisan Thesis
Sentence yang digunakan dalam Task 2.

Disini, istilah Writing Style dimaksudkan untuk

membedakan bagaimana caranya penulis
menyampaikan gagasan di keseluruhan tulisan,
baik itu di dalam Introduction, Body Paragraphs,
serta Conclusion berdasarkan Essay Type (jenis-
jenis tulisan).
Thesis Sentence


Thesis Sentence
Discussion and Opinion

Thesis Sentence
Penulisan Thesis Sentence dengan memberikan
pendapat penulis (Writer’s Opinion) secara

Penulisan Thesis Sentence dengan cara membahas
dua hal yang berbeda atau dua hal yang
Thesis Sentence
Discussion and Opinion.
Penulisan Thesis Sentence dengan cara membahas
dua hal yang berbeda terlebih dahulu, lalu
memberikan pendapat penulis (Writer’s Opinion).

Penulisan Thesis Sentence dengan cara memberikan
evaluasi terhadap suatu pernyataan yang tertulis di
dalam soal.

IELTS Writing Class

IELTS Preparation Programme
Leiden Institute
Opinion adalah jenis tulisan yang membahas
suatu topik dengan memberikan Thesis
Statement berbentuk Strong View.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement?
It is argued that governments should levy a tariff
on junk food because the number of health risks
associated with consuming this kind of food is
on the rise. This essay agrees that a higher rate
of tax should be paid by fast food companies.
Nowadays, parenting is considered a very
important role in almost every society. This
essay agrees that school students should
definitely receive parenting training, and also
believe that effective communication and
teaching are two of the most important skills a
good parent should have.

IELTS Writing Class

IELTS Preparation Programme
Leiden Institute
Discussion adalah jenis tulisan yang membahas
suatu topik dengan dua sudut pandang berbeda.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.
When they finish school, teenagers face the
dilemma of whether to get a job or continue
their education. While there are benefits to
getting a job straight after school, there are
also good reasons why it might be beneficial to
go to college or university.
Opinion VS Discussion

IELTS Writing Class

IELTS Preparation Programme
Leiden Institute
Opinion VS Discussion
Introduction Introduction
1. Background Sentence 1. Background Sentence
2. Thesis Sentence 2. Outline Sentence

Body 1 - The 1st Supporting Argument Body 1 - The 1st View

3. Topic Sentence 3. Topic Sentence
4. Reason Sentence 4. Reason Sentence
5. Example Sentence 5. Example Sentence
6. Result Sentence
6. Result Sentence

Body 2 - The 2nd Supporting Argument

Body 2 - The 2nd View
7. Topic Sentence
7. Topic Sentence
8. Reason Sentence
8. Reason Sentence
9. Example Sentence
9. Example Sentence
10. Result Sentence
10. Result Sentence
11. Summary Sentence Conclusion
12. Restatement of Thesis Sentence Summary Sentence of Two Viewpoints
Discussion and Opinion

IELTS Writing Class

IELTS Preparation Programme
Leiden Institute
Discussion and Opinion
Discussion and Opinion adalah jenis tulisan yang
membahas suatu topik dengan memberikan dua sudut
pandang di Body 1 dan 2, serta memberikan pendapat
pribadi di akhir. Jenis Writing Style ini menggabungkan
antara Discussion dan Opinion.
1. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
2. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
There is little doubt about how vital it is for
people to adopt a healthy lifestyle, but there are
conflicting views as to who should be
responsible for its promotion and enforcement.
Although some believe that the government
should shoulder this responsibility, others,
myself included, think it should be every
individual’s duty.

IELTS Writing Class

IELTS Preparation Programme
Leiden Institute
Evaluation adalah jenis struktur tulisan yang
membahas dan mengevaluasi suatu topik, baik itu
Problems and Solutions, Causes and Effects, Causes
and Solutions dan juga Two-part Question.

What are some of these problems? And what
measures can do to reduce … ?

Climate change is among the principal

dangers facing people this century and
ocean levels are increasing dramatically.
This essay will first suggest that the
biggest problem caused by this
phenomenon is the flooding of homes
and then submit building flood protection
as the most viable solution.

In many modern communities, young

people no longer appreciate old age
as a symbol of reverence. This essay
will try to identify the factors
contributing to this and also explain
some of the issues it is likely to
create in modern communities.

In some nations, people are getting heavier

and standards of health and well-being are
falling. This essay will suggest that the
principal cause of these issues is the type
of nourishment they are eating and submit
a government education program as a
viable solution, followed by a reasoned

In today’s society, some parents are

becoming increasingly permissive. They do
not impose sufficient discipline on their
children, and in some cases buy them too
many things. This essay will explore why
this is not a good way to raise children and
why it will have negative impacts upon
them in future.
Materi Writing Style ini hanya untuk memperkenalkan jenis-jenis
tulisan secara keseluruhan saja, adapun pembahasan secara
lebih dalam mengenai Thesis Sentence akan diberikan pada
pertemuan ke tujuh.

Jadi pada intinya, IELTS Students hanya diminta untuk

menganalisa jenis apakah tulisan itu, apakah:
1. Opinion
2. Discussion
3. Discussion and Opinion
4. Evaluation
Inti dari materi Writing Style ini adalah sebagai berikut:
Essay Type Writing Style
Agree or Disagree 1 Opinion
Agree or Disagree 2 Discussion and Opinion
Both Views 1 Discussion
Both Views 2 Discussion and Opinion
Advantages and Disadvantages 1 Discussion
Advantages and Disadvantages 2 Discussion and Opinion
Problems and Solutions Evaluation
Causes and Effects Evaluation
Causes and Solutions Evaluation
Two-part Question Evaluation

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