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Waldeyer's tonsillar ring

The ring acts as a first line of defence against microbes that enters the
.body via the nasal and oral routes

Waldeyer’s ring consists of four tonsillar structures the pharyngeal,

tubal, palatine and lingual tonsils, as well as small collections of
lymphatic tissue disbursed throughout the mucosal lining of
.the pharynx (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, MALT)
1. Pharyngeal tonsil
2. Tubal tonsils (x2)
3. Palatine tonsils (x2)
4. Lingual tonsil
Pharyngeal tonsil adenoids

Tubal tonsils
Palatine tonsils

Lingual tonsil
Immune function
• Immune system's first line of defense against ingested or inhaled
foreign pathogens.
• Tonsils have on their surface specialized antigen capture cells called M
cells that allow for the uptake of antigens produced by pathogens.
These M cells then alert the underlying B cells and T cells in the tonsil
that a pathogen is present and an immune response is stimulated.
• B cells are activated and proliferate in areas called germinal centres in
the tonsil. These germinal centres are places where B memory cells are
created and secretory antibody (IgA) is produced.
• Tonsils produce T lymphocytes, also known as T-cells, in a manner
similar to, but different from, the way the thymus does.
Tonsilitis : Tonsillitis is inflammation • •
of the tonsils
• Signs and symptoms of tonsillitis
include swollen tonsils, sore throat,
difficulty swallowing and tender
lymph nodes on the sides of the neck.
Tonsillolith : It is material that • •
accumulates on the tonsil. They can
range up to the size of a peppercorn
.and are white/cream in color
• The main substance is mostly
calcium,they Have a strong
unpleasant odor because of hydrogen
sulfide and methyl mercaptan and
other chemicals

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