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Plural Nouns

Plural means more than one

Usually you just add an s if something is plural (if
there is more than one.)

Singular Plural
one cow two cows
one chicken two chickens
one boy two boys
one girl two girls
Add es if the word ends in
s, sh, ch, x, or z

Singular Plural

bus buses
church churches
wish wishes
box boxes
If a noun ends in a consonant and a y, change the y to i and
add es

bunny bunnies
story stories
cherry cherries
If it ends in a vowel and y, just add s

a, e, i , o, u

monkey monkeys
day days
play plays
Irregular - not regular

These are nouns that do not follow the rules:

Singular Plural
mouse mice
goose geese
ox oxen
tooth teeth
woman women
These nouns stay the same when they are plural:

If a singular noun ends in an f or fe, change the f to
ves to make it plural.

wolf - wolves
knife - knives
life - lives
wife - wives
calf - calves
shelf -
Choose the correct plural form of the

dog -- dogs or doges

church-- churchs or churches
baby-- babys or babies
monkey--monkeys or monkies
sheep -- sheep or sheeps
child--childs or children
Make the words below plural by adding s or es.

couch lunch

cup bug

bus tape

es es es
s ss s es es
Possessive Nouns

Add 's to show ownership (singular)

add ' if the word is plural and already has an s

my mom's car
3 students' books

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