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শিক্ষক পরিচিতি ।
What is called Narration?
• বক্তা যাহা বলে তাহাই narration বা উক্তি।
• Narration দুই প্রকার :
Direct Narration এর সংজ্ঞা ।
• Direct Narration: যখন কোন কথা কে পরিবর্ত ন না করে
অবিকল সে ভাষাই ব্যক্ত করা হয় তখন তাকে Direct Narration
বলে। ইহাকে inverted commas এর মধ্যে রাখা হয়।
• He said to her, “I am ill”
Indirect Narration এর সংজ্ঞা ।
• Indirect Narration: যখন কোন উক্তি কে পরিবর্ত ন করে, সেই
উক্তিকে ব্যক্ত করা হয়,তখন তাকে Indirect Narration বলে।
• He told her that he was ill.
• 1. Assertive Sentence:
• A. Affirmative Sentence:
• Subject +verb+ex.
• Ratna goes to school.
• B. Negative Sentence.
• Subject + helping Verb + not + main verb+ ex.
• Ratna does not go to school.
• 2. Interrogative Sentence.
• A. Helping verb + Subject + Main Verb + ex + ?
• Does Ratna go to school ?
•B. Wh- word + helping V. + subject + Main V. + ex+ ?
• Whom does Ratna love most Sentence
• 3. Imperative Sentence.
• A. Main Verb + Ex.
• Post the letter.
• B. Please / Kindly + v1 + ex.
• Please, help the poor.
• Kindly, give me your pen.
• C. Do not / Never + V1+ex.
• Do not hate the poor.
• Never tell a lie.
•D. Let us / let’s + V1+ex.
• Let us arrange a party. Sentence
• Let’s go to Dhaka.
•E. Let + obj ( Us ব্যাতীত ) +V1+ex
• Let her sing a song.
• 4. Optative Sentence.
• A. May + Allah / God + V1+ex.
• May Allah help you in your danger.
• B. May + subject + V1+ex.
• May you be happy in your life.
• C. Verb + ex.
• Live long our president.
•5. Exclamatory Sentence.
• A. Hurrah! / Bravo! / Wow! + Sentence
subject + Verb + ex.
• Hurrah ! We have won the game.
•B. Alas ! / Oh ! / Oh that ! + subject + Verb + ex.
• Alas! Suman is undone.
• C. How + adjective / Adverb + subject + verb + ex !
• How beautiful Sinigdha is !
D. What + a/an +adjective +noun + ex +subject+Verb !
What an ugly boy Rana is !
E. If / Had / were / Would that + Subject + Verb + ex !
If I were a king !
1. Simple Present:
• Subject + V1 + ex . TENSE
• Ratna goes to school.
2. Present Continuous:
• Subject + am/is/are+ V1+ing+ex.
• Ratna is going to school.
3. Present Perfect:
•Subject + have / has + V3 + ex.
• Ratna has gone to school.
4. Present Perfect Continuous:
• Subject + have been / has been + V1+ing+ex.
•Ratna has been going to school.
1. Simple Past:
• Subject + V2 + ex . TENSE
• Ratna went to school.
2. Past Continuous:
• Subject + was/were+ V1+ing+ex.
• Ratna was going to school.
3. Past Perfect:
•Subject + had + V3 + ex.
• Ratna had gone to school.
4. Past Perfect Continuous:
• Subject + had been + V1+ing+ex.
•Ratna had been going to school.
1. Simple Future:
• Subject + shall/will/can/may/must + V1 + ex .
• Ratna will go to school.
2. Future Continuous:
• Subject + shall be / will be + V1+ing+ex.
• Ratna will be going to school.
3. Future Perfect:
•Subject + will have/ shall have + V3 + ex.
• Ratna will have gone to school.
4. Future Perfect Continuous:
• Subject + will have been / shall have been + V1+ing+ex.
•Ratna will have been going to school.
Person Person এবং Number এর বিভিন্ন রুপ।

Number Subj Obj Posse- Double Reflexive pro

ssive Poss.
I me my mine myself

We us our ours ourselves

You you your yours yourself

You you your yours yourselves

He him his his himself
Singular She her her hers herself

Plural They them their theirs themselves

Direct Narration in a Diagram

He said to her, “I am fine.”

je ct

Ve rb O b

ng g

o rti tin

Rep por

The ways of Changing Persons and their forms in Narration
1. 1st Person of Direct Narration in Reported Speech follows Reporting
2. The reporting subject follows the forms of 1st person in reported
1st Person Subject 1st Person Possessive

Dir : Rima said to me, “ I went to your house with my

father whom I love most.”
1st Person Subject
Indir: Rima told me that she had gone to my house with
her father whom She loved most.
The ways of Changing Persons and their forms in Narration

1. 2nd Person of Direct Narration in Reported Speech follows Reporting

2. The reporting object follows the forms of 2nd persons in reported

Dir : Rana said to me, “You are careless about your study.”

Ind : Rana told me that I was careless about my study.

The ways of Changing Persons and their forms in Narration

1. 3rd Person of Direct Narration in Reported Speech does not follow

any reporting Subject or Object.
2. 3rd Person of Direct Narration in Reported Speech will remain

Dir : Rana said to me, “ She is ill”

Ind : Rana told me that she was ill.
• Note-1 : “You” Main Verb এর পূর্বে অথবা Helping Verb ও Main Verb এর
মাঝখানে থাকলে উক্ত “You” কে Subject হিসেবে গণ্য করা হয়।
Reported Speech এ “You” এর বিভিন্ন রুপ
• Note-2 : “You” Main Verb এর পরে অথবা Preposition এর পরে থাকলে উক্ত
উদাহরনের মাধ্যমে দেখানো হলো।
“You” কে Object হিসেবে গণ্য করা হয়।

2nd person 2nd person

Object Subject
• Dir: He said to me, “ I love you because you love me and I think I live
in you.”

2nd person Object

Ind: He told me that he loved me because I loved him and he thought

he lived in me.
উদাহরনের মাধ্যমে PERSON এর পরিবর্ত ন দেখানো
Reporting Sub 2nd Person Subj
Reporting Obj 1st Person Poss

• Direct : He said to me , “ You are my best1 Person

friend Poss st

2nd Person Subj 1st Person Obj

because you are ready to help me in my danger.”

Indirect: He told me that I was his best friend because

I was ready to help him in his danger.
Direct Indirect Direct Indirect
Reporting Verb টি V2 অথবা Past Tense হলে Reported Speech এ
This বিদ্যমান
Thatকিছু শব্দের পরিবর্তToday
ন নিম্ন উপায়ে হয়। তবে V 2 অথবা Past
That dayনা
হলে কোন পরিবর্ত ন হবে না ।
These Those Tomorrow The next day

Here There Yesterday The previous day

Ago before Last month The previous month

Come go To night That night

Thus so Last night The previous night

Hither Thither Next week The following week

Here There Now Then

Direct Indirect Direct Indirect

Shall Should/ Would Have to Had to

Will Would/Should Had to Had to

May Might Ought to Ought to

Can Could Need to Needed to

Should Should Need Needed

Would Would

Might Might

Could Could
Examples (উদাহরণ)
Dir: He said to her , “ I shall go to you tomorrow.
Ind: He told her that he would go to her the next day.

Dir : I said to him , ”You might go”.

Ind: I told him that he might go.

Dir: He has said to her , “ I shall go to you tomorrow.

Ind : He has told her that he will go to her tomorrow.

DirectVerb টি V2 অথবা Past Tense হলে ReportedIndirect
Reporting Speech এ
বিদ্যমান Tense এর পরিবর্ত ন নিম্ন উপায়ে হয়। V 2 অথবা Past Tense না হলে
Simple Present Tenseকোন পরিবর্ত ন হবে না । Simple Past Tense

Present Continuous Past Continuous

Present Perfect Past Perfect

Present Per Continuous Past Per Continuous

Simple Past Past Perfect

Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Past Perfect

Past Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous

Future Tense Future in the past tense

Examples (উদাহরণ)
Direct: He says, “I am ill.”
Indir : He says that he is ill.
Simple Present

Dir: He said, “I write a letter.”

Simple Past

Ind: He said that he wrote a letter.

Dir: I say, "She is well."

Ind: I say that she is well.
Dir: He said, “I write a letter.”
Assertive Sentence EXAMPLES:
Ind: He said that he wrote a letter.
Dir: He said, “I do not write a letter.”
Ind: He said that he did not write a letter.
Dir: He said, “I am writing a letter.”
Ind: He said that he was writing a letter.
Dir:He said, “I have written a letter.”
Ind: He said that he had written a letter.
Dir:He said, “I have been writing a letter.”
Ind: He said that he had been writing a letter.
Dir:He said, “I wrote a letter.”
Ind: He said that he had written a letter.
Dir: He said, “I did not write a letter.”
Assertive Sentence EXAMPLES:
Ind: He said that he had not written a letter.
Dir: He said, “I was writing a letter.”
Ind: He said that he had been writing a letter.
Dir: He said, “I shall write a letter.”
Ind: He said that he would write a letter.
Dir:He said, “I shall be writing a letter.”
Ind: He said that he would be writing a letter.
Dir:He said, “I shall have written a letter.”
Ind: He said that he would have written a letter.
Dir:He said, “I have to write a letter.”
Ind: He said that he had to write a letter.
Examples (উদাহরণ)

1. She said, "I was reading."

=She said that she had been reading.
2. The boy said, "I had done the work."
=The boy said that he had done the work.
3. She said to me, "I shall help you."
=She told me that she would help me.
4. Rana said to me, "You will go home tomorrow."
=Rana told me that I would go home the next day.
5. He said, "I can finish the work."
=He said that he could finish the work.
• প্রদত্ত Direct Narration এ Reported Speech টি Assertive Sentence হলে
Assertive Verb
Indirect করার সময় Reporting Sentence
টি হবেNote-1:
say বা said, tell বা told এবং
Inverted Comma ( “ ” ) এর পরিবর্তে that বসে ।
• মন্ত্রঃ Reporting Object না থাকলে Reporting Verb টি হবে say বা said তবে
Reporting Object থাকলে Reporting Verb টি হবে tell বা told। যেমনঃ

Dir:He said, “I wrote a letter.”

Ind: He said that he had written a letter.
Dir:He said to me, “I shall be writing a letter.”
Ind: He told me that he would be writing a letter.
• Dir: Rana said to Mona, “ I went to your house with my
Assertive Sentence Note-1:
mother whom you love most but you were not at your
house and so we returned to our house.”
Ind: Rana told Mona that he had gone to her house with his
mother whom she loved most but she had not been at
her house and so they had returned to their house.
1. He said, "I love my mother and me."
=He said that he loved his mother and him.
2. He said to you, "I love my mother and me."
=He told you that he loved his mother and him.
3. She said, “I was ill."
=She said that she had been ill.
4. She said to me, "You love your mother and yourself."
=She told me that I loved my mother and myself.
5. I said, "She loves her mother and him."
=I said that she loved her mother and him.
7. I said to you, "She was doing EXamples
the sum."
=I told you that she had been doing the sum.
8. You said to her, "I bought this pen last year."
=You told her that you had bought that pen the previous year.
9. She said to me, "I am going to school.
=She told me that she was going to school.
10. She said to me, "I was going to school."
=She told me that she had been going to school.
11. He said, "I went there."
=He said that he had gone there.
• প্রদত্ত Direct Narration এ Reported Speech টি Assertive Sentence এবং
উক্ত Sentence এ বিদ্যমান Must Sentence Note-2:
দ্বারা যদি চিরস্থায়ী বাধ্যবাধকতা বুঝায় সেক্ষেত্রে,
Indirect করার সময় উক্ত Must এর কোন পরিবর্ত ন হবে না ।
• তবে উক্ত Must দ্বারা যদি ক্ষণস্থায়ী বাধ্যবাধকতা বুঝায় সেক্ষেত্রে, Indirect করার
সময় উক্ত Must এর এর পরিবর্তে উক্ত স্থানে Had to বসাতে হয় ।

Dir: I said to them, “ You must respect your superiors”

Ind: I told them that they must respect their superiors.
• Dir: Rana said to Mona, “ I must go to your house”
Assertive Sentence Note-1:
Ind: Rana told Mona that he had to go to her house.
Dir: She said, “I must go to Dhaka to meet her.”
Ind: She said that she had to go to Dhak to
meet her. a
Dir: Risa said to Zemi, “ You must obey your teachers”
Ind: Risa told Zemi that She (Z) must obey her (Z) teachers.

Dir: I said to them, “ You must respect your superiors”

Ind: I told them that they must respect their superiors.
• First person + must দ্বারা কোন ভবিষ্যৎ কাজের বাধ্যবাধকতা
বুঝাতে IndirectAssertive
speech-এ উক্ত
Sentence have to তে রুপান্তিত
must would
Dir: He said, “We must leave the house if
the rent is increased.”
Ind: He said that they would have to leave the house
if the rent was increased.
Assertive Sentence Note-4:

• Reported speech কোন Universal truth (চিরন্তন সত্য) or habitual

fact (অভ্যাসগত কর্ম) প্রকাশ করলে Reported speech এ – বিদ্যমান
Tense এর কোন পরিবর্ত ন হয় না।

Dir:He said, “The earth moves round the sun.”

Ind: He said that the earth moves round the sun.

• Dir: Rana said to Mona, “ Honesty is the best policy”
Assertive Sentence Note-1:
Ind: Rana told Mona that honesty is the best policy.
Dir: She said, “What is lotted can not be blotted.”
Ind: She said that what is lotted can not be
Dir: Risa said to Zemi, “ You must obey your teachers”
Ind: Risa told Zemi that She (Z) must obey her (Z)
Dir: I said to them, “ You must respect your superiors”
Ind: I told them that they must respect their superiors.
Assertive Sentence Note-5:
• Sub+Wish, would that , it is high time/ It is time
এর unreal past tense অপরিবর্তি ত থাকে।
• Direct: He said, “It is time we left the place.”

• Indirect: He said that it was time they

left the place.
Assertive Sentence Note-6:
• Reported Speech এ বিদ্যমান we দ্বারা যদি সমগ্র মানব
জাতিকে বোঝায় সেক্ষেত্রে উক্ত we এবং বিদ্যমান Tense
এর কোন পরিবর্ত ন হবে না।
Dir: He said to me, “ We are mortal.”

IND:He told me that we are mortal.

Assertive Sentence Note-7:

• Reported Speech এ বিদ্যমান Assertive

Sentence টি That দ্বারা শুরু হলে Indirect
করার সময় That এর স্থানে it বসাতে হয়।
• Direct: He said to me, “ That is nice.”

Indirect: He told me that it was nice.

Assertive Sentence Note-8:

• Reported Subject টি We এবং Reporting Subject বা Object টি

1st Person হলে Reported Speech এ বিদ্যমান We অপরিবর্তি ত থাকে।
• যেমনঃ
Direct : Mohona said to me, “We should do our duty.”

Indirect: Mohonatold me that we should

do our duty.
Dir: He said, “I write a letter.”
Assertive Sentence Note-1:
Ind: He said that he wrot a letter.
Dir: He said, “I do not writee a letter.”
Ind: He said that he did not write a letter.
Dir: He said, “I am writing a letter.”
Ind: He said that he was writing a letter.
Dir:He said, “I have written a letter.”
Ind: He said that he had written a letter.
Dir:He said, “I have been writing a letter.”
Ind: He said that he had been writing a letter.
Dir:He said, “I wrote a letter.”
Ind: He said that he had written a letter.
•প্রদত্ত Direct Narration এ Reported Speech টি Helping Verb দ্বারা শুরু
Interrogative Sentence, Note :-1
Interrogative Sentence হলে Indirect করার সময় Reporting Verb টি হবে ask
/ asked এবং Inverted Comma ( “ ” ) এর পরিবর্তে if / whether বসে
Key-1: if / whether এর পর সর্বদা Subject + Verb + Ex বসে।
Key-2: Do/Does = Simple Present. Did = Simple Past.
Key-3: Indirect Narration এ Negative Sentence ছাড়া Do /Does / Did,
Helping Verb হিসেবে বসবে না।
Dir: He said to her, “Will you buy my pen ? ”
Ind: He asked her if she would buy his pen.
Dir: He said to me, “Did you go to school yesterday? ”
Ind: He asked me if I had gone to school the previous day.
Dir: He said to her, “Are you ready to help me ?”
Ind: He asked her if she was ready to help him.
Dir: Rana said to Mina, “Do you like to help me ?”
Ind: Rana asked Mina if she liked to help him.
Dir: Rana said to Roxe, “Did I give you my pen? ”
Ind: Rana asked Roxe if he had given her his pen.

Dir: Joy said to Zemi, “Can I go to you to meet your mom ?”

Ind: Joy asked Zemi if he could go to her to meet her mom
Dir:I said to him, “Do you know that honesty is the.
best policy ?”
Ind: I asked him if he knew that honesty is the
best policy.
1. Dir : She said to me, ‘Do you take tea?’
Ind: She asked me if I took tea.
2. He said to her, ‘Did you come here yesterday?’
= He asked her if she had gone there the previous day.
3. Father said to his son, ‘Are you reading now?’ 
= Father asked his son if he was reading then. 
4.  He said to me, “Do you like music?”
=He asked me if I liked music. 
5. They said to me, “Did you go to school?”
= They asked me if I had gone to school.
•প্রদত্ত Direct Narration এ Reported Speech টি Wh
Interrogative Sentence, Note :-2

Word দ্বারা শুরু Interrogative Sentence হলে Indirect

করার সময় Reporting Verb টি হবে ask / asked এবং
Inverted Comma ( “ ” ) এর পরিবর্তে উক্ত Wh Word
টিকে বসাতে হয় উক্ত Wh Word এর পর সর্বদা Subject +
Ex :বসে
Verb + Dir । to me, “ What is your mother’s name?”
He said
Ind: He asked me What my mother’s name was.
Dir : Karim said to me, ‘Where did you go yesterday?’
Ind: Karim asked me where I had gone the previous day.
1.The man said to Kheya, ‘What is your name?’
=The man asked Keya what her name was.
3. He said to me, “how are you?”
 = He asked me how I was.
4. She asked his son, “why are you crying?”
= She asked her son why he was crying.
5.  She said to him, “why did you come late?”
=  She asked him why he had gone late.
6: He said, “when will they come?”
=  He asked when they would go.
•প্রদত্ত Direct Narration Interrogative
এ Reported Sentence, NoteSpeech
:-3 টি Which+Noun অথবা
What+Noun অথবা Whose+Noun দ্বারা শুরু Interrogative Sentence হলে
Indirect করার সময় Reporting Verb টি হবে ask / asked এবং Inverted
Comma ( “ ” ) এর পরিবর্তে উক্ত Which+Noun অথবা What+Noun অথবা
Whose+Noun কে বসাতে হয় এবং এর পর Subject + Verb + Ex বসে ।

Dir: He said to me, “ What class do you read in?”

Ind: He asked me What class I read in.
Dir: Karim said to me, ‘Which house do you want to buy?’
Ind: Karim asked me which house I wanted to buy.
Dir: He said to her, ‘Whose book do you want?’
He asked her whose book she wanted.
প্রদত্ত Direct Narration এ Reported Speech টি Wh Word দ্বারা শুরু
Interrogative Sentence, Note :-4

Interrogative Sentence এবং উক্ত Wh Word টি Reported Speech এর

Subject এর কাজ করলে, Indirect করার সময় Reporting Verb টি হবে ask /
asked এবং Inverted Comma ( “ ” ) এর পরিবর্তে উক্ত Wh Word টিকে
বসাতে হয়। উক্ত Wh Word এর পর সর্বদা Verb + Ex বসে।
Key: Who এবং What এর পর Helping Verb + Main Verb অথবা শুধু Main
Verb থাকলে উক্ত Who এবং What কে Subject হিসেবে গন্য করা হয়।

Dir : He said to me, “ Who helped you ?”

Ind: He asked me who had helped me.
Dir: He said to her, “ What made you sad?”
Ind: He asked her What had made her sad.
প্রদত্ত Direct Narration এ Reported Speech টি Main Verb দ্বারা শুরু Imperative Sentence
Imperative Sentence, Note :-1

হলে Indirect করার সময় Reporting Verb টি হবে অনুরোধ বোঝালে –request/requested,
আদেশ বোঝালে-order/ordered, উপদেশ বোঝালে- advise/advised, ক্ষমা বোঝালে-
beg/begged এবংকিছু না বুঝালে- tell/told বসেএবং । Inverted Comma ( “ ” ) এর পরিবর্তে to
Main Verb এর পূর্বেবসে । to এর পর সর্বদা V1 + Ex বসে ।
তবে প্রশাসনিক কোন উদ্ধতন কর্মকর্তানিম্ন কোন কর্মচারীকে কিছু করতে বলা বুঝালে Reporting
Verb হবে Command / Commanded ।

Dir : He said, “open the door”

Ind: He  ordered  to open the door.
Dir: The piper said to the mayor, “Give me promised money.”
Ind:The piper requested the mayor to give him (P) promised money.
Dir: Father said to me, “Do the work at once.”
Ind: Father ordered me to do the work at once.
Dir: The teacher said to the student, “Be attentive and
listen to my lecture.”
Ind: The teacher advised the student to be attentive
and listen to his lecture.
Dir: He said to his son, “Learn to be holiest from your boyhood.”
Ind: He advised his son to learn to be from from his (B)
Dir:My brother said to me, “Go to school now otherwise
you will be punished.”

Ind: My brother ordered me to g to school then

otherwise I would be punished.
• The army officer said to the soldier , “ March on”
• The army officer commanded the soldier to march on.
প্রদত্ত Direct Narration এImperative
Reported Note :-2 টি Main Verb দ্বারা শুরু
Imperative Sentence এবং উক্ত Sentence এ Please / Kindly থাকলে
Indirect করার সময় Please/Kindly উঠে গিয়ে, Reporting Verb টি হবে
request/requested এবং Inverted Comma ( “ ” ) এর পরিবর্তে to, Main
Verb এর পূর্বে বসে। toএর পর সর্বদা V1 + Ex বসে ।যেমনঃ

Dir: He said to his friends, “Please wait for me till I

Ind: He requested his friends to wait for him
till hereturned.
Dir: I said to him,“Please tell me the
Imperative Sentence, Note way
:-2 to the hospital.”

Ind: I requested him to tell me the way to the hospital.

Dir: Nipa said to Dipa, “Please give me your story

Ind: Nipa requested Dipa to give her(N) her(D)
story book.

Dir: He said to his friends, “Please wait for me till I

Ind: He requested his friends to wait for him
till hereturned.
প্রদত্ত Direct Narration এ Reported Sentence, Note :-3টি Do not /Never দ্বারা শুরু
Imperative Speech

Imperative Sentence হলে indirect করার সময় Reporting Verb টি হবে

advise /advised এবং Inverted Comma ( “ ” ) ও Do not/ Never এর
পরিবর্তে not to, Main Verb এর পূর্বে বসে । not to এর পর সর্বদা V1 + Ex বসে ।

Dir: He said to me, “ Do not tell a lie.”

Ind: He advised me not to tell a lie.
Dir: He said to me, “ Never tell a lie.”
Ind: He advised me not to tell a lie.
প্রদত্ত Direct Narration এ Reported
Imperative Sentence, Noteটি:-3
Speech Doএর অথবা
not /Never
। দ্বারা শুরু
Imperative Sentence হলে indirect করার সময় Reporting Verb টি হবে
forbid/forbade এবং Inverted Comma ( “ ” ) ও Do not/ Never এর
পরিবর্তে শুধু to, Main Verb এর পূর্বে বসে । to এর পর সর্বদা V1 + Ex বসে ।যেমনঃ

Dir: He said to me, “ Do not tell a lie.”

Ind: He forbade me to tell a lie.

Dir: He said to me, “ Never tell a lie.”

Ind: He forbade me to tell a lie.
Dir: Father said to me, “Do not waste your time.”
Imperative Sentence, Note :-3 এর উদাহরনঃ
Ind: Father advised me not to waste my time.

Dir: The teacher said to me,” Don’t elaborate your answer

Ind: The teacher advised me not to elaborate my
answers unnecessarily.

Dir: Father said to me, “Do not run in the sun.”

Ind: Father advised me not to run in the sun.
Dir: Father said to me, “Never go there.”
Ind Father advised me not to go there.
প্রদত্ত Direct Narration এ Reported Sentence,টিNote
ImperativeSpeech us /let’s দ্বারা শুরু Imperative
Let :-4
Sentence হলে indirect করার সময় Reporting Verb টি হবে propose / proposed ( to +
Object ) অথবা Suggest/ Suggested ( to + Object) এবং Inverted Comma ( “ ” )
এর পরিবর্তে that বসে । that এর পর সর্বদা Subject + should + V1 + Ex বসে।
Key: 1 Reporting Subject ও Object যেকোনো একটি 1st Person হলে that এর পর
Subject হিসেবে we, Reporting Subject ও Object উভয় 3rd Person হলে that এর পর
Subject হিসেবে they এবং Reporting Subject ও Object যেকোনো একটি 2nd Person এবং
অন্যটি 3rd Person হলে that এর পর Subject হিসেবে you বসে।

Dir: Ratna said to me, “ Let us play a game”

Ind: Ratna proposed to me that we should play a game.
Dir: Mina said to Rana, “ Let us go to school”
Ind: Mina proposed to Rana that they should go go to school.

Dir: Ratna said to Suman, “ Let us do our duty”

Ind: Ratna proposed to Suman that they should do their duty.
Dir:They said to me, “LetExamples
us decide the matter ourselves”.
Ind: They proposed to me that we should decide the
matter ourselves.
Dir: Anwar told Rana, “Let’s go and see.”

Ind: Anwar proposed to Rana that they should go

and see.

Dir: The visitors said to us, “let’s have a walk by the

river side.”
Ind:The visitors proposed to us that we should
have a walk by the riverside.
Dir: Rahim said to me, “Let us go toExamples
arrange a picnic.”
Ind: Rahim proposed to me that we should go to arrange a picnic.

Dir: They said to us, “Let us discuss the matter ourselves.”

Ind: They proposed to us that we should discuss the matter ourselves.

Dir: The teacher said to the student, “Let us discuss about gardening.”
Ind: The teacher proposed to the student that they should discuss about
Dir: The captain said, “Let us show Examples
respect to the freedom fighters.”

Ind: The captain proposed that they should show respect to the freedom

Dir: The boy said to me, “Let us have a visit to Ram Sagar.”
Ind: The boy proposed to me that we should have a visit to Ram Sagar.

Dir: He said to me, “Let us go there.”

Ind: He proposed to me that we should go there.

d. Dir: He said, ‘Let us go out for a walk’.

Ind: He proposed that they should go out for a
e. Dir: My friends said to me, ‘Let us go to Cox’s
Ind: My friends proposed to me that they should
go to Cox’s Bazar.
প্রদত্ত Direct Narration এ Reported টি Let
Imperative Sentence, :-5 + Object ( us ব্যতীত )
দ্বারা শুরু Imperative Sentence হলে indirect করার সময় Reporting Verb টি
হবে tell/told এবং Inverted Comma ( “ ” ) এর পরিবর্তে that বসে । that এর
পর সর্বদা Subject + might + V1 + Ex অথবা that এর পর subject + might be
allowed to + V1 + Ex বসে।যেমনঃ

Dir: He said to me, “ Let me do what I like to do.”

Ind: He told me that hemight do what he liked to do.
Ind: He told me that he might be allowed to do
what he liked to do.
প্রদত্ত Direct Narration এ Reported Speech টি Optative Sentence এবং উক্ত
Sentenceএ Allah / God এর নাম থাকলে,
Optative Sentence, করার:-1সময় Reporting Verb টি হবে
pray বা prayed এবং Inverted Comma ( “ ” ) এর পরিবর্তে that বসে । এবং that এর পর
সর্বদা Subject + might + V1 + Ex বসে। তবে Reporting Object, Reported Speech এ
বিদ্যমান থাকলে Ind করার সময় Reporting Object কে বসাতে হবে না।

Dir: He said," May God bless you with success!”

Ind: He prayed that God might bless me with success.
Dir: The Priest said to the lady, "May God bless you with a lovely son!"

Ind: The Priest prayed that God might bless the lady with a lovely son.
Optative Sentence, Note :-2

প্রদত্ত Direct Narration এ Reported Speech টি optative

Sentence এবং উক্ত Sentenceএ Allah / God এর নাম না
থাকলে, Indirect করার সময় Reporting Verb টি হবে wish
বা wished এবং Inverted Comma ( “ ” ) এর পরিবর্তে
that বসে । এবং that এর পর সর্বদা Subject + might + V1
+ Ex বসে।যেমনঃ
Dir : The old lady said to me," May you live long"
Ind The old lady wished me that I might live long.
:Dir:Ratna said to him, "May you prosper in your life”
Ind Ratn wishe him that he might prosperin his life.
: a d
1.Dir: People said," Long live our Examples
President !"
Ind : People prayed that their President might live long.
2. Dir: She said, "May your enemy go to hell !"
Ind: She cursed that my enemy might go to hell.
3.Seema said to me,"May God bless you with a son!"
=Seema prayed that God might bless me with a son.
4. She said to him."May you prosper in life!"
= She wished that he might prosper in life.
প্রদত্ত Direct Narration এ Reported Speech
Exclamatory টিNote:1
Sentence Exclamatory Sentence এবং উক্ত
Sentence এ Alas!/ Oh!/ Oh that! ইত্যাদি দুঃখসূচক Interjection থাক-লে, Indirect করার
সময়, উক্ত Interjection গুলো উঠে গিয়ে, Reporting Verb টি হবে exclaim / exclaimed
with sorrow এবং Inverted Comma ( “ ” ) এর পরিবর্তে that বসে । এবং that এর পর
সর্বদা Subject + V + Ex বসে।
মন্ত্রঃএক্ষেত্রে Reporting Object এবং Reported Speech এ 2nd Person থাকলে Indirect
করার সময় Reporting Object উঠে যাবে।

3. Dir: The student said, “Oh that ! My friend is dead."

Ind : The student exclaimed with sorrow that his

friend was dead.

1. Dir: The captain said, “Alas! I have lost the game.”

Ind: The captain exclaimed with sorrow that he had lost the

2. Dir: The Emperor said, ‘Oh! Our foes are too strong!’
Ind: The Emperor exclaimed with sorrow that their foes
were too strong.
প্রদত্ত Direct Narration এ Reported Speech
Exclamatory Sentence Note:2 টি Excla-matory Sentence

এবং উক্ত Sentence এ Hurrah! / Bravo!/ Wow! ইত্যাদি উল্লাসসূচক

Interjection থা-কলে, Indirect করার সময়, উক্ত Interjection গুলো উঠে গিয়ে,
Reporting Verb টি হবে exclaim / exclai-med with joy /excitement/
delight এবং Inverted Comma ( “ ” ) এর পরিবর্তে that বসে । এবং that এর
পর সর্বদা Subject + Verb + Ex বসে। যেমনঃ

Dir: He said,"Hurrah! I have passed the examination."

Ind: He exclaimed with delight that he had passed
the examination.

1. The boy said, ‘Hurrah! We have won the match.’

: The boy exclaimed with joy that they had won the
2. He said to her, “ Bravo! You have done well.”
: He praised her that she had done well.
3. He said, “ Wow! We have done it.”
: He exclaimed with excitement that they had
done it.
প্রদত্ত Direct Narration এExclamatory
Reported Speech
Sentence টি Excla-matory Sentence
এবং উক্ত Sentence টি How / What দ্বারা শুরু হলে, Indirect করার সময়,
Reporting Verb টি হবে exclaim / excl-aimed with (আনন্দ বুঝালে-joy
/delight, দুঃখ বোঝালে- sorrow/grief.বিস্ময় বোঝাতে- wonder/surprise) এবং
Inverted Comma ( “ ” ) এর পরিবর্তে that বসে । এবং that এর পর সর্বদা
Subject + V + Ex বসে।
মন্ত্রঃ Indirect করার উক্ত Exclamatory Sentence কে মনে মনে Assertive
Sentence করতে হবে।

Dir: She said to me, “What a funny person you are!”

Ind: She exclaimed with wonder that I was a very
funny person.

1. She said to me, “What a funny person you are!”

: She exclaimed with wonder that I was a very
funny person.
2. The boy said, ‘What a fool I am!’
: The boy exclaimed with wonder that he was a
great fool.
3. He said, ‘What a nice bird it is!’
: He exclaimed with wonder that it was a very nice bird.
e. The man said, ‘How dirty the house is!’
: The man exclaimed with wonder that the house
was very dirty.
Exclamatory Sentence Note:4

প্রদত্ত Direct Narration এ Reported Speech টি Excla-

matory Sentence এবং উক্ত Sentence টি If / Would
that / Had / Were / Could দ্বারা শুরু হলে, Indirect
করার সময়, Reporting Verb টি হবে Wish / Wished
এবং ( “ ” ) এর পরিবর্তে that বসে। এক্ষেত্রে Tense
অপরিবর্তি ত থাকবে। যেমনঃ
Dir:= He said, “Had I the wings of a bird!”
Ind : He wished that he had the wings

of a bird.
• Reported Speech এ Thank you / Salute you /
Congratulate you ইত্যাদি থাকলে,
COMMON 1 Narration টি হবে,
ঊক্ত Reporting Subj + thank / thanked / salute /
saluted / congratulate/ congratulated + Reporting
Object. যেমনঃ

• Dir : He said to me, “Thank you.”

• Ind He thanked me.
• :Dir : He said to her, “Salute you.”
• Ind: He saluted her.
• Dir : He said to me,“Congratulate you.”
• Ind: He congratulated me.
• Thanks / Congratulations ইত্যাদি থাকলে, Indirect
Narration টি হবে, COMMON
ঊক্ত Reporting Subj +
NOTES: 2 thank / thanked
/ congratulate/ congratulated + Reporting Object.

• Dir : He said to me, “Thanks.”

• Ind: He thanked me.
• Dir : He said to me,“Congratulations .”
• Ind: He congratulated me.
• Dir : They said to me, “Thanks.”
• Ind: • They thanked me.
• Reported Speech এ “ Sir” থাকলে, Indirect Narration
করার সময়,” Sir” উঠে দিয়ে Reporting
COMMON Subj3ও Reporting
Verb এর মাঝখানে Politely / respectfully বসাতে হয়। যেমনঃ

Dir : He said to me, “Sir, I need your help.”

Ind: He respectfully told me that he
needed my help.
• Dir : He said to me,“Will you go there
with me, sir? ”
Ind: He politely asked me if I should go
there with him.
Reported Speech এ “ Yes” অথবা “No” থাকলেএবং Yes / No এর পর Full-
stop অথবা Comma থাকলে, Indirect করার সময়,No এর ক্ষেত্রে, “No” উঠে দিয়ে
Reporting Subj এর পর replied in the negative এবং Yes এর ক্ষেত্রে,
“Yes” উঠে দিয়ে Reporting Subj এর পর replied in the affirmative বসাতে

• Dir : He said, “No.”

• Ind: He replied in the negative.
Dir : He said to me, “Yes, I will go with you .”
Ind: He replied in the affirmative and told me
that he would go with me.
• Reported Speech এ by Allah/ God/ Jove /My life ইত্যাদি
থাকলে, Indirect Narration
COMMONকরার সময়, Reporting
NOTES: 5 Subject
এর পূর্বে Swearing by Allah/God/Jove/My life ইত্যাদি + ,
বসাতে হয়। যেমনঃ

• Dir : He said to me , “By Allah, I did

not do it.”
Ind: Swearing by Allah, he told me that
he had not done it.
• Dir : He said to me,“ By God, I will
attend the function”
• Ind: Swearing by God, he told me that
he would attend the function.
• Reported Speech এ “ Good morning , Good Evening,
Good afternoon day ইত্যাদি
, Good NOTES:
COMMON 6 থাকলে, Indirect
Narration টি হবে, Reporting Subj + wish / wished +
Reporting Object + উক্ত শব্দগুলো অথবা : Reporting Subj +
wish / wished + উক্ত শব্দগুলো + to +Reporting Object
বসাতে হয়। যেমনঃ
• Dir : He said to me , “Good morning.”

• Ind: He wished me good morning.

• Ind: He wished good morning to me.
• Reported Speech এ “ Good night , Good bye, Ta-ta, Bye-
bye ইত্যাদি থাকলে, Indirect
COMMON Narration
NOTES:টি হবে,
6 Reporting Subj +
bid / bade + Reporting Object + উক্ত শব্দগুলো অথবা :
Reporting Subj + bid / bade + উক্ত শব্দগুলো + + to
+Reporting Object বসাতে হয়। যেমনঃ

• Dir : He said to me , “Good night.”

• Ind He bade me good night.

অথবা :
• Ind He bade good night to me.
• Reporting অংশটি শেষে থাকলে, Indirect করার সময়, Reporting
অংশটি শুরুতে বসবে। COMMON NOTES: 7
Dir: “What is your name ?” he said to me.
Ind: He asked me what my name was.

Dir : “No, I will not go there,” he said to me.

Ind: He replied in the negative and told

me that he would not go there.
• Reported Speech এ “ Dear, Brother, Sister, Uncle ইত্যাদি থাকলে,
Indirect Narration টি হবে, Reporting Subject এর পূর্বে, Addressing
as + উক্ত শব্দ গুলো + , বসাতে হয়। যেমনঃ

• Dir : Selim said to Spriha , “Dear, do not worry.”

• Ind: Addressing as dear, Selim advised Spriha

not to worry.

• Dir : He said to me,“ Brother, I need your help.”

• Ind: Addressing as brother, he told me that

he needed my help.
• 1.প্রথমে সম্পূর্ন Passage টি মনোযোগ দিয়ে পড়তে হবে।
• 2. এরপর বক্তাNOTES
এবং শ্রোতা
Onকে Passage
খুঁজে বের করতে হবে।
Narration: 1
• 3. প্রথমবারের জন্য বক্তা এবং শ্রোতা উভয়কেই উল্লেখ করতে হয়।এরপর
শ্রোতাকে উল্লেখ না করাই ভাল।
• 4. Inverted Comma (“ ”) এর বাহিরে কোন Clause অথবা
Phrase থাকলে তা কোন পরিবর্ত ন না হয়েই Sentence এর শুরুতে
Dir: “Are you a student?” Asked the principal of this
college, turning to Heya.
Indir: Turning to Heya, the principal of this college
asked if she was a student.
• 5. Direct Speech এ যদি Assertive Sentence হওয়া স্বত্ত্বে ও কোন
Sentence এর শেষে প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন (?) থাকে তাহলে বুঝতে হবে উক্ত চিহ্ন দ্বারা অবাক বা
NOTES On Passage Narration: 2
বিস্ময় প্রকাশ করা হয়েছে তাই Indirect Speech এর ক্ষেত্রে Reporting Subject
এর পূর্বে Being Surprised, লিখতে হবে এবং Reporting verb টিকে
ask/asked দ্বারা পরিবর্ত ন করতে হবে এবং Inverted Comma এর পরিবর্তে if বসে।

Dir: My father said to me,“You have remembered

how he looked all these years? ”
• Indir: Being surprised, my father asked me
if I had remembered how he had looked
all those years.
• 6. Direct Speech
NOTES এ যদিOn
PassageSubject ও Object
Narration: 3 উল্লেখ না থাকে
তাহলে Indirect Speech এ বক্তার ক্ষেত্রে the speaker এবং শ্রোতার ক্ষেত্রে the
listener ব্যবহার করতে হয়।

Dir: “Did you help the boy?” “Yes, I helped him last night.”

Indir: The speaker asked the listener if he (L) had helped

the boy. The listener replied in the affirmative and
said that he ( L) had helped him the previous night.
• Direct Speech এ একই বক্তার অধিনে একাধিক ভিন্ন প্রকারের Sentence থাকলে
Indirect করার সময় প্রতিটি Sentence কে And দ্বারা যুক্ত করতে হবে। ২য় বার And
Notes:7 on Passage Narration
ব্যবহার করতে হলে, ২য় And এর পূর্বে Full- stop বসাতে হয়।
• মন্ত্রঃ১ প্রতিটি Sentence ( “ ” ) দ্বারা আবধ্য রয়েছে এমনটি মনে মনে ধরে নিতে হবে
• মন্ত্রঃ২ প্রতিটি ( “ ” ) এর পরিবর্তে Sentence অনুযায়ী একটি Reporting Verb
এবং একটি Conjunction ( that / if / to / wh-word e.t.c.) বসবে।
• Dir: Ratna said to me, “ I called you. Are you busy ? Let us
drop the matter.”

• Ind: Ratna told me that she had called me and

asked if I was busy. And proposed that
we should drop the matter.


এর পক্ষ থেকে
সবাইকে ধন্যবাদ।
• Rima said to Suman, “ Where did you go yester day ? I went
to your house but I did not find you. I wanted to see you
that time.”
NOTES On Passage Narration:
• Rima asked Suman where he had gone the
previous day and said that she had gone to
his house but she had not found him. And
added that she had wanted to see him that time.
• Dir: Ratna said to Suman, “ Let me go.
Where is my ticket ? How unlucky I am!”
• Ind Ratna told Suman that she might be
:allowed to go and asked where her ticket
was. And exclaimed that she was very
• 8. Direct Speech এ একই বক্তার অধিনে একাধিক একই প্রকারের Sentence থাকলে Indirect
করার সময়, Assertive Sentence এর ক্ষেত্রে ,
Note On Passage Narration: 8
• ১ম Sentence এ- say/said/tell/told
• ২য় Sentence এ- and add / and added
• ৩য় Sentence এ-And also add/And also added
• Key:1 প্রতিটি Sentence ( “ ” ) দ্বারা আবধ্য রয়েছে এমনটি মনে মনে ধরে নিতে হবে
• Key:2 প্রতিটি ( “ ” ) এর পরিবর্তে Sentence অনুযায়ী একটি Reporting Verb এবং একটি
Conjunction ( that / if / to / wh-word e.t.c.) বসবে।

Dir: Ratna said to me, “ I phoned you. You did

not receive. I was surprized.”
Ind: Ratna told me that She had phoned me
and added that I had not received. And
also added that she had been surprised.
Rima said to Suman, “ I need your help. You wanted to
help me. I will come On
NOTES to you tomorrow.”
Passage Narration:
• Rima told Suma that she needed his help
and addednthat he had wanted to help her.
And also added that she would go to him
the next day.
• Dir: Ratna said to Suman, “ I went to your
house. I saw your mother. She informed
me about your success”
Ind: Ratna told Suman that she had gone to
his house an adde that she had seen his
mother. Andd also
d added that she (M) had
informed her about his success.
• Direct Speech এ একই বক্তার অধিনে একাধিক একই প্রকারের Sentence থাকলে
Indirect করার সময়, Interrogative Sentence এর ক্ষেত্রে ,
Note: (9) on Passage Narration:
• ১ম Sentence এ- ask / asked
• ২য় Sentence এ- and also ask / and also asked/ and further ask/ and further asked
• ৩য় Sentence এ- And also again ask / And also again asked

Key:1 প্রতিটি Sentence ( “ ”) দ্বারা আবধ্য রয়েছে এমনটি মনে মনে ধরে নিতে হবে
Key: 2 প্রতিটি ( “ ” ) এর পরিবর্তে reporting Verb এবং একটি Conjunction
if / wh-word) বসবে।
Dir: Rima said to Suman,“Do you know that honesty is the best policy?
Why don’t you follow it ? Don’t you want to be an honest man ?”

nd: Rima asked Suman if he knew that honesty is the best

policy and also asked why he didn’t follow it. And also
again asked if he didn’t want to be an honest man.
• Direct Speech এ একই বক্তার অধিনে একাধিক একই প্রকারের Sentence থাকলে
Indirect করার সময়, Interrogative Sentence এর ক্ষেত্রে ,
Note: (9) on Passage Narration:
• ১ম Sentence এ- ask / asked
• ২য় Sentence এ- and also ask / and also asked/ and further ask/ and further asked
• ৩য় Sentence এ- And also again ask / And also again asked
Key:1 প্রতিটি Sentence ( “ ”) দ্বারা আবধ্য রয়েছে এমনটি মনে মনে ধরে নিতে হবে
Key: 2 প্রতিটি ( “ ” ) এর পরিবর্তে reporting Verb এবং একটি Conjunction
if / wh-word) বসবে।
Dir: Ratna said to Suman, “ Won’t you go to market ? Don’t you
know that there is no food in the house ? Will you kill us ?”
nd: Ratna asked Suman if he wouldn’t go to market
and also asked if he didn’t know that there was no
food in the house. And also again asked if he would
kill them.
• Ind: Ratna asked Suman if he wouldn’t goto market and
also asked if he didn’t know that there was no food in
NOTES On Passage Narration:
the house. And also again asked if he would kill them.
10. প্রদত্ত Direct Speech এ দুই বা ততোধিক ব্যাক্তির মধ্যে Conversation
চলাকালে, কোন AssertiveNote on Sentence
Passage বা NoNarration:
বা Yes দ্বারা, একজন
10 ব্যাক্তি অন্য
ব্যক্তির প্রশ্নের উত্তর দেয়া বুঝালে, indirect করার সময়,reporting verb টি সর্বদা
reply/ replied অথবা answer / answered হবে এবং yes এর পরিবর্তে in the
affirmative বসবে ও No এর পরিবর্তে in the negative বসবে । উল্লেখ যে No বা
Yes দ্বারা একজন ব্যাক্তি অন্য ব্যক্তির প্রশ্নের উত্তর দেয়া না বুঝালে, উপরের
Dir: Ratnaপ্রয়োগ saidকরা যাবে না। “ Won’t you take me to the market
to Suman,
today?” “Yes, I will take you to the market. What will you buy
in the market?” Suman Said. “ I will buy a saree.”
Indir: Ratna asked Suman if he wouldn’t take her to the
market that day. Suman replied in the affirmative
that he would take her to the market and asked
What she would buy in the market. Ratna replied that
she would buy a saree.
10. প্রদত্ত Direct Speech এ দুই বা ততোধিক ব্যাক্তির মধ্যে Conversation
চলাকালে, কোন AssertiveNote on Sentence
Passage বা NoNarration:
বা Yes দ্বারা, একজন
10 ব্যাক্তি অন্য
ব্যক্তির প্রশ্নের উত্তর দেয়া বুঝালে, indirect করার সময়,reporting verb টি সর্বদা
reply/ replied অথবা answer / answered হবে এবং yes এর পরিবর্তে in the
affirmative বসবে ও No এর পরিবর্তে in the negative বসবে । উল্লেখ যে No বা
Yes দ্বারা একজন ব্যাক্তি অন্য ব্যক্তির প্রশ্নের উত্তর দেয়া না বুঝালে, উপরের
ব্যাখ্যাগুলো প্রয়োগ করা যাবে না।

Dir: Suman said to Lima, “Why did you utter ‘yes’?” “ I uttered
‘yes’ to show an affirmative response.”
Indir: Suman asked Lima why she had uttered ‘yes’. Lima
replied that she had uttered ‘yes’ to show an affirmative
11. প্রদত্ত Direct Speech এ দুই বা ততোধিক ব্যাক্তির মধ্যে Conversation
চলাকালে, Reported Note Speech এ বিদ্যমান, Narration:
on Passage একটি Word বা 11একটি শব্দগুচ্ছ দ্বারা,
একজন ব্যাক্তি অন্য ব্যক্তির Wh Question এর উত্তর দেয়া বুঝালে, indirect করার
সময়,reporting verb টি সর্বদা reply/ replied অথবা answer / answered হবে
এবং বক্তার প্রশ্নকে কেন্দ্র করে, উক্ত Word কে বা উক্ত শব্দগুচ্ছকে মনে মনে একটি
Assertive Sentence বানিয়ে Indirect করতে হয়।
Dir: Suman said to Lima, “How are you’?” Lima said,
“ Fine.” Suman said, “Why are you going to Dhaka?”
“ to face an interview.”
Indir: Suman asked Lima how she was. Lima replied that
she was fine. Suman asked why she was going to
Dhaka. Lima replied that she was going to Dhaka
to face an interview.
12. প্রদত্ত Direct Narration এ, Reported Speech এ শুধু “Why?”/ “How?”/
“When?”/“Where?” Noteথাকলে,
on Passage Narration: 12
Indirect করার সময়, reporting verb টিহবে want to know অথবা wanted to know এবং
wh word এর জন্য, Why থাকলে the reason, how থাকলে the way, When থাকলে the
time, where থাকলে the place বসাতেহয়অথবাঃ ।
Reporting verb টিহবে ask বা asked এবং inverted comma এর পরিবর্তে উক্তWh Word
টিকে বসাতে হবে। উল্লেখ যে, যে Assertive / imperative ( Let + us) কে কেন্দ্রকরে, প্রদত্ত wh
word +? ব্যাবহার করা হয়েছে সেই Assertive / imperative ( Let + us) Sentence কে কেন্দ
করে, উক্ত wh word +? দ্বারা মনে মনে একটি Interrogative Sentence বানিয়ে Idirect
Dir: Limaকরতেহবে । Suman, “Ratna called you” Suman said,“ Why?”
said to
Indir: Lima told Suman that Ratna had called him. Suman wanted to
know the reason.
অথবা Lima told Suman that Ratna had called him. Suman asked
why she had called him.
12. প্রদত্ত Direct Narration এ, Reported Speech এ শুধু “Why?”/ “How?”/
“When?”/“Where?” Noteথাকলে,
on Passage Narration: 12
Indirect করার সময়, want to know অথবা wanted to know বসাতে হবে এবং wh word
এর জন্য, Why থাকলে the reason, how থাকলে the way, When থাকলে the time,
where থাকলে the place অথবাঃ
Reporting verb টিহবে ask বা asked এবং inverted comma এর পরিবর্তে উক্তWh Word
টিকে বসাতে হবে। উল্লেখ যে, যে Assertive / imperative ( Let + us) কে কেন্দ্রকরে, প্রদত্ত wh
word +? ব্যাবহার করা হয়েছে, সেই Assertive / imperative ( Let + us) Sentence কে কেন্দ
করে, উক্ত wh word +? দ্বারা মনে মনে একটি Interrogative Sentence বানিয়ে Idirect
Dir: Limaকরতেহবে । Suman, “Ratna called you” Suman said,“ Why?”
said to

অথবা Lima told Suman that Ratna had called him. Suman asked
why she had called him.
13. প্রদত্ত Direct Narration এ পুর্বের কোন প্রশ্নের উত্তরকে কেন্দ্র
করে এবং উক্ত Note উত্তর সম্পর্কে নিশ্চিত
on Passage হওয়ার13জন্য, “একটি
শব্দ+?” দ্বারা, প্রশ্ন করা বুঝালে, indirect করার সময়,Reporting
Subject এর পুর্বে Being surprised বসাতে হয় এবং উক্ত “একটি
শব্দ+?” কে মনে মনে helping verb দ্বারা শুরু , এমন একটি
Interrogative Sentence বানিয়ে Indirect করতে হয়।
Dir: Suman said to Lima, “How is Ratna ?” Lima said,“ Ratna is
fine.” Suman said, “ Fine?” “Yes.”
Indir: Suman asked Lima how Ratna was. Lima replied that
Ratna was fine. Being surprised, Suman asked if she was
fine. Lima replied in the affirmative.
• Once I asked a sweet little girl, “What is your mother’s
name?” She replied cleverly, “I know my mother’s name but
Passage Narration EXERCISE:
I won’t tell you that.” I said, “What a clever girl you are!” “I
don’t tell my mother’s name to anybody whom I don’t know.”
She spoke with an air of confidence.
• Answer:

Once I asked a sweet little girl

what her mother’s name was. She cleverly
replied that she knew her mother’s name but
she would not tell me that. I exclaimed with
wonder that she wa a very clever girl .With
s she spoke that she didn’t
an air of confidence,
tell her mother’s name to anybody whom
she didn’t know.
• The old man said, “Can you give me some
food? I have been starving for three days.”
Passage Narration EXERCISE:
The maid said, “Why do you beg? Can’t you
work?” “No, I’m unable to work.” The old
man replied.
• Answer : The old man asked the maid if she
coul give him some food an said that he
had been starving for three d days. The maid
asked why he begged and also / further
asked if he couldn’t work. The old man replied
in the negative and said that he was unable
to work.
• 1.“Why are putting up the food in your pocket, Sir?
Why don’t you eat?” said the noble man. “I am doing
Passage Narration EXERCISE:
the right thing. My dress deserves these rich dishes,”
replied Sheikh Saddi. “ I don’t understand what do
you mean to say.” Said the noble man ,. “And I’m
(ÓRbve, Avcwb Avcbvi Lvevi †Kb c‡K‡U ivL‡Qb?Ó Avcwb †Kb Lv‡”Qb
bv ? m¤£všÍ †jvKwU ejj | ÓAvwg mwVK KvRwU KiwQ, GB `vgx Lvevi
¸‡jv GB †cvkv‡Ki Rb¨ gvbvbmB,Ó ‡kL mv`x DËi w`j | ÓAvwg eyS‡Z
cviwQ bv Avcwb wK ej‡Z Pv‡”QbÓ   m¤£všÍ †jvKwU ejj, Ó Ges Avwg
`ytwLZ |)
• Answer: The noble man respectfully asked Sheikh
Saddi why he (S) was putting up the food in his
pocket and why he did not eat. Sheikh Saddi
replied that he was doing the right thing as his
dress deserved those rich dishes. The noble man
told him that he did not understand what he
meant to say. Then he expressed his sorrow.
• 1.“Why are putting up the food in your pocket, Sir?
Why don’t you eat?” said the noble man. “I am doing
Passage Narration EXERCISE:
the right thing. My dress deserves these rich dishes,”
replied Sheikh Saddi. “ I don’t understand what do
you mean to say.” Said the noble man ,. “And I’m
(ÓRbve, Avcwb Avcbvi Lvevi †Kb c‡K‡U ivL‡Qb?Ó Avcwb †Kb Lv‡”Qb
bv ? m¤£všÍ †jvKwU ejj | ÓAvwg mwVK KvRwU KiwQ, GB `vgx Lvevi
¸‡jv GB †cvkv‡Ki Rb¨ gvbvbmB,Ó ‡kL mv`x DËi w`j | ÓAvwg eyS‡Z
cviwQ bv Avcwb wK ej‡Z Pv‡”QbÓ   m¤£všÍ †jvKwU ejj, Ó Ges Avwg
`ytwLZ |)
• Answer: The noble man respectfully asked Sheikh
Saddi why he (S) was putting up the food in his
pocket and why he did not eat. Sheikh Saddi
replied that he was doing the right thing as his
dress deserved those rich dishes. The noble man
told him that he did not understand what he
meant to say. Then he expressed his sorrow.
• Sp এর পর Object থাকলে উক্ত Sp এবং Object এর মাঝখানে to বসাতে হয়।
তবে Object না থাকলে বসবে to না।
• Sp=
• S= Suggest / suggested / Say / said
• P= propose / proposed
• He said, ‘’ I am ill.’’
• He said to me ‘’ I am ill.’’
• He proposed that we should go there.
• He proposed to me that we should go there.
• He said that he was ill.
• rules of passage narration bangla
• rules of passage narration for ssc
• rules of passage narration for jsc
• rules of passage narration

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