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The I Classroom

With the laptops, iPads, mobiles, …

I Classroom does not just begin……

Technology integration begins when teachers and students use technology

because it is the right tool to use.
It is students using the Internet to do research.
It is students creating Web sites to teach others about what they are
learning in class.
It is students creating multimedia presentations and presenting them to
their classmates, parents, and community.
It is a tall order!!!!!
"Effective integration of technology is
achieved when students are able to select
technology tools to help them obtain
information in a timely manner, analyze and
synthesize the information, and present it
professionally. The technology should
become an integral part of how the
classroom functions -- as accessible as all
other classroom tools."
Willingness to embrace change is also a
major requirement for successful technology
Technology is continuously, and rapidly,
It is an ongoing process and demands
continual learning.
Students have easy excess to………
“We must open the doors of
opportunity. But we must also equip our
people to walk through those doors.”
-- Lyndon B. Johnson
“Using technology successfully in the
classroom is a mindset not a skill set.”
Kim Cofino, International School Bangkok
Set-up of the class….

• Wires, cables and light…..need ALL to be looked into for safety

• Teacher must have full view of class at all times
• Teacher must follow MBWA (manage by walking around). No chair
iPad Oath
Use custom backgrounds to number the ipads,
laptops etc.

Identification sticker can peel
off and sharpie marker fades
Plus students only need to
touch the home button to
check that they have their
correct device.
Set lockscreens to display the rules
and expectations!

Every time students “swipe

right” they are agreeing to
those rules. It will be
noted that students time
and again pause to read
these rules.
Allowing students to do their own
thing……. Its drawbacks… Alternative to this……

• Letting students play around • Guide towards use of app

sends the wrong message about related to note taking or further
both the devices and development of topic at hand
importance of time
• Useless use of bandwidth slows • Give an organisational task like a
down serious students working mindmap of the lesson to
speed develop
Use interesting but eye catching cues…..

• Hands on Hands off

• Snooze it or it!

• No devices today On paper today

Understanding of signal lights for Task
• Red light – no devices

• Yellow light – only use app indicated

• Green light – any apps; get the task done

• Use the Multitasking Bar to check for recent apps opened if you suspect
off-task behavior.
• Use timers to guide students through tasks and apps.
• Delete Non-Educational Apps off of devices.
• If teacher closes lid, teacher opens lid – understand the cue
• Deduct participation points for off-task behavior.
• Know when off-task behavior might be instructionally beneficial (e.g.
researching more in depth on a topic in the current lecture.)
• Conduct Random Unannounced iPad Checks
• Provide students with specific roles (e.g. take notes for group, post
questions, etc)
• When each student has a clear and defined role, less off-task behavior
tends to occur.
• Use formative assessment with every lesson
Types of formative assessment
1. Multiple choice questions
2. Single word answer quizzes
3. Drag and drop
4. Mindmaps
5. Diagrams and flow charts etc.
• Use classrooms
This is now so possible to do as each student is working with:
• Own device
• Have scaffolding for those who need it
• Can be given tailored instructions
• Can be given additional instructions
• Can be given additional work
• To those who can excel give choice for how they can complete the
All this can be done without calling attention to those students who need
that little bit extra.

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