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Asking & Question

Budi Raharjo
Penerapan Pilot Project Pelayanan Informasi Obat Rumah Sakit Kelas C, RSUD Kota Yogyakarta, 26-28 Mei 2008
Asking from Doctor - 1

 Tn. K 73 thn MRS dg KU lemah, mual,

muntah min 5 x sehari, 5 hari tidak mau
makan, kencing nyeri, kesadaran turun.
Dx dokter Azotemia (Uremia)+Anemia.
RPD: DM+HT+Retinopati+LVH+CRF,
TB= 150 cm BB= 40 kg. Di RS diduga
Sepsis, masuk ICU butuh Antibiotika hsl
kultur pseudomonas, sensitif gentamisin
 Dokter minta hitung dosis genta CRF
Tanggal 26 Mar’08 3 Apr’08 10 Apr’08
BUN (10-24 mg/dl) 32,0 45,6 45,9
Kreatinin (0,5-1,5 mg/dl) 2,32 2,59 2,57
Serum Creatinine
(Male 0,6-1,2 mg/dL; Female 0,2-0,4 mg/dL)
 By product of muscle metabolism
 Rate of formation proportional to muscle
 Freely filtered by glomerolus (little
secretion or reabsorption by tubule)
 Indicator of renal function, but…..
 Factor affecting serum creatinine:
 Diet, time of day, age, sex, exercise, drugs
 Caution in unstable renal function or acute
renal disease
Creatinine Clearance
 Measurement of creatinine clearance give
an estimate of GFR (Glomerular Filtration
 Creatinine clearance varies with age, sex,
and size
 Measurement:
 Urinecollection
 Cockroft and Gault Equation
Creatinine Clearance
 Normal reference = 120 ml/min
 Renal disorder if: 60 < CrCl < 120 ml/min 
 Renal insuficiency:
 Mild  20 – 50 ml/min
 Moderate  10 – 20 ml/min
 Severe  < 10 ml/min
 ESRD  < 5 ml/min
(End State of Renal Disease)
Urine Collection
 Accurate collection of over 24 hour periode
(note problems with patient compliance)
 Plasma sample midway through 24 hour
U x V
Clcr = -------------
U = Urine Creatinine concentration (mg/dL)
V = Urine flow rate (ml/min)
S = Serum Creatinine concentration (mg/dL)
Cockroft & Gault Equation
F x (140 – age) x IBW
CrCl = ml/min
Serum Cr (mg/dL) x 72
F = 1,23 (males) F = 1,04 (females)
IBW (Ideal Body Weight)
 TB > 152,5 cm IBW = 50 + [(TB - 152,4) x 0,89]
 TB < 152,5 cm IBW = 50 - [(152,4 - TB) x 0,89]

 TB > 152,4 cm IBW = 45,5 + [(TB - 152,4) x 0,89]
 TB < 152,4 cm IBW = 45,5 - [(152,4 - TB) x 0,89]
Limitation of
Cockroft & Gault Equation
Cannot be used if
 Age < 15 years old or age > 90 years old
 Renal function is changing rapidly
 Pregnancy (GFR  + 20 %)
 Serum creatinine > 3 x normal range
 Amputated limb
 Tn. K 73 th, TB= 150 cm BB= 40 kg
 IBW = 50 - [(152,4 - TB) x 0,89]

= 50 - [(152,4-150) x 0,89]
= 50 - [(152,4-150) x 0,89]
= 50 - 2,14 = 47,86 kg > BB = 40 kg
1,23 x (140 – 73) x 40
CrCl = ml/min
2,32 x 72
CrCl = = 19,73 ml/min
Dosage Adjustment
DRrf = DRn x [(1 - Feu) + (Feu x RF)]
Patient creatinine clearance (ml/mnt)
RF =
Ideal creatinine clearance (120ml/mnt)
• DRrf = Dosing Rate in renal failure
• DRn = Dosing Rate in normal state
• RF = the extent of Renal Failure
• Feu = Fraction of drugs normally excreting unchage
in the urine
Dosage Adjustment
Patient creatinine clearance (ml/mnt)
RF =
Ideal creatinine clearance (120ml/mnt)
19,73 ml/mnt
RF = = 0,17
120 ml/mnt
DRrf = 160 x [(1 - 1) + (1 x 0,17)]
= 160 x 0,17 = 27,2 mg/hari
 2 x 13,6 mg injeksi i.v.
Feu Gentamisin = 1
Asking from Doctor - 2

 Tn D, 82 th, 50 kg TB 163 cm, MRS dgn

DM Hipoglikemi, di RS GDA fluktuatif.
Dokter bingung krn kadar kalium turun
terus meski sdh dikoreksi injeksi KCl i.v.
 Tidak minum obat DM, Riwayat Batuk
dan Sesak nafas. Foto Thorax tampak
infiltrat paru. Terapi : Aminofilin drip,
terbutalin oral. Di RS kesadaran turun
 Reff.: Drugs induce hypokalaemia 
Aminofilin, agonis beta-2 (terbutalin)
Asking from Doctor - 3

 Ibu Tatik 22 tahun sedang hamil 2 bulan,

akan menjalani operasi insisi bisul di
lengan kanannya. Dokter bedah konsul
kpd Farmasis karena dia membutuhkan
antibiotika profilaksis bedah & analgetika
untuk pasien ini.
 Apa rekomendasi anda sebagai farmasis
utk kasus ini?
Drug Safety & Selection
Drug Class During Pregnancy During Lactation
Analgesic Acetaminophen Acetaminophen
Anticoagulant Heparin, LMWH Heparin, Warfarin
Anticonvulsant Phenobarbital Carbamazepin/Etho-
Antidiabetic Insulin Insulin,Tolbutamide
Antihypertensi Methyldopa ACEI/Ca-antagonist
Anti-infection Penicillin/Cephalo- Penicillin/Cephalo-
sporin sporin
LMWH: low molecular weight heparin; ACEI: Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
Drug Safety & Selection
Drug Class During Pregnancy During Lactation
Corticosteroids Prednisone Prednisolone
Decongestan Oxymetholazide Oxymetholazide
drop/spray drop/spray
GI protection MgOH, AlOH,Ca- Sucralfate,famotidin

Laxative/Stool Psyllium/docusate Psyllium/docusate

MgOH= Magnesium Hydroxida; AlOH= Aluminium Hydroxida
Question from Patient

 Ibu EK 38 th, guru SD, keluhan sesak,

lemas, berdebar-debar. DX dokter CHF,
mendapat resep:
R/ Digoxin VII
S 1 dd ½
R/ Diazepam 2mg XV
S 3 dd 1
 Sedang menyusui anaknya yg berumur 3
bulan bagaimana rekomendasi anda ?
Pendekatan utk Minimalisasi Expos bayi
1. Tidak Minum Obat;
Obat Obat sakit kepala, obat flu, dpt
dihindari dg kerjasama ibu,
2. Tunda Pemberian Obat; Obat jika ibu ada rencana utk sapih
ASI, maka obat/operasi elektif dapat ditunda
3. Pilih obat yg sedikit diekskresikan dlm ASI;
ASI utk klas
terapi yg sama, pilih yg paling sedikit melewati ASI.
4. Pilih alternatif rute pemberian lainnya;
lainnya utk kurangi
konst.obat dlm darah ibu maka digunakan sediaan lokal
5. Minum obat sebelum bayi tidur lama; lama berguna utk obat
long acting yg diminum sekali sehari
Pendekatan utk Minimalisasi Expos bayi
6. Tidak menyusui bayi pd saat konstr. obat dlm ASI
maksimal scr umum konstr.obat dlm ASI capai maks.: 1-
3 jam setelah dosis oral sang ibu, menyusui tepat
sebelum minum obat hanya u/ obat dg t½ pendek.
7. Berhenti menyusui;
menyusui bila demi kesehatan ibu & utk obat
yg sangat toksis (khemoterapi kanker).
8. Tidak menyusui bayi utk sementara waktu;
waktu bila digunakan obat
jangka pendek stlh prosedur operasi. ASI dipompa (tapi dibuang)
slm terapi tetap dilakukan utk jaga aliran ASI. ASI dpt diberikan
stlh 1-2 x t½ eliminasi obat (50-75% tereliminasi). Utk obat yg
sangat toksis, ASI diberikan stlh 4-5 kali t½ (94-97% obat telah

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