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Prepared by:
Darshan Kaswala (180120119010)

Faculty Guide:
Prof. Jyotin Kateshia
֍ The Difference I can make in this world:

 Have are seven important ideas from be a make in the world…

1. Listen to other
2. Give-with no strings attached
3. Use your skills for good
4. Be a good neighbor
5. Volunteer your time or money
6. Write notes of gratitude
7. Don’t forget about common courtesy
֍ The Responsibility I take ownership of:

 I take maximum condition ownership responsibility.

 But, sometime the responsibility can’t be fulfilled as per the situation.
 Take care of the outcome the same way you would as an organization owner.
 It is our responsibility to take action on anything that affects those outcomes.
֍ My Future Responsibility:

 Have are six important ideas from future responsibility…

1. Take responsibility for my thoughts, felling, words and actions
2. Refuse to take anything personal
3. Stop complaining
4. Make yourself happy
5. Stop blaming
6. Look for the good in people
֍ Learner Identify:

 Learning identify is a key asepect of metacognitive knowledge about how

one learns, particularly their views about their ability to learn.
 People with a learning identity see themselves as learners, seek and engage
life experiences with a learning attitude and believe in their ability to learn.
Thank You

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