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 The people who will earn a living with a

growth of tourism can then provide for the
basic daily needs of their respective
families like food, shelter and clothing.
 Security issues are of particular concern to
developing countries like the Philippines
which have identified tourism as a
desirable industry that can provide
widespread economic benefits, including
employment for the less educated.
 Thus this study will examine the nexus
of tourism, security and development
issues in the philippines to ascertain
how these factors interact and impact up
on Philippine tourism in terms of tourist
arrivals, choice of destinations, and
perception of the Philippines.
Tourism has a several claimed advantages.
 Firstly, it doe’s not necessarily require capital-
intensive nor intricate and complicated
technologies like other heavy industries in
which industrialized nations tend to be
 Secondly, while it involves the construction of
basic infrastructure and utilization of different
modes of transportation, it is primarily natural
resource based and relies largely on human
support which is relatively abundant (Geoldner
and Brent Richie 2003)
Statement of the problem
 The Philippine tourism industry has
undergone several setbacks over the past two
decades due to security issues, Political
instability which led to popular action and
massive protests against the country’s
leadership send signals to the International
community that the country is unsafe to visit.
 This has affected tourist arrivals because a
good destination image and political stability
are “musts” for most tourist
Alternative courses of Action (ACA)

 Increased environmental education and

awareness programs.
 Improved security and enforecement of
environmental laws and regulations.
 Improved zoning and building codes for
environmental protection and disaster
 New employment opportunities and
economic development for poverty stricken
 After analyzing all the factors given safety is a
major concern among foreigners when choosing
travel destination.
 We must improve the security and implementations
of environmental regulations and laws.
 Also increased the environmental awareness and
educate others on how to sustain our environment.
 Improve zoning and building codes that are
environmentally friendly or eco-friendly projects or
prevent disaster risks education.
 Create employment oppurtunities and economic
development for the community to become a
sustainable tourist destination.

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