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30-60-90 Day

Employment Plan
John P. Sample
123 Sample St, City, ST | 123-456-7890
Executive Summary

The purpose of this plan is to show how I intend to create a process with
effective goals that delivers continual profitable business for (Company
⮚ Focus on company onboarding process, learning the
First 30 Days company systems, product acquisition, services,
software, vendors, and customers 
⮚ Meet with current clients and company stakeholders
GOALS: o Review previous account history
Learning & Adjusting o Meet with seasoned sales reps
⮚ Attend available training sessions needed
⮚ Master product knowledge and learn specific
corporate systems
o On-site visits
o Meet with seasoned sales reps
⮚ Traveling to learn my territory
o Research territory and industry changes that
may have an effect
o Review previous account history
⮚ Meet other members of the team, and review
o Meet with other sales reps – discuss
success and expectations
⮚ Focus on more field or independent time
Second 30 Days o Face-to- Face meetings to evaluate needs,
develop unique ways to build trust
⮚ Develop a target list
GOALS: o Identify x new opportunities
Aligning with Company’s Vision & o Attend industry networking event(s)
⮚ Receive feedback from management regarding my
progress and performance to date
⮚ Branch out on my own with significant contributions,
Final 30 Days ⮚
operating with some independence
Initiate activities and think of ways to increase
customers or revenue
GOALS: ⮚ Generate ideas to save time or money,
Demonstrate Confidence & implementing plans and schedules
⮚ Fine-tune my schedule and continuing to receive
performance feedback

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