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Divisi aferen
 Mengirim informasi mengenai lingkungan
internal dan eksternal ke SSP (sensasi)
 Persepsi (conscious awareness and
interpretation of sensations by cerebral
some sensory information never reaches
cerebral cortex, no perception
Eg : blood pressure
Sensory Modalities
 General senses
Somatic senses
○ Tactile sensations (touch, pressure, vibration, itch,
and tickle)
○ thermal sensations (warm and cold)
○ pain sensations
○ proprioceptive sensations
Visceral senses : conditions within internal organs
 Special senses
smell, taste, vision, hearing, and equilibrium
Sensory Receptors
 free nerve endings
of 1st -order
sensory neurons
 encapsulated
nerve endings of
1st -order sensory
 separate cells
synapse with 1st-
order sensory
 Exteroceptors
at or near the external surface of the body
 Interoceptors/visceroceptors
in blood vessels, visceral organs, muscles, and
nervous system, monitor conditions in internal
not consciously perceived
 Proprioceptors
in muscles, tendons, joints, and the inner ear
information about body position, muscle length and
tension, and the position and movement joints
Type of stimulus
 Mechanoreceptors : mechanical stimuli
 Thermoreceptors : temperature
 Nociceptors : painful stimuli
 Photoreceptors : light
 Chemoreceptors : chemicals in the mouth
(taste), nose (smell), and body fluids.
 Osmoreceptors : osmotic pressure of body
Process of Sensation
Stimulation of the sensory receptor

converts) energy in
Transduction a stimulus into a
graded potential

Generation of nerve impulses

Integration of sensory input

Potensial reseptor
 Potensial reseptor :
Perubahan depolarisasi potensial aksi
pd reseptor yg terpisah
 Potensial generator

Perubahan depolarisasi potensial aksi

jika reseptor adalah ujung khusus dari
suatu neuron aferen
Jaras – jaras sensorik
Sistem lemniskus/kolumna dorsalis
 Membawa impuls sentuhan, tekanan, vibrasi, dan
 Naik ke atas -> kolumna dorsalis medula spinalis
(fasciculus gracilis & f. cuneatus) bersinaps di
nukleus grasilis dan kuneatus
 neuron ordo 2 menyilang garis tengah dan naik ke
atas dalam lemniskus medialis, berakhir di bagian
ventral nukleus posterior dan nukleus-nukleus
relai sensorik spesifik talamus
 Neuron ordo 3 naik ke korteks sensorik
 Sistem anterolateralis
Serat-serat utk rasa raba lainnya, suhu, dan
nyeri, akan bersinaps dgn neuron di kornu
Akson neuron-neuron ini akan menyilang
garis tengah dan menuju ke atas dalam
kuadran anterolateralis medula spinalis
membentuk sistem anterolateralis.
Umumnya rasa raba : traktus
spinotalamikus ventralis,
nyeri & suhu : traktus spinotalamikus
Trigeminothalamic pathway
 Pathway for most somatic sensations
(tactile, thermal, and pain) from face,
nasal cavity, oral cavity, and teeth
 Sensory receptors  1st-order neuron 
pons and medulla  2nd-order neurons
cross to the opposite side, ascend as
trigeminothalamic tract to ventral
posterior nucleus of thalamus  third-
order neurons to cerebral cortex
Adaptasi reseptor
 Bila rangsang dgn kuat rangsang tetap
diberikan kontinyu pd suatu reseptor, frekuensi
potensial aksi di saraf sensoriknya lama
kelamaan akan menurun. Fenomena ini dikenal
sebagai adaptasi /desensitisasi
 Berdasarkan kecepatan adaptasinya terdapat 2
jenis reseptor yaitu
Reseptor fasik
Reseptor tonik
Reseptor fasik
 Reseptor yg cepat beradaptasi
 Tdk berespon lagi thdp rangsangan yg
 Jika rangsangan dihentikan reseptor
berespon dgn depolarisasi ringan
 Eg:Reseptor taktil di kulit
Reseptor tonik
 Reseptor yg tdk beradaptasi sama
sekali atau beradaptasi secara lambat
 Penting utk mengetahui informasi yg
kontinyu dr suatu stimulus, eg :
Reseptor regang otot -> memantau
kekuatan otot
Proprioseptor sendi -> mengukur derajat
fleksi sendi
Reseptor untuk sensasi somatik

 Reseptor taktil (sentuhan, tekanan,

vibrasi, gatal, geli)
 Reseptor suhu (dingin & panas)
 Reseptor nyeri
Rasa Sentuh, tekan dan vibrasi
 Paling banyak di kulit jari tangan serta bibir, relatif
jarang di kulit badan
 Badan Meissner dan Pacini -> reseptor sentuh yg
cepat beradaptasi
 Diskus Merkel dan ujung Ruffini -> reseptor
sentuh yg lambat beradaptasi
 Impuls dikirim ke SSP melalui serat A dan
sebagian melalui serat C
 Tekanan (Meissner, Merkel dan pacini)
 Vibrasi : sinyal sensorik berulang (Meissner dan
 Kesadaran akan posisi berbagai bagian
tubuh dlm ruang
 Reseptor :
Muscle spindles : Muscle length
Tendon organs : Muscle tension
Joint kinesthetic reseptor (Pacinian corpuscles,
Ruffini corpuscles, tendon organs, and free
nerve endings) : Joint position and movement
 Reseptor panas : mendeteksi suhu 32 C - 48
 Reseptor dingin : mendeteksi suhu antara 10
C – 40 C
 Reseptor : ujung-ujung saraf bebas
 Rangsang adekuat : perbedaan dua derajat
panas (krn dingin bukan suatu bentuk energi)
 Aferen suhu dingin : serat C dan A
 Aferen suhu panas : serat C
 Organ indera (nosiseptor) : ujung-ujung saraf
bebas yg terdapat pd hampir semua jaringan
 Impuls dikirim ke SSP melalui serat A kecil
bermielin -> nyeri cepat dan serat C tak
bermielin-> nyeri lambat
 Stimulus : thermal, mechanical, chemical
 Trauma/iritasi jaringan -> melepas
prostaglandins, kinins, potassium ions (K) ->
merangsang nosiseptor
 Adaptasi lambat/tidak ada
Korteks somatosensorik
 Daerah sensorik
somatik di girus
sesuai dgn daerah
Brodmann 1,2,
dan 3
 lokalisasi rinci utk
setiap bagian
 Ukuran korteks yg menerima impuls dari
bagian tertentu tubuh setara dgn jumah
reseptor di bagian itu
 Daerah korteks yg menerima impuls dari
tangan dan bagian –bagian mulut yg
berbicara sangat besar, sedangkan yg
menerima sensasi dr punggung dan badan
lebih kecil
 Proyeksi ini bukan bawaan dan tdk kekal,
dapat berubah oleh pengalaman
Homunkulus sensorik (gambar)
Diskriminasi 2 titik
 Jarak terkecil dimana 2 rangsang sentuh
harus dipisahkan agar dapat dirasakan
sebagai terpisah
 Bervariasi pd setiap tempat di tubuh
 Makin banyak reseptor sentuh makin
kecil jarak kedua rangsangan
 Setiap neuron sensorik berespon thdp
informasi sensorik hanya dalam daerah
terbatas di permukaan kulit sekitarnya yang
dikenal sbg lapangan reseptif
 Semakin besar ukuran lapangan reseptif
semakin rendah kepadatan reseptor daerah
 Semakin kecil lapangan reseptif suatu
bagian tubuh, semakin besar ketajaman
atau kemampuan diskriminatif
Nyeri : mekanisme protektif berupa sinyal terjadi atau
akan terjadinya kerusakan jaringan
Tipe nyeri
 Fast pain : terjadi sangat cepat (0.1 second
setelah stimulus)
 myelinated A fibers.
 acute, sharp, or pricking pain
 not felt in deeper tissues
 Slow pain : terjadi beberapa detik setelah stimulus
 Intensitas perlahan meningkat
 unmyelinated C fibers
 chronic, burning, aching, or throbbing pain
 skin and in deeper tissues or internal organs
 Superficial somatic pain : pain that
arises from stimulation of receptors in
the skin
 Deep somatic pain : stimulation of
receptors in skeletal muscles, joints,
tendons, and fascia
 Visceral pain : stimulation of
nociceptors in visceral organs
 Referred pain : pain is felt in or just deep to skin that
overlies stimulated organ, or in a surface area far
from stimulated organ served by same segment of
spinal cord
Higher level processing of pain
 CNS terdapat pain suppressing/analgesic
 Opiate endogen (endorfin, enkefalin, dynorfin)
 Inhibisi tansmisi nyeri dgn menghambat
pelepasan susbstansi P
Divisi Efferen
 Upper Motor Neuron (UMN)
motor neuron that originate in motor region of
cerebral cortex or in brain stem and carry motor
information down to LMN
 Lower Motor Neurons (LMN)
spinal lower motor neurons -> voluntary movement
cranial nerve lower motor neurons -> control
movements of eyes and tongue, contribute to
chewing, swallowing and vocalization
 Ganglia basalis neuron
 Cerebellar neuron
Upper Motor Neuron (UMN)
 Pyramidal pathway
○ Lateral corticospinal tract
○ Anterior corticospinal tract
 Ekstrapyramidal pathway
Rubrospinal tracts
Tectospinal tracts
Vestibulospinal tracts
Lateral reticulospinal tracts
Medial reticulospinal tracts
Corticospinal pathways
 Conduct impulses for control of muscles of
limbs and trunk
 Axons of upper motor neurons in cerebral
cortex form corticospinal tracts which
descend through internal capsule of
cerebrum and cerebral peduncle of
 In medulla oblongata, axon bundles of
corticospinal tracts form ventral bulges
known as pyramids
 About 90% corticospinal axons
decussate (cross over) to
contralateral (opposite) side in
medulla oblongata and then descend
into spinal cord where they synapse
with LMN
 10% remain on ipsilateral (same) side
eventually decussate at spinal cord
levels where they synapse with LMN
Corticobulbar tract
 Conducts impulses for control of skeletal
muscles in head
 Axons of upper motor neurons from cerebral
cortex form corticobulbar tract which descends
along with corticospinal tracts through internal
capsule of cerebrum and cerebral peduncle of
the midbrain
 Some of axons of corticobulbar tract decussate;
others do not
 axons terminate in motor nuclei of nine pairs of
cranial nerves in the brain stem: N. III, IV, V, VI,
Extrapyramidal pathways
 include all somatic motor tracts other than
corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts
 Axons of extrapyramidal pathways
descend from various nuclei of brain stem
into five major tracts of spinal cord and
terminate on LMN
 (Rubrospinal tracts, Tectospinal tracts,
Vestibulospinal tracts, Lateral reticulospinal
tracts, Medial reticulospinal tracts
 sensory nerves : I, II, and VIII
carry axons of sensory neurons
 motor nerves : III, IV, VI, XI, and XII
contain only axons of motor neurons as they leave
brain stem
 mixed nerves : V, VII, IX, and X
contain axons of both sensory and motor neurons
 cell bodies of sensory neurons are located in ganglia
outside the brain
 cell bodies of motor neurons lie in nuclei within the
 Cranial nerves III, VII, IX, and X include both somatic
and autonomic motor axons
Olfactory (I) Nerve
 entirely sensory
 contains axons that conduct nerve
impulses for olfaction (sense of smell)
 Olfactory reseptor  olfactory nerve
 olfactory bulb  olfactory tracts 
cerebral cortex
Optic (II) Nerve
 Entirely sensory
 contains axons that conduct nerve
impulses for vision
 Reseptor  bipolar cell  ganglion cell 
optic nerve  chiasma opticum (axons
from the medial half of each eye cross to
the opposite, axons from the lateral half
remain on the same side)  optic tracts
 thalamus  area 17 cerebral cortex
Oculomotor (III) Nerve
 Motor cranial nerve and autonom
 Control movements of eyeball and upper eyelid
 Superior branches
 Innervate superior rectus (an extrinsic eyeball muscle)
and levator palpebrae superioris (muscle of upper eyelid)
 Inferior branches
 Supply medial rectus, inferior rectus, and inferior oblique
muscles—all extrinsic eyeball muscles
 also provides parasympathetic innervation to intrinsic
eyeball muscles via ciliary ganglion (smooth muscle :
ciliary muscle of eyeball and circular muscles (sphincter
pupillae) of iris)
Trochlear (IV) nerve
 motor cranial nerve
 smallest
 innervate superior
oblique muscle of
Abducens (VI) Nerve
 motor cranial nerve
 Innervate lateral
rectus muscle of
Trigeminal (V)
 3 branches:
 Ophthalmic
 Maxillary
 Mandibular
 Sensoric and motoric
Facial (VII) Nerve
 Mixed cranial nerve
 Sensory
 Motor somatic
 Autonom :
ganglion and
Vestibulocochlear (VIII) Nerve
 Sensory cranial nerve
 Two branches
 Vestibular branch
carries impulses for equilibrium
 Cochlear branch
carries impulses for hearing
Glossopharyngeal (IX) Nerve
 Mixed cranial nerve
 Sensory axons of the glossopharyngeal nerve arise from
 taste buds and somatic sensory receptors on posterior one-third of
 proprioceptors in swallowing muscles supplied by motor portion
 baroreceptors (stretch receptors) in the carotid sinus
 from chemoreceptors in carotid body near carotid arteries
 Somatic motor neurons
 innervate stylopharyngeus muscle -> elevates pharynx and larynx
 autonomic motor neurons (parasympathetic) stimulate
parotid gland to secrete saliva via otic ganglion
Vagus (X) nerve
 mixed cranial nerve, distributed from head & neck into
thorax & abdomen
 Sensory axons
 arise from skin of external ear, a few taste buds in epiglottis and
pharynx, and proprioceptors in muscles of the neck and throat.
 baroreceptors (stretch receptors) in arch of aorta;
chemoreceptors in the aortic bodies near the arch of the aorta;
and visceral sensory receptors in most organs of thoracic and
abdominal cavities
 somatic motor neurons
 arise from nuclei in the medulla oblongata and supply muscles of
the pharynx, larynx, and soft palate that are used in swallowing
and vocalization
 autonomic motor neurons
originate in nuclei of medulla and end in lungs
and heart
Vagal parasympathetic axons also supply glands
of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and smooth
muscle of the respiratory passageways,
esophagus, stomach, gallbladder, small
intestine, and most of the large intestine
Accessory (XI) nerve

 motor cranial nerve to sternocleidomastoid and

trapezius muscles to coordinate head movements
Hypoglossal (XII) Nerve

 motor cranial nerve supply muscles of tongue

for speech and swallowing

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