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Remind 101

By: Elizabeth Cyganieiwcz

What is remind 101?

 Remind 101 is an app used to communicate between teachers and


 Private mobile messaging platform

 Teachers and students aren’t required to give out personal information

(phone number)

 Can send out group messages to the class or chat one on one
Student Uses

 Can be used to let students know which assignments are due

 Remind students of upcoming quizzes or tests

 Send out missed work and class notes

 Can also be used for clubs or other organization meetings throughout

the school
Parental uses

 Remind parents of their child's due dates

 Remind parents of Important upcoming events

 Both student and parent events

 Send out virtual permission slips and other important documents

straight to their phone

Early childhood uses

 Can update parents on their child's academic progress or issues

 As well as behavioral progress or issues

 Can send out important information that might get lost in transit

 Send pictures of classroom activities and their children

 Communicate tools parents can use at home to aid their children

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