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1. Introduction
2. Seed Drill
2.1: Type of SEED DRILLS
2.2: Seeding method
2.3: Component Of Seed Drill
2.4: Seed Population
2.5: Calibration of Seed Drill
3. Planter

1.0: Pendahuluan
• Seeders & planters: for the
reproduction of crops. Seed

• Function: for metering & placing

seeds/plants/plant part into the soil

Seeders > used for generative
Planters > aid in vegetative propagation.

• Both seeders & planters,
– used as solo machines, or
– combinations with soil cultivating
– combinations with fertilizing equipment
also are common.
Generative reproduction of Corn, beans, sunflower
Vegetative reproduction of crop Potato, paddy rice
Row Seeder

Hopper at the top hold the seeds to

be sown. 

Seed Drill

Pulled by a tractor and used to sown

grains & vegetable seeds. 

Penyemaian dan Penanaman Ini merupakan seni
meletakkan benih (menyemai, menebar, atau
menanam) ke dalam tanah yang mempunyai kandungan
kelembapan dan suhu tanah optimum supaya
Percambahan yang baik dan Mendapatkan hasil yang

Keberkesanan dan kejayaan aktiviti
penyemaian dan penanaman
• i. Kuantiti biji benih
• ii. Kedalaman menyemai
• iii. jarak antara benih
• iv. Saiz biji benih

SESSION 2012/2013 7
• a machine for placing the seeds
in a continuous flow in furrows
at uniform rate & at controlled
depth with/without the
arrangement of covering the
seed with soil.
• Drills are used for sowing seeds
in rows at 15-35 cm apart.
• It performs the following functions:
1. to carry the seeds,
2. to open furrow to an uniform depth,
3. to meter the seeds,
4. to place the seed in furrows in an acceptable pattern,
5. to cover the seeds & compact the soil around the seed.
• If fitted with fertilizer dropping attachment, distribute
the fertilizer uniformly on the ground, is called “seed
cum fertilizer drills”.(It has a large seed box which is
divided length wise into two compartments, one for
seeds & another for fertilizers)
2.1: General Design- SEED DRILLS
• General purpose:
– for sowing all kinds of seeds
(various sizes)
– at various seed rates & depths,
– in rows at various distances apart
• Comprise one @ several seed
box/hoppers, which contain:
– Metering parts
– Equipment for seed placement into
the soil.


Feed mechanism

Seed tube

Land wheel Coulter

Hoper Feed Metering Seed Tube Coulters

Mechanisms Devices

• Seed box • Delivered • Separate • Link seeds to • Furrow

mechanisms seeds for coulters opener
for seed each row • Cut grooves
• Driven by in soil
gearing from
1@ 2 wheel

• seed rate is adjusted by
– alterations of the gear or
– feed mechanism,
• spacing between rows & depth of
sowing are adjusted by the setting of
the coulters.

2.1.1: Feed Mechanisms

1. External Force Feed

2. Internal Double-run Force Feed
3. Pneumatic Or Jet Drills

1) External Force Feed

loaded baffle

Seed tube

1) Fluted Roller Force Feed (British) 2) Studded Roller Feed (European) 3) Flexible fluted roller
force feed,
used in conjunction with movable gear
cassettes for seed rate regulation

• Peranti pengaturan ini di pandu/ diputrakan oleh tayar

(ground wheel)
• Antara jenis peranti pengatur yang biasa digunakan
untuk menghantar aliran lebih atau kurang biji benih.
Fluted Feed Type
• Di pandu oleh batang suapan(feed shaft)
• Fluted Roller dilengkapi dengan ulir (groove) melintang
di sepanjang sisi luar & boleh dialihkan/tukar melalui
shaft ke arah sisi untuk menukar sauz ulir (groove size).
• Saiz ulir berbeza utuk jenis tanaman berbeza
• Dilekapkan di bawah kotak benih (seed box), untuk menerima biji benih ke
ulir melintang (longitudinal grooves) dan dihantar ke tiub biji (sedd tube)
benih melalui lubang benih (seed hole)
• dengan menukar penggulung (roller) ke sisi. panjang ulir terdedah ke pada biji
benih akan ditingkatkan/diturunkan oleh itu jumlah biji benih yang disemai
akan berubah.

• Kelajuan batag besegi (shaft square) biasanya adalah tetap , tetapi boleh
juga ditukar mengakibatkan perubahan pada kadar biji yang ditanam.
• Bilangan lubang (flutes) pada penggulung (roller) antara 8 - 12. Kaedah
ini sesuai untuk menyemai benih bersaiz kecil atau sederhana.
• Untuk biji berukuran besar/tebal, mekanisme ini tidak berapa sesuai
kerana biji benih sering/boleh hancur semasa operasi pemeteran.di SMD
2) Internal Double-run Force Feed
• terdiri daripada pengumpan/suapan yang sebaris dengan cakera
berlekuk (corrugated disc)
• Benih tersebar ketika putaran roda mendorongnya ke arah
lekukan & di luar kotak di mana ia memasuki tiub
• Ia mempunyai permukaan roda berganda (double faced wheel)
– Satu muka mempunyai pembuka besar untuk biji benih besar
– Muka yang lain mempunyai pembuka kecil untuk beji benih

SESSION 2012/2013 18
3) Pneumatic or Jet Drills
• Alat bolih menanam biji dengan penggunaan tekanan udara.
• Benih dihantar ke arah saluran paip ke coulter dengan
menggunakan aliran udara.
• Alat jenis ini paling sesuai digunakan untuk biji berakar tunggal &
biji sayuran.

Operating principle of Pneumatic system 19

2.1.2 : Coulter (furrow opener)
i) Single & Double Disc Coulters
• Cakera Pemotong Tunggal & Berkembar (Single & Double
Disc Coulters)
• cakera coulter tunggal meletakkan biji secara berasingan &
tidak mustahil untuk mencapai kedalaman yang sama
untuk setiap penempatan biji.
• cakera coulter berganda, biji disusun di antara cakera &
disebar/ditempatkan pada kadar & kedalaman yang sama.
• Kos Implemen penanaman yang mempunyai cakera
coulter berganda agak tinggi disebabkan banyaknya
komponen/part yang diperlukan.
ii) Wing Coulters
• digunakan pada implement penanam untuk
menyemai bijirin
• Coulters melekap pada tuas di bahagian depan
implement penanaman
• Hidraulik digunakan untuk mengeluarkan biji
setelah ditempatkan pada jalur yang sesuai.
Lebar 5 cm & tersebar.
• Kelemahan utama adalah mahal & berat.
• Table 1. Suitability of coulter (furrow openers) in different
working conditions.
Furrow opener Remarks
Double disk Suitable for high residue conditions.
Single disk Better penetration in hard soils but wider variation in seed placement.

Chisel Narrow furrow. Good for deep sowing and in friable soils.

Hoe Good for stony, harder soil conditions and for deep placement.

Inverted ‘T’   Use for reduced till in free flowing soils.

Can leave open furrow in wet soils.
Runner For shallow depths in loamy non-smearing soils.
Shoe For placing seed and fertilizer in separate bands.
Shovel Deep placement causing much soil disturbance.
2.2: Seeding method
• Precision drilling > digunakan terutamanya
untuk tanaman jarak jauh seperti jagung,
kacang, bit gula & bunga matahari.

• Bulk drilling > untuk tanaman jarak dekat

( kerana dengan precision drilling terlalu

2.2.1: Conditions for seeding methods

2.2.2: Seed spacing & depth
• Jarak baris sangat berbeza dengan tanaman, keadaan
iklim & teknologi pengeluaran.
• Precision-drilling ketepatan tanaman berlaku
terutamanya dengan jarak baris antara 25 - 90 cm.
Row Spacing Type of crops
Narrow Peas & beans
Medium Beets & sunflower
Widest Corn

• Penanaman secara pukal (bulk drilling) – jarak barisan adalah
berbeza-beza antara 8-25 cm
• Jarak sempit biasanya khas untuk rumput sawi dan bijirin kecil
• Tiada pengaturan pada biji benih, sebaliknya, aliran biji
disalurkan secara pukal ke dalam tabung convior.melalui :
– by studded feed rollers,
– fluted feed roller or
– by internal run rollers.

• Kedalaman biji benih amat diperlukan bergantug
kepada : Saiz biji benih dan kandungan kesediaan
air dalam tanah
• Biji benih yang besar dan pada kawasan tanah
yang kering, benih harus diletakkan lebih dalam
untuk memastikan
Seeding depth percambahan.
Type of crops
1 – 2 cm Grass, clover & alfalfa
2 – 3 cm Sugar beet seeds
2 – 5 cm Small grains, peas & sunflower
4 – 10 cm Beans & corns

2.3: Types Of Seed Drill
1. Semi-mounted Tractor Drills
2. Tractor-mounted Drills
3. Power Cultivator–Drill Combination

1) Semi-mounted Tractor Drills.
 have a three-link systems to connect drills to
 A hitch is created to install drill coulters & allow
effective sowing.
 A hydraulic lift control lever to controls the seeds
 This type of drill gets the work done quickly &

2) Tractor-mounted Drills.
– also take advantage of the hydraulic three-link
– When the tractor pulls the drills out, the machine is
lifted off the ground to allow the feed mechanism to
– This is used for dispersing heavy corn & often used in
conjunction with combines.

3) Power Cultivator–Drill Combination
– The compactness of many power harrows & rotary cultivators, and
very small amount of extra power needed to drill immediately
behind such machines, make cultivator-drill combinations attractive.
– Design mechanisms that may needed:
• High powered tractor
– To incorporate adequate lift capacity for both drill and cultivator.
• Close-coupled linkages
– Allow drill to be carried above the cultivator for transport.
• Drill seed tubes & coulters
– Arranged to deposit the seed as the soil settles behind the cultivator.
• Power harrow and rotary cultivator
• Light crumbler roller
– Added to effect any necessary firming of soil around the seed without
surface compaction.
• Drilling component
– Can be designed for easy separation when not in use.
Combined seedbed preparation & drilling of peas.

Maize drills
3.0: Planter
• digunakan untuk pembiakan tanaman secara tampang
(vegetative). Sama ada:bahagian tanaman (contohnya:
ubi kentang) atau keseluruhan tanaman kecil
dimasukkan ke dalam tanah.
• Istilah ‘pemindahan’ (transplanting) digunapakai untuk
kaedah penanaman tanaman ini.
• Mesin pemindahan secara umum dikelompokkan
– Hand-fed
– Mechanical
– Automatic
a) Hand-fed
• Operator duduk di tempat rendah & menjatuhkan
tanaman dengan tangan terus ke alur pada
kedalaman & lebar yang sesuai yang dibuat oleh
• Sepasang roda tekan mengikuti & memampatkan
tanah di sekitar tanaman.
• Implemen Penanam (Planter) ditarik dengan
perlahan 1 - 2 km / jam.
• Biasa mempunyai 2 baris dengan 1 orang / baris
• .
Hand-fed Sweet potato

Hand-fed Spinach transplanter 36

Hand-fed Pineapple Transplanter

SESSION 2012/2013 38
b) mechanical
• Pengendali meletakkan tanaman di dalam dulang/tray atau di
antara jari pada penghantar/conveyor, tanaman diambil
sepenuhnya secara mekanikal

• Penghantar/conveyor membawa tanaman ke alur yang

terbuka, dilepaskan pada kedudukan yang betul & menutukan
disekeliling tanaman dengan tanah.

• kelebihan adalah:
– kelajuan ke hadapan sedikit lebih pantas daripada penyuapan tangan
– Tenaga tidak mahir boleh digunakan.
– Sistem penyiraman dapat dimasukkan sebelum tanah ditekan

• Mesin transplanter digunakan secara meluas
untuk padi sawah. Peranti pengapian khas
digunakan untuk menyediakan kedalaman
penanaman berterusan yang tidak bergantung
pada penyumbatan roda pendorong.
Mechanical Rice Transplanter

SESSION 2012/2013 43
c) automatic
• Much higher speed & with lower labor inputs
• Expensive cost, thus only used in nursery &

2.4: Seed Population

• To calculate a seeding rate.

Seeding Desired Plant Population

Rate % Germination x % Pure Seed x % Live Seed Emergence

• Eg: Let’s say a grower wants to establish a stand of 170,000 plants/acre using
a 7.5-inch row drill. The seed tag indicates that the seed has a 92%
germination rate and is 98% pure live seed. Assuming a 10% loss in
germination due to a clay soil that crusts, What seeding rate will achieve the
goal stand?.

Seeding Desired Plant Population

Rate % Germination x % Pure Seed x % Live Seed Emergence

seeding rate = 170,000 plant/ac = 209,504 seed/ac

0.92 X 0.98 X 0.90

Problem 1
• A precision planter is used to plant corn in 76.2 cm
row, travelling at 7.2 kmh. The target population
after germination is 74,000 plants/ha, and the
germination rate is 80%. The rolling radius of the
planter wheel is 0.30 m and has a slip of 5%. The
seed plate has 12 cells per revolution. Determine:
– The actual planting population required.
– The nominal seed spacing of the plants.
– The required rotational speed of the metering device.
• i) Actual planting population
seeding rate = desired plant population = 74,000 plants/ha = 92,500 seed/ha
% germination 0.8

• ii) Nominal seed spacing

= total length of rows
actual planting population

> Total length of rows = Total area = 10,000 m2 = 13,123.36 m

Length of row 0.726 m
therefore, nominal seed spacing = total length of rows = 13,123.36 m = 0.14 m/seed
actual planting population 92,500 seed
• iii) Rotational speed of the metering device.

= Speed of seed plate


• Determine the circumference, π x 2 (0.3)m = 1.885 m

• Determine distance with consideration of 5% slip = 1.8852 m X 0.95 = 1.79 m
• Determine no. of seed per revolution = distance/seed spacing = 1.79 m/0.14 m/seed = 12.79 = 13 seeds
• Determine speed of seed plate = ( 13/12) X 7.2 km/hr = 7,800 m/hr

There fore, rotational speed = = Speed of seed plate = (7,800 m/hr)/(1.79 m) = 4,357.5 rph = 72.63 rpm
= 73 rpm
2.5: Calibration of Seed Drill
• It is the procedure of testing the seed drill for correct seed
– It is necessary to calibrate the seed drill before operating in the field.
• The following steps are to be followed:

• Step 1: Determine the nominal width (W) of drill.


– Where, M = no. of furrow openers & S = spacing between the

openers (m) & W is in metre.
• Step 2: Find the length of a strip (L) having nominal width W
necessary to cover 1/25th of a hectare.

• Step 3: Determine the number of revolutions (N) the ground

wheel has to make to cover the length of the strip (L).

• Step 4: Raise the seed drill in such a way that the ground wheels
turn freely. Make a mark on the drive wheel & a corresponding
mark at a convenient place on the body of the drill to help in
counting the revolutions of the drive wheel.
• Step 5: Put selected seed in the respective hoppers.
Place a sack or a container under each boot for seed.

• Step 6: Set the rate control adjustment for the seed for
maximum drilling. Mark this position on the control for

• Step 7: Engage the clutch or on-off adjustment for the

hoppers & rotate the drive wheel at the speed N.

• Step 8: Weigh the quantity of seed, dropped from
each opener & record on the data sheet.

• Step 9: Calculate the seed, dropped in kg/ha &

record on the data sheet.

• Step 10: Repeat the process by suitable adjusting the

rate control till desired rate of seed drop is obtained.
Problem 2
• The following results were obtained while
calibrating a seed drill. Calculate the seed rate per
hectare (kg/ha).
– No. of furrow openers – 8
– Spacing between furrows – 15 cm
– Diameter of drive wheel – 1.5 m
– RPM of the drive wheel – 600
– Seed collected – 25 kg.
• Solution:
– Effective width of seed drill, W
= 8opener ×15cm = 120 cm = 1.2 m
– Circumference of drive wheel
= π x 1.5 m = = 4.713 m
– Area covered in one revolution
= 4.713m x 1.2m =5.66 m²
– Area covered in 600 revolutions
= 5.66 m² ×600 = 3396 m²
– Seed dropped for 3396 m² = 25 kg
– Seed dropped/ha
= (25kg/ 3396 m²) x (10 000 m²/ha) = 73.6 kg/ha
– Seed rate = 73.6 kg/ha
Problem 3
• A fluted feed seed drill has 8 furrow openers of
single disc type. The furrow openers are spaced
30cm apart & the main drive wheel has a diameter
of 110cm. How many turns of main drive wheel
would occur when the seed drill has covered 1ha
of area.
• Solution:
– Circumference of drive wheel
= π x 110cm = 345.7 cm

– Total width of seed drill. W

= 8opener x 30cm = 240 cm

– Area covered per revolution

= 345.7cm x 240cm = 82,968 cm² = 8.29 m²

– No. of turns, Rev./ha

= 10,000 m² / 8.29 m² = 1206.3 rev./ha
Assignment 2
1) Determine the seed rate (kg/ha) by the seed drill
from the following field calibration exercise. The
following data were collected.
– No. of coulter or furrow openers – 6
– Spacing between rows – 25 cm
– Diameter of land wheel – 1.2 m
– RPM of the land wheel – 800
– Seed collected from trial– 30 kg
2) Farmers are keen to grow maize with a population of 60,
000 plants/ha. The germination % is estimated to be
only 85%. A precision planter is used to sown maize
seed at 80 cm rows, traveling at 6 km/h. The rolling
radius of the planter wheel is 35 cm and has a slip of 8%.
The seed plate has 12 cells per revolution. Determine:
i. The actual planting population required.
ii. The nominal seed spacing of the plants.
iii. The required rotational speed of the metering


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