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Types of Planets

*is the planet closet to the sun.
*it is a small planet,a little bigger than earths moon.
*Mercury is covered with thousands of dents called
*fastest revolving planet.
*named after the rommon goddes of love and beauty.
*shines very brightly and of ten times called
“Morning and Evening Star”.
*second planet from the sun and called the “Earth's Twin”
*is the hottest planet the solar system.
*it rotates backward or clockwise direction.
*a rocky planet.
*our home and the third planet of the solar system.
*largest and dansest among the inner planet.
*the only rocky planet to sustain life it has an
*the inner planet with (1) moon.
*the fourth in the solar system and named after the
roman god war.
*known as the “Red Planet”.
*it has 2 moons which is believed to be the asteroids
*it has huge volcano known as “Olympus Mons”
*it is cold mars.
*known as the “King of the Planet”
*it most prominent,feature is the “Great Red Spot”
*it has 16 moons, 4 of which are known as the
“Galilean Satellites”
*the second largest gas planet.
*has morethan 31 moons and the largest is “Titan”
*uranus rotates on its side.
*has 13 rings and 37 known satellittes/moons.
*the planet “Farthest from the Sun”
*known as the “Twin Planet” of uranus.
*it has 8 known moons.
Earth's Moon
*a satellite is an object that orbits another in space.
*just as planets revolve around the sun because of
gravity,moons revolve around planets.
*earth's moon is named “Cynthia”
The four planets farthest from the sun are
known as the outer planets.
Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus, and,Neptune.
Outer planets also called Jovian Planets
because they are made up of gas.
Arcelie A. Pabores

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