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and Nature
Women and Nature
• Metaphor: Women are associated
with nature - i.e. 'Mother Earth', and
Nature is associated with women i.e.
'virgin' (sexually pure) awaiting
exploitation or yet untouched by man
• Female life-giving principle was
considered divine and a great
mystery so women got Goddess
statues 2
Women and Nature …

Women and Nature …
Societal: women are associated
with physical side of life, their role
is 'closer to nature' as they
centred to fulfill human’s physical
requirements: food, reproduction,
care of children and sick, take
care of day-to-day life
Women's nature-like role let men
to go 'out into the world', to
exploit nature, generally passive
as nature 4
 Women and Nature
Historically, women have had no
power in the outside world, no
place in decision-making,
intellectual life, the work of the
mind has traditionally not been
accessible to women, they said to
be ignorant
Women and Nature …
Women's values centred around
life-giving, must be re-valued, and
elevated from their subordinate
role, women's knowledge from
experience be recognized and

Women and Nature …
Women largely absent from formal
policy formulation and decision-making
so involve women in such field at all
levels; integrate gender concerns in
policies and programs; strengthen
/establish mechanisms at the national,
regional and international levels

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