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Created by: Jileen Garcia
◦ Location: Chisum Elementary School
◦ 16 hours of observation
◦ Mrs. England’s kindergarten class
(Circle Time)
During, this time I noticed that it is great to get every student
involved. Circle time was usually done in the mornings.
 Having them involved at this time will get their brains ready to
go for the day.
 Singing songs about “Alphabets, numbers, weather” gets
everyone to contribute.
 Doing dance’s/ hand movement will wake them up if there are
During circle time, they learned about:
1. The weather
2. The day/month
3. A new number each day
4. The alphabet
5. A new world each day
6. Vowels and continents
One thing that I learned from Mrs. England were ways to get every child to interact in the
lesson, circle time, centers and so on. I noticed that all the children feed of the energy that you
as the teacher give off. If they see you happy/energetic they’ll show the same back. Making sure
that every child interacts will give them comfort in joying in.
◦ Mrs. England taught me that as a future
teacher I’m going to encounter some
challenges but, if you love teaching students
you will always find ways to get through it.

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