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Coronavirus effects


Artene Iulia
Ciornei Diana
Macarie Adina
Mihai Diana
The virus first appeared in 2019 and
spread globally, with many victims. Due
to the Coronavirus pandemic, the school
is running in a completely different way.
Many of us are somewhat scared,
insecure about ourselves and do not feel
safe. The classes take place in a hybrid
system, sometimes those in the online
system being difficult to understand due
to the internet of not very good quality or
to joining common technical problems.
In the case of a red scenario, there are
people who cannot afford a phone or a
tablet, thus not being able to participate
in activities that take place online.
Negative effects:
~social isolation;
~teachers are more exposed than stufents ;
~ the global economy is collapsing ;
~hybrid education ;
~school are not technologically prepared(there are interruptions, the connection is weak, the webcam is of poor

Positive effects:
~we had a lot of free time( we read ,we walked ,we watched movies);
~we discovered ourselves;
~we have learned to use online learning platforms( Zoom,Adservio,Google Meet);
~we learned to adapt, to be more patient;
~we spent more time with the family.
Causes of the spread of
the virus:

- the mask is not worn

-protection measures
against the virus are not
observed ;
-social distance is not
respected (in public
transport, in markets);
-improper hand hygiene

In Romania, a big problem is poverty, which sometimes leads directly to

functional illiteracy.
This virus makes us aware that some schools are not prepared to support
education in a hybrid way, because they are not properly equipped in terms of
the times in which we live.

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