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By Sayed Saleem Sadaat

 Come and Go are different.

 Come here.
 Go there.
Come in and Come out

 Come in (Come inside)

 Come out (Come outside)

Ex: We say come in when s.o knocks at the door.

Ex: He came out of the class. (Your are outside)

Come back means to return
 He came back to Afghanistan.
 He came back from Italy.

 He is coming back from US

Note: Come+home
He comes home late every night.
Come along means (come with us)
 We are going to a wedding tonight. Do
you want to come along?

Make examples now.

Come from means to be from
Where do you come from?
 Where are you from Same

 I come from Afghanistan.

 I am from Afghanistan. Same
Fill in the blanks with (in, out, back, along )

 Who is at the door. Come….. , please.

 Can you come ……..of the class. I need you.
 We are going shopping. Do you want to
 My cousin is coming……..from India.
Use (come, came and coming)
 He ……… back from Russia last month.
 Every Friday, my cousins …......... to our
 The teacher ….. to the class started the lesson.
 Get a side. A car…………….. on the road.
 On Fridays, we do not ……….. to the class.

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