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Topic Sentence:

1. Jogging prevents heart disease.

2. Jogging prevents some forms of
3. Jogging helps treat diabetes
Topic Sentence:
1. There are natural causes to global
warming such as greenhouse gases
and methane gas.
2. Human influence has been a very
serious issue now as it is
contributing more than natural
causes of global warming.
Topic Sentence:
1. The internet has made online communication
very simple and easy.
2. The internet is a very efficient and effective
tool for gathering large information that one
might require on whatever topic within a very
few seconds.
3. The invention of the internet has drastically
reduced and cut down the consumption of
paper and the use of paper works
Topic Sentence:
1. Dogs are friendly and they love human
2. Dogs are loyal and, as pack animals, they
respond to the presence of a leader - you ! 
3. As dogs can participate in many of our most
unusual experiences and outdoor
adventures, they become forever associated
with many of our most treasured memories.
Topic Sentence:
1. Health workers also face considerable mental stress
so they should have access to counselling services
so they can recharge before moving on again
2. Food and vital supplies and divert resources - such
as face masks should not be taken away from
frontline workers whose need is greatest.
3. Health workers need the back-up of ancillary staff to
increase the frequency and rigour of cleaning light
switches, countertops, handrails, elevator buttons
and doorknobs to ensure safety for them.

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