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Disadvantages of

Shin Thant Ko
Drugs are very powerful!!

Drugs cause us in many ways. Drugs are very

harmful and keep the capability of drugging. It is not
easy for a person to stop his/her drugging habbits. It
can even slowly kill him/her at the end if he/she
doesn’t stop drugging.
Today, many people in the world are drugging including
the students. It is the worst effect to students for
drugging. Some students started to use drugs to prevant
from their tired of the study and some started using it
cause the others encourage them.
The disadvantages of drugs for students

When the students became using the drugs for so long,

it is very dangerous to them. They can’t continue their
study and they will feel very lazy. Then they only know to
do drugging. At least their health condition become worse
and worse and finally they have to worry for their health
from the death. They can’t continue to study at school
cause they used the drugs. So, not only themselves but
also their family will be upset. From the mentioned above,
the drugs can harm the users, their family, their
work/education and health. So, we all need to prevent
from drugs.
Some examples about the drugs.

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