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Rogi Roga Pariksha



Derivation and Definition
Roga: "रुजतीतत रोगः A.H.Ni.1/1. Sarvanga sundari.
Rogi: "रोगी व्यातितः" A.H.Ni.1/22. Sarvanga sundari.

The word ‘Pariksha’ derived from the root ‘iksh’ which means- ‘to view, to
consider, to examine’ with the preposition ‘Pari’ fixed before the root
which means ‘from all sides’. Thus ‘Pariksha’ means ‘viewing or examining
an object from all sides’.

“परीक्ष्यते व्यवस्थाप्यते वस्तु स्वरूपमनयेतत परीक्षा प्रमाणातन” Ch.Su.11/17 Chakrapani.

Through which ‘vastu swarupam’ gets established is said as Pariksha or
Derivation and Definition
Roga Pariksha is the examination of Roga.
Rogi Pariksha is the examination of Rogi.

‘Pariksha’ is helpful in establishing ‘Siddhantha’s:

तिद्धान्तो नाम ि यः परीक्षकै र्ाहुतविं परीक्ष्य हेतुतिश्च िाितयत्वा स्थाप्यते तनणायः|

A demonstrated truth established after several examinations

and reasonings is known as Siddhanta.
Importance of Pareeksha
• रोगमादौ परीक्षेत ततोऽनन्तरमौषिम्| ततः कमा तिषक् पश्चाज्ज्ज्ञानपूवं िमाचरेत्||२०||
A physician should first of all diagnose the disease and then he should
select proper medicine. Thereafter, he should administer the therapy
applying the knowledge of the science of medicine.
• ….नापरीतक्षतमतितनतवशेत् …च. िू. ८ / २७
One should not indulge in any activity without proper examination.
Pareeksha helps in –
• Proper diagnosis of a disease
• Proper assessment of disease process, step-by-step knowing the
• To know one’s limitation in terms of handling a case Or to refer the
case to related specialties.
• Helps in knowing the condition of the patient (physical and mental)
Importance of Roga
• Vyadhi Swabhava – The quality and nature of the disease
• Vyadhi Pramana – Quantity or magnitude of the disease
• Nidana Gyana – The causes of the disease
• Poorvarupa Gnana – Premonitory symptoms of the disease
Rupa Gnana – Signs and symptoms of the disease
• Upashaya-Anupashaya Gnana – Aggravating and pacifying
factors of the disease
• Samprapti Gnana – The process of formation of the disease
• Saadhya-Asaadhyata Gnana – Prognosis of the disease
• Upadrava-Udarka Gnana – Complications and Sequel of a
Nidana panchaka –
Tools for disease examination:
• Nidana Panchaka (5 tools starting with Nidana) are the
key tools used for Roga Pareeksha or diagnosis of the
disease. They are as below mentioned:
•  Nidana – helps us to learn about causative factors of the
disease, the knowledge of which is the key to know why
and how the disease process was initiated.
3 kinds of Nidaana are Possible for causation of a Vyaadhi.
1. Asatmeyindriyartha Samyoga
2. Pragyaparadha
3. Parinama
Purvarupa –
पूवारूपं प्रागुत्पति लक्षणं व्यािे||८||
The lakshana seen before the vyadhi Utpatti is said as

• Types of Purvarupa
1. Samanya Purvarupa : The Purvarupa found in relation to
Dosha Dushya Sammurchana Avastha provide us to
know about the Vyadhi only. But not Dosha visesha.
2. Vishista Purvarupa : It gives an idea about the dosa
visesha in Vyadhi.

Rupa – Signs and Symptoms of a disease which help in

understanding the manifested disease.
• Ex: Santapa in Jwara and Atisarana in Atisara
• Upashaya-Anupashaya – Identifying a disease or diagnosing it on the
basis of trial and error method after analyzing the aggravating and
pacifying factors operating on a disease

That which establishes Sukhaanubandha when taken in form of

Oushadha, Ahaara & Vihaara with respect to stages of a Disease.
They are as:
1. Hetu Viparita Upashaya
2. Vyadhi Viparita Upashaya
3. Hetu & Vyadhi Viparita Upashaya
4. Hetu Viparita Arthakaari Upashaya
5. Vyadhi Viparita Arthakaari Upashaya
6. Hetu & Vyadhi Viparita Arthakaari Upashaya
Upashaya Oushada Ahara Vihaara
    Ushna oushada prayoga Mamsa rasa with anna in Awaken in night for the
1. Hetu viparita in vaata jwara shrama janita vaata jwara vrudda kapha due to day
  Sirisha twak in visha Stambhaka dravya in Pravahana in udavarta
  Vyadhi viparita vikaras, shunti in atisaara (masoora), barley and balidaana,
2. atisaara in prameha praayaschitta etc.

3. Hetu vyadhi viparita Dashamoola quath in Takra in vata kapha Ratri jaagarana in diva
vataja shota grahani, swaapa janita tandraa
peya prayoga in vaata
4. Hetu viparita artha Pitta vardaka upanaaha Vidaahi anna etc. in Bhaya kaaraka prayoga in
kaaraka in pittaja vrana shota pachyamaana vrana shota vaataja unmaada

  Vyadhi viparita Vamana kaaraka Virechanaartha dugdha Pravaahana (vamana)

5. artha kaaraka madaphala prayoga in prayoga in pittaja atisaara prayoga in chardi roga
chardi roga

  Hetu vyadhi viparita Ushna aguru etc. lepa Punah Madhya paana in Swimming in river in
6. artha kaaraka on agni dagdha adhika madhyapaana vyaayaama janita vaata
janita vikruti
• Samprapthi – It helps in knowing the story of the
disease. We can understand the process or steps
in which the chain of events leading from
‘exposure to causative factors’ to the
‘manifestation of the disease’ occurs, i.e.
pathogenesis of the disease.

Jwara Samprapti is said as to start from ‘ि यदा

प्रकु तपतः प्रतवश्यामाशयम्’ till ‘तदा ज्ज्वरमतितनवातायतत’. By saying
so ‘Amaashaya Dushakatva, Agni Upaghaatakatva,
Rasa pradushakatva etc. Dharma’s of Jwara can be
Types of Samprapti
1. Sankhya Samprapti
2. Pradhanya Samprapti
3. Vidhi Samprapti
4. Vikalpa Samprapti
5. Bala Samprapti
6. Kala Samprapti
Roga Pariksha: Rogi Pariksha:
Ch.Ni.1/6. Su.Su.10/4. Y.R.Pur.5/1 Ch.Chi.25/22.
A.H.Su.1/22. A.H.Su.1/22.
Y.R.Pur.1/22. Y.R.Pur.1/22.
Nidana Shad vidha Pariksha Asta Sthana Darshanaadi
Panchaka Pariksha Tri vidha Pariksha
Nidana Strotra Indriya Naadi Darshana
Pragrupa Sparshana Indriya Mutram Sparshana
Rupa Chakshu Indriya Malam Prashna
Upashaya Rasana Indriya Jihvaa  
Samprapti Ghrana Indriya Shabdam  
  Prashna Sparsham  
Dwi vidha Tri vidha Pramana Chatur vidha Dasa vidha Atura
Pramana Pariksha Pramana Pariksha
Pariksha Ch.Vi.4/5. Pariksha Ch.Vi.8/94
Ch.Vi.8/83. Ch.Su.11/17.

Pratyaksha Aptopadesha Aptopadesha Prakruti

Anumana Pratyaksha Pratyaksha Vikruti

  Anumana Anumana Saara

    Yukti Samhanana




      Ahaara Shakti

      Vyayama Shakti

Eka Dasa vidha Dwa Dasa vidha Nava vida Dasa vida Pariksha
Pariksha Pariksha Pariksha Ch.Chi.30/326
Ch.Su.15/17 Ch.Vi.1/3 & Ch.Si.3/6
Dosha Dosha Dosha Dosha

Bheshaja Beshaja Oushadha Oushadha

Desha Desha Desha Desha

Kaala Kaala Kaala Kaala

Satmya Satmya Satmya Satmya

Satva Satva Agni Agni

Vayah Vayah Satvaadi Satva

Bala Bala Vayah Oka Satmya

Prakruti Prakruti Bala Vayah

Sharira Sharira   Bala

Ahara Ahara    
Dwividha Pariksha
द्विविधातुखलुपरीक्षाज्ञानवतां- प्रत्यक्षम्, अनुमानंच| एतद्धिद्वयमुपदेशश्चपरीक्षास्यात्|
एवमेषाद्विविधापरीक्षा, त्रिविधावासहोपदेशेन||८३||
There are two types of examination for learned
persons – direct perception (pratyaksha) and
inference (anumana). These two along with the
authoritative instruction constitute the
examination. This examination is of two types or of
three types including authoritative instruction
Trividha Pariksha
त्रिविधेन खल्वनेन ज्ञानसमुदायेन पूर्वं परीक्ष्य रोगं सर्वथा सर्वमथोत्तरकालमध्यवसानमदोषं भवति,
न हि ज्ञानावयवेन कृ त्स्ने ज्ञेये ज्ञानमुत्पद्यते|
त्रिविधे त्वस्मिन् ज्ञानसमुदये पूर्वमाप्तोपदेशाज्ज्ञानं, ततः प्रत्यक्षानुमानाभ्यां परीक्षोपपद्यते|
किं ह्यनुपदिष्टं पूर्वं यत्तत् प्रत्यक्षानुमानाभ्यां परीक्षमाणो विद्यात्|
तस्माद्द्विविधा परीक्षा ज्ञानवतां प्रत्यक्षम्, अनुमानं च;त्रिविधा वा सहोपदेशेन||५||
Trividha Pariksha
– Darshana (Inspection)
– Sparshana (Palpation/Percussion/Auscultation or by
feeling the diseased area) &
– Prashna (Questioning or interrogation)

Chaturvidha Pareeksha
– Pratyaksha – as seen and perceived by the physician
– Anumana – inference
– Aptopadesha – application of knowledge learnt
through shastra (science) and teachings
– Yukti – situational application of wisdom and
Shadvidha Pareeksha – 6 fold diagnosis
• Chakshurindriya dwara pareeksha – examination by
seeing (inspection)
• Ghranendriya dwara pareeksha – examination
through smelling
• Shravanendriya dwara pareeksha – examination
through hearing (auscultation)
• Jihvendriya dwara pareeksha – examination
through taste
• Sparshanendriya dwara pareeksha – examination
through touch
• Prashna pareeksha – interrogation
Ashta Sthana Pareeksha (8 fold diagnosis)
includes examination of
• Nadi (Pulse)
• Mala (Stool)
• Mootra (Urine)
• Jihwa (Tongue)
• Shabda (Sounds)
• Sparsha (Touch)
• Drik (Eye)
• Akriti (Built, gait, decubits etc)
Dasha Vidha Parreeksha (10 types of patient examination):

• Prakriti – Examination of physical constitution of the patient

• Vikriti – Examination of morbidity
• Sara – Examination of essence of dhatus (tissues)
• Samhanana – Examination of compactness
• Pramana – Examination of measurements and dimensions of
organs and tissues (Anthropometry)
• Saatmya – Examination of suitability (homologation)
• Satva – Examination of mind (mental faculties)
• Ahara shakti – Examination for ‘capacity of food intake’
• Vyayama shakti – Examination for ‘capacity of exercise’
• Vaya – Examination of age
Aptopadesha Pramana
Authoritative instructions are the teachings of apta (persons who are
the most reliable). 
Apta are free from doubts, their memory is unimpaired, they know
things in their entirety by determinate experience.
They see things without any attachment or affection
(nishpriti and nirupatapa). Because of these qualities, what they say is
Use to understand following in a disease:
• Prakopanam : provoking factors, viz. process of the vitiation of
the doshas
• Yoni : Source of doshas
• Uthanam : onset of a disease
• Atmanam: The cardinal sign and symptoms.
• Adhishthanam: Site, which could be the body or the mind or both
• Vedanam: signs and symptoms
• Sansthanam (location): amashaya, pakwashaya, avayava vishesha, or in
micro channels
• Shabda, sparsha, rupa, rasa, gandham(five senses): Altered sensorium.
• Updravam: Complications
• Vriddhi sthana kshayam (Increased, decreased, balanced):
Whether dosha, dhatu and mala are increased, decreased, or in balance
• Udarakam: Prognosis
• Namanam: Nomenclature
• Pravritti: Indicated treatment
• Nivritti: Contraindication
Pratyaksha Pramana
The following should be examined by auscultation
• Antrakoojanam: Gurgling sound in the intestine indicating sound of
• Sandhisphutanam: Crackling sound in the joints including those in the fingers;
• The following are perceived by auditory measures
• Swara visheshana: Voice patterns of the patient; and
• Shabda: Such other sounds in the body of the patient which are normally
found in the human body like respiratory and cardiovascular sounds and also
the sounds which are produced through percussion and auscultation etc.
By tactile perceptions
• The physician should touch various body parts of the patients, and examine
signs of abnormality in terms of the body temperature, skin texture (rough-
unctuous), presence of moisture (dry-wet), eruptions, pitting, tenderness, etc.
By visual examination
• Colour, shape, measurement and complexion;

• Icterus in hyperbilirubinemia pt., pallor in pandu, flexed elbow and

hyperextended wrist in pakshaghata pt.

Gustatory examinations can be inferred by following observations

• Taste of the various tissues in the body of the patient can be ascertained by
inference and interrogation and not by direct observation.
• For example, sweet taste of the body can be inferred when flies are attracted
towards the body. In the case of bleeding from the body, if there is a doubt about
the nature of the blood, it should be resolved by giving the blood to dogs and
crow to taste.
• Intake of the blood by dogs and crows is indicative of its purity and rejection by
these animals indicates that the blood is vitiated by pitta, i.e. the patient is
suffering from raktapitta.
By olfactory examinations
• Normal and abnormal smells of the entire body of the patient should be
examined by the olfactory sense organ
• Ex : Kussmaul's breathing, fruity odour is significant, Smell of different flowers if
arising from the body, it indicates recent death of the person
Anumana Pramana
Charak observed that the objects known by direct perceptions
are very limited, whereas the range of inference is fairly vast in
areas that are not known by our means of perception, i.e., sense
Here, reasoning and logic already stated in scriptures need to be
Ex : Agni jaran shaktya,
• Balam vyayam shaktya,
• Harsham aamoden- pleasure by way of celebrations.
• Preetim Toshena- affection by satisfaction.
Yukti Pramana
• Yukti gyana is the sense of knowledge of Avigyaat bhava
by Vigyaat vishya karya karana bhava perceived by Budhi.
• Yukti pariksha is done by the means of accessory objects
(instruments helps to diagnose a disease).
• Yukti helps in diagnosing the clinical features of a patient
based upon Dosha, Dhatu, Agni, and Bala.
From today’s point of view Yukti pramana as a tool for
pariksha can be implemented on the basis of use of
instruments for the diagnosis e.g.
• Stethoscope: helps in auscultation
• ECG: helps to diagnose cardiac disorders
• EEG: helps to diagnose brain disorders
Darshana pariksha:
• Things identified by direct observation of patient either
directly or indirectly are called Darshana pariksha (Darshnen
Darshana pariksha includes: Pratyaksha pariksha,
Chakshurendriya pariksha, Aakruti pariksha, Jihwa pariksha.
Darshana pariksha helps to detect the changes in colour,
structure, size, shape, deformities etc.
Example of Gridrasi :
1. Posture: Pt. stands rigid d/t flattened lumbar spine. The whole
trunk is shifted forwards on the hips. The trunk is tilted to one
side (sciatic tilt or scoliosis). The side way tilt tends to
exaggerate on attempted bending forwards
2. Movements: Pt. is unable to bend forwards, any such
attempt initiates severe muscle spasm in the paraspinal muscles
Sparshana pariksha:
• It is a palpatory method [Sparshnen hasta kaya sparshen]
help to understand coldness, hotness, palpitations,
coarseness, smoothness etc.
• Factors observed under Sparshana pariksha are Jwara,
Gulma, Vidradhi, Sheeta, Ushna, Stabdhta, Spanda,
Shlakshna, Khara sparsha etc.
• Sparsanendriya pariksha is helpful in detecting the change
of body temperature, organomegaly, consistency etc.
Example :
• Tenderness: (Door bell sign): There is a diffuse tenderness
in the lumbo - sacral region. A localised tenderness in the
midline or lateral to the spinous process is found in some
Prashana pariksha:
• Prashana pariksha is to ask question to patient
regarding disease [Prashanen pricchya].
• It is helpful to know about aggravating and
relieving factors of diseases like Shoola,
Arochaka, Chardi, about Mridu or Krura kostha,
Swapana (dreams) etc.
• Entire history taking must be taken into
consideration under this.
• Ashtashana pareeksha is one among the different
methods of rogi pareeksha.

• It is mentioned in yogaratnakara.
• Here the physician examines 8 specific sites of
• The examination of all the 8 factors are related to
pratyaksha pramana and all are objective in nature.

• The naadi pareeksha and sparsa pareeksha comes under

sparsanendriyatah pareeksha.
• Sabda pareeksha comes under srotrendriyatah pareeksha
and the other 5 are included under chakshurindriyatah
Ashtavidha pariksha include the following
 Nadi/Pulse

 Mutra/Urine

 Malam/Stool

 Jihwa/Tongue

 Shabda/Speech

 Sparsha/Touch

 Drik/Eye

 Akrti/shape
1. Nadi Pariksha
• Nadi Pariksha is very old ayurvedic technique
of diagnosis available more than 2500 years
• Nadi precisely can diagnose Dosha, Mind,
emotional imbalances and diseases.
• Nadi is observed from Karamoola
(Wrist) with 3 fingers
• The strength, rhythm, speed and quality of
the pulse are examined to reach the
Naadi , Dhamani, Tantuki,
Snayu, Jeevanajnaana

Nadi pariksha is done by Index,
Middle and Ring finger –
they represent Vata, Pitta & Kapha

Prakriti/Constitution Pulse: 6:00 - 10:00 a.m.

Vikriti/Illness (Imbalance) Pulse: 10:00 a.m. After
• The best time for pareeksha is in the morning.
• Both vaidya and rogi should have calm and cool mind.
• They must sit in a comfortable- place facing each other.
• The naadi of the right hand will be clear in males, while in female
that of left hand.
• The patient’s wrist should be partially flexed, fingers extended and
elbow must be supported by the physician.
• Physician should hold the wrist of the patient by the examining
hand and should place his index, middle and ring fingers one
angula below the root of the thumb & then must examine the
• The index finger should be nearer to the angushtamoola.
Findings: The vatavaha naadi can be felt in the agra bhaaga ie. By
index, pittanaadi by middle & kaphanaadi by ring finger.
Pulse should not be examined in the following conditions:

 Just after taking bath

 Just after taking food
 After internal and external oleation therapy
 During hunger
 During thirst
 During sleep or just after awakening
Vataprakopaka nadi
Waveform of the vataprakopa naadi resembles the movement of
jalouka, sarpa etc.

Pittaprakopaka naadi
Condition of pulse in pittaprakopa resembles movement
of kulinga( sparrow), kaaka(crow), mandooka(frog)

Kaphaja naadi
In kaphaprakopa, naadi resembles movements like that
of rajahamsa(swan), mayura(peacock),
Sannipataja naadi
Waveform of sannipataja naadi resembles the movements
of lava(bustard quail), tittiri (grey partridge), and
vartta(button quail)
 Pulse is rapid and hot in fevers
 Pulse rate increases during kaama(lust) and krodha(anger)
 It decreases during chinta (worry) and bhaya(fear)
 Slow and feeble in mandagni(decreased appetite)
and ksheenadhatu(weak dhatus)
 During hunger pulse becomes unsteady and in
satiety it becomes stable.
• If the pulse is so feeble , very fast or cold to touch it
near death.
 Displacements of the naadi from its own place and
moves slowly and slowly .
 This indicates poor prognosis and patient will die.
 Feeble and cold pulsations definitely kill the patient.
• Naadi shows each change occurring in the body, just similar to the
strings of veena which produce music.
• Naadi can tell us doshapradhanya, dosha involved in
pathogenesis, prognosis, span of life forthcoming death etc.
• Normal Rakta = Guru, Ushna
• Ama Rakta = Guru, Manda
• Rakta Dosha = Guru, Khara
• Rakta Dushti = Guru, Deergham, Dhruta, Vegavati
Nadi in diseases
• Abscess- agitated, fiery
• Acidity- crooked, shaky, wide, slippery, slow
• Anemia- faint, felt at intervals
• Anger- accelerated
• Appetite (loss of)- steady, slow, hard, mild
• Asthma- thin, steady, accelerated, hard, speedy,
• intense, felt under all three fingers, hollow
• Bile- hot
• Boils- (hard) bilious
• Colic- (pulse according to the doßhas) (with ab
• dominal worms)- expanded
• Convulsions- wide and rapid (hysterical)- crooked
• and rapid
• Constipation- frog, strong
• Cough- trembling, thin, restless, slow, hot, swan
2. Mutra pariksha
Urine is an important waste product of the body and its
examination yields valuable information regarding health and
• Normally it is having ishat peetavarnam,
apicchilam(non-greasy), anavilam(clear), ushna, thikshna and
kshara properties.
• Yogaratnakara explains the method of collection
of urine along with
• The mootra should be collected during the last prahara of night.
• It must be collected in a clean glass vessel and examined after
• Initial urine is expelled and the middle stream is collected.
Clinical aspects of Ashtasthana Pariksha

Taila bindu pariksha

• Urine collected in a round low bottom vessel and a
drop of oil is dropped in the collected urine very
lightly with the help of grass (truna).
• As oil is lighter than urine, oil spreads over the
• Observations & conclusions are made on the basis
of direction, shape & speed of spreading of oil drop.
– Sarpa (snake shape) Vata
– Chhatra (Mushroom shape) Pitta
– Muktaa (free shape) Kapha
Clinical aspects of Ashtasthana Pariksha

Tailabindu Inference
• Direction
• East Sighramsukhi (Early curable)
• South Kramen sadhyam (curable step by step)
• North Curable (arogita samprajayate)
• West Sukha Aarogya (Health &Pleasure)
• North‐East masen nashyati (Must die in 1 month)
• South‐East Maranam (Must die)
• South‐ Maranam (Must die)
Clinical aspects of Ashtasthana Pariksha

Changes in urine due to doshas

Color & Physical appearance Vitiated Dosha
• Pandur (pale), Nila, Ruksha Vata
• Rakta, Pita, Aruna (reddish)
• Snigdha, Safena, Pallava varitulya Kapha
• Shweta, Budbudabham Vata‐Kapha
• Kalusha, Sarakta Kapha‐
• Dhumrajalabha, Ushna Pitta Pitta‐
• Krishna, Mishra varna Vata
• Snigdha, Ushna, Rakta Sannipata
Clinical aspects of Ashtasthana Pariksha

Changes in urine due to Disease condition

• Tandula toyavat Ajrna
• Dhumra varna, Bahumutra Nava jwara
• Bahumutra Amavata
• Asruk sadrusha (like blood), pita Jirna jwara
• Rakta, Pita Kamala
• Pita, Sarakta Pittaja Mutrakruchchha
• Sapichchha Kaphaja Mutrakruchchha
3. Mala Pariksha
• Direct examination of the fecal matter by the
naked eye can tell a lot about the digestive
state of the body.
• The colour, consistency, floating nature, smell,
presence of blood or mucus in stool gives a lot
of information about various dosha imbalances
or diseases
• Saama Nirama condition of the feces is noted
specifically in Ayurveda
Jala Nimajjana Purisha Pariksha
• A specialized technique of stool examination,
is conducted to detect the presence of Ama
thereby inferring the status of Agni
• If stool sinks in water it has ama dosha and if
not then it is normal.
• Mala vitiated by vata -Dry, hard with
blackish discoloration
• Mala vitiated by pitta -yellow & green colored
• Mala vitiated by kapha - white colored stools
4. Jihwa pariksha
• The colour, shape, coating of a
tongue can be indicative of many
digestive abnormalities.
• Commonly we observe only sama
nirama condition
• But the exclusive tongue diagnosis
can be made – Chinese made a
special efforts for it
If a coating is on the
• front third of the tongue, this indicates Kapha toxins
• the middle third shows Pitta áma, and
• the back third suggests Váyu áma.
• Should the coating be on two thirds of the
tongue, or on the entire tongue, then there is a dual dosha
or tridosha áma exsists.

• Blue may suggest heart problems, blue or purple would

indicate stagnation or liver disorders.
• Marks: Teeth-like marks around the front arc/edge of
the tongue means that nutrients are not being
A line down the middle of the tongue suggests immune
problems. Cracks in the tongue show Váyu imbalances.
5. Shabda
• This have a contradiction and confusion
• Many say that it is the sounds which we have
to feel from the patient like intestinal gargling,
Heart sounds, Pleural rub, crepitus etc.
• Others say that the patient voice is to be
evaluated as Gadagada/Stuttering,
Kaphachada, etc.
• Both are appreciable
6. Sparsha Pariksha
• The tactile perception or touch reveals many
• Cold, hot, smooth, rough, soft, hard
perceptions, fever, edema etc. should be
examined through tactile perception.
• Skin is –
– moist/wet in Kapha diseases,
– Hot in Pittaja and
– rough and cold in Vataja disorders
7. Druk Pariksha
• Different types of eye features may reflect the
personality of a person as well as the state of his health.
• The colour of the sclera, conjunctiva, size of eyeball,
shape, and the area around the eyes give insight into
various serious metabolic diseases.

• Váyu eyes are small and unsteady.
• Pitta eyes are sharp and piercing,
and reddish or bloodshot.
• Large, wide & white eyes suggest
Kapha dosha.
Dosha in

If your body is dominated by the Vata then the
eyes look sunken, dry and smoky.
• On aggravation of Pitta, eyes appear red or
yellow in colour and the patient suffers from
photophobia and burning sensations.
• Kapha predominance eyes appear wet,
lusterless and watery and a patient may feel
heaviness in the eyelids.
Diseases observed in Eye
• Prominent/bulging eyes can
be a symptom of thyrotoxicosis

• Yellow conjunctiva can be seen in case of

weak liver or jaundice,
• Prominent white ring around
iris represents joint
degeneration with a probability of arthritis
8. Akriti Pariksha
Examination of Akruti include Diagnosis of hair, nails and
other body organs can reveal many signs which point
towards different diseases.
• Kapha personalities have oily skin, well‐built body and
joints, tolerance to hunger, thirst, hardship, hot sun.
• Pittaja personalities have strong appetite and thirst,
fair complexion, they are brave, bold and egoistic and
less hair.
• Vataj personalities are prone to many diseases and
have split hairs and dry skin with Dhusara Varna, and
they dislike cold things and atmosphere.

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