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Simple present in English

¿How to form a verb in the present simple? He simple present, with him present perfect and
To the speaking in the present we are talking about present continuous, is one of the three forms of the
something that is happening at this moment, now. present that exist in It is written taking the base form
The structure of a sentence in present simple is very of the verb for pronouns I, you, we and they; and
easy: a"–S" for the third person singular Item, she and I
have, So:

 She plays with my cousin.

Ella juega con mi primo.
 Martin eats his lunch.
Martín come su almuerzo.
 My dog knows some tricks.
Mi perro conoce algunos trucos

Without However, there are some exceptions. Verb ending with the vowel "-O":

Verb ending by consonant: In this case, the ending "-es":

 Go (Goes) / Ir (Va)
When the verb ends in "-H.H"," -sh"," -ch "or" -x ", must  Do (Does) / Hacer (Hace)
be added" -es"instead of just" -s ":

 Miss (Misses) / Extrañar (Extraña)

 Finish (Finishes) / Terminar (Termina) The case of the "-Y":
 Watch (Watches) / Observar (Observa)
 Fix (Fixes) / Arreglar (Arregla) When the verb ends in "-y", preceded by a consonant, we
have to change the "-y" to "-i", and then add" -es":
 Fly (Flies) / Volar (Vuela)
 Study (Studies) / Estudiar (Estudia)
Questions Using the Present Simple in English.
To ask questions you should use the auxiliary "do" for people I, you, we and they; while for the third person singular the
form must be used"does". To the auxiliary the verb is added in the infinitive form:
 Does i have speak Italian? (Does he speak Italian?)
 What do you do? (¿A qué te dedicas?)
 Where does she work? (¿En dónde trabaja?)
 Do they like to read? (¿A ellos les gusta leer?)

Questions with who as subject do not include the auxiliary:

 Who likes to play tennis? (¿A quién le gusta jugar tenis?)
 Who does the dishes in your house? (¿Quién lava los platos en tu casa?)

The negative form of verbs in the present simple
As with asking questions, the helper should be used do/doesto make denials. However, theword not.
The contracted form of do not is no. for does not is doesn't
 I do not have many friends. (No tengo muchos amigos)
 They don’t study at night. (Ellos no estudian de noche)
 She doesn’t sleep more than 6 hours. (Ella no duerme más de 6 horas)
 He does not drink alcohol. (Él no toma alcohol)

If it's about the verb to be, however, the auxiliary is not used, but is added not to the verb:

They are not Jewish. (Ellos no son judíos)

She isn’t a doctor. (Ella no es médico)

I am not a liar. (No soy mentiroso)

He is not our friend. (Él no es nuestro amigo)

The contracted form of is not is isn't and of are is aren't

Notes on the formation of the present simple
Verbs in their base form that end in consonant + y change this last letter for the ending -ies when conjugated in the third
person singular:
 Study: She studies Japanese. (Ella estudia japonés)
 Identify: He identifies every letter very well. (Él identifica cada letra muy bien)

The verbs in their base form ending in vowel + y, a -s to the third person singular:
 Pray: She prays every night. (Ella reza todas las noches)
 Pay: He pays all the bills. (Él paga todas las facturas)

I know adds the ending -es to the third person singular to verbs that end in -ss, -x, -ch, -sh:
 Fix: He fixes his car by himself. (Él arregla su coche por sí solo)
 Kiss: She kisses her dog. (Ella besa a su perro)
 Watch: He watches movies during the weekends. (Él ve películas los fines de semana)

Preposition of time: in, on, at
The prepositions in, on, at, are expressions that give us information about the time something happens.

In: en
We use the preposition in to refer to non-specific times of the day, months, seasons, and years.
 Usually I workout in the morning.
Usualmente, me ejercito en la mañana.
 My trip was in June. 
Mi viaje fue en Junio.
 I will study in the summer. 
Estudiaré en el verano.
 She was born in 2002. 
Ella nació en 2002.

On: en
We use this preposition to refer to the days of the week and dates, for example:

╺ The birthday party is on Saturday. 

La fiesta de cumpleaños es el sábado.
╺ I am going to travel on March 26th. 
Voy a viajar el 26 de Marzo.
╺ I saw my grandmother on Christmas day. 
Ví a mi abuela  el día de navidad.

At: en
This preposition is used to talk about hours, specific times of the day and expressions such as: the same time and
weekend. You can also translate it as “a".
The examples below can give you a better idea of ​it:
╺ My meeting is at 3:00 PM. 
Mi reunión es a las 3:00 PM.

╺ Usually, I call my mom at night. 

Generalmente, llamo a mi mamá en la noche.

╺ Will you visit your family at Christmas? 

¿Visitarás a tu familia en navidad?


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