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Cartilage and bone are specialized

connective tissues.

• Like all connective tissues, cartilage and bone

consist of
 cells
 extracellular matrix.

•The matrix of all CTs consists of

 fibers (collagen,
(collagen, reticular,
reticular, and
and elastic)
 amorphous ground
ground substance,
substance, which
which contains
hyaluronic acid
 The matrix is secreted by some of the cells in
connective tissues, fibroblasts in most CTs
 In cartilage, it is chondroblasts and chondrocytes
that produce the matrix
 while in bone, it is osteoblasts and osteocytes.
 a solid connective tissue that is to a certain
extent pliable, making it resilient
 The ground substance of cartilage is rich in
proteoglycans consisting of a core protein with
numerous- about 100- glycosaminoglycans
(GAGs) attached bottle-brush fashion around it
 GAGs are made of repeating units of
disaccharides, one of which is always a
glycosamine (hence the name) such as
glucosamine or galactosamine
 In cartilage, the GAGs attached to the core
proteins are chondroitin sulfate and keratan
 The proteoglycans themselves are attached, by
special linker proteins to long, rigid molecules of
hyaluronic acid (HA)
 About eighty proteoglycans are attached to one
molecule of HA
 The repeating units of chondroitin sufate are D-
glucoronic acid and N-acetylgalactosamine-(4 or
 The repeating units of keratan sulfate are
galactose or galactose 6-sulfate and N-
acetylglucosamine 6-sulfate.
 The repeating units of hyaluronic acid are D-
glucuronic acid and N-acetylglucosamine
 Between 60 and 80 percent of the net weight of
(hyaline) cartilage is water
 and this large component of water accounts for
the resilient nature of cartilage
 Cartilage is poorly vascularized, and gets most of
its nutrients through diffusion. In the adult, repair
is poor.
Three kinds of cartilage

 Hyaline cartilage
 Elastic cartilage
 Fibrocartilage.
BONE Consits


35% Mineral

 Bone is both
– resilient ( due to the organic matter (collagen)
– hard (due to the inorganic minerals)
 Bone serves as a storage site for calcium and
 Blood calcium levels are regulated by the hormones
parathormone (parathyroid hormone), which raises
blood calcium levels by stimulating bone resorption,
and calcitonin, which reduces blood calcium by
suppressing bone resorption and increasing osteoid
* calcification

*Osteoid is the matrix secreted by osteoblasts and osteocytes prior to

There are two kinds of mature bone

1.compact bone
2.spongy bone

Compact bone and spongy bone are found in specific locations.

compact bone

 Compact bone is also called dense bone and

cortical bone
 composed of cylindrical structures called osteons
or Haversian systems
spongy bone
 Spongy bone is also called cancellous bone,
trabecular bone and medullary bone
Compact bone and spongy bone
are found in specific locations.
1. In long bones , most of the thickness of the
diaphysis is made of compact bone ,with a small
amount of spongy bone facing the marrow
Control of calsium homeostasis

 Calsium is present in the plasma in the three

– 47 % is bound to proteins,principally albumin
– 46 % exist as free ions and the remainder is
complexed with phosphate and citrate.

The free ions are the only form that is physiologically active
Control of calcium

 The plasma concentration of calcium is controlled

by PTH

PTH is a polypeptide hormone synthesised in the parathyroid glands ,and calcitriol.

Example of a Negative
Feedback Loop:


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