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Past Medical

• History of Asthma (+): The first time a high school
patient (16 years)
• Medical History: Salbutamol 25 mg 3x1

Family Medical Histories

The patient's father and mother don’t have the same

complaint. History of hypertension, DM, coronary
artery disease and allergies are denied
Personal Social
The patient has the latest S1 Japanese language education at Padjajaran
University, Bandung. The patient is married and lives with her husband and 3
children. Currently, the patient is busy as a housewife, previously. According to
the patient, she always prays 5 times a day and performs Sunnah fasting every
Monday and Thursday as well as yaumul bidh. The patient's habit of waking up at
around 3:00 a.m. and going to bed at 8:00 p.m. Patients routinely exercise walking
in the morning for 1 hour 3-4 times a week. The patient has never smoked, drank
alcohol and used illegal drugs
• The patient had complaints of bronchial asthma from the age of 16 years.
Complaints arise when the patient is tired, overheated, and inhales dust.
Patients usually relieve shortness of breath using salbutamol or a nebulizer.
• The patient has no history of any allergies
• In the patient's family no one has the same disease except the patient's first
• The patient is diligent in exercising every day. The patient has never smoked,
drank alcohol and used illegal drugs.
• The patient believes and believes all of this by the will of Allah SWT.
• Reason: Because there is shortness of breath
and on auscultation you hear wheezing
• Expectation: The patient hopes that after the
Clinical nebulizer, the patient can be healthy again
Aspects • Concerns: The patient has no worries
Occupational diagnosis: Bronchial • Medical Perception: Patients believe that by
Asthma taking medicine and in the nebulizer the
patient can be healthy again.
• Religious perceptions: Patients believe that
health and illness come from Allah SWT.
Clinical Personal
Aspects Aspects:
• The patient has a long history of • Mrs.W's husband and children always
asthma (age 16 years) help with housework so that Mrs.W
• The patient does too much can rest and not be too tired
strenuous activity which often • Mrs. W.'s children often invite her to
causes the patient to be too tired do sports
• he patient used to have a very fat • There is a household assistant who
body (obesity class 1) helps with household chores
Aspect Degree of
• Mrs.W's husband and children always help with housework so that
Mrs.W can rest and not be too tired
• Mrs. W.'s children often invite her to do sportsoThere is a
household assistant who helps with household chores

Holistic Diagnosis Description:

Mrs. W., 50 years old was diagnosed with bronchial asthma. The
patient had a history of asthma since the age of 16 years, because
the patient had a long body that was fat. Currently Mrs.W is diligent
in exercising and limiting activities that are too strenuous.

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