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Artsakh (Nagorno

Karabakh) Conflict
Made by Shaginyan Levon 11 «B»
Creation Of Three Independent
1918 on May 26 the Transcaucasian Union was created.
After receiving approval from Germany, the People's
Council of Georgia declared itself independent. On May
27, the eastern Muslim republic, which the Turks called
"Azerbaijan", declared itself independent. On May 28,
the Armenian People's Council proclaimed itself an
independent republic. Thus, within three days, three
independent republics were created: Armenia, Georgia,
Azerbaijan's attempts to annex
Artsakh and Syunik

In 1918, at the end of May, a struggle for territory and

borders began, in particular between Armenia and
Azerbaijan for Artsakh and Syunik and other territories
where Armenians predominantly lived.
More than 300 thousand Armenians living in Artsakh
and Syunik did not want to recognize the Azerbaijani
government and for this reason stood up to defend their
Motherland. The Armenian government hoped for the
Paris Peace Conference and did not resort to force. The
Azerbaijani government by any means tried to destroy
the Armenian population in Artsakh and Syunik in order
to subjugate these lands to itself.
Churches in Artsakh and Sunik

Church in Sunik IX Church in Artsakh

century in XIII century
Actions of Azerbaijan within the Soviet
In 1920 in April Azerbaijan with the help of the red army begins
to attack Artsakh and Syunik in order to have a border with
Turkey. The Red Army entered Artsakh and advised it. On
July 5, 1921, Stalin annexed Artsakh to Azerbaijan, explaining
this by the fact that it was economically connected with
Azerbaijan, but this decision was unacceptable, the opinion of
the ethnic composition was not taken into account. A day
earlier, on July 4, the Caucasian Bureau adopted a majority
vote in favor of Armenia, but this vote was not taken into
account. In 1923, the autonomous region of Nagorno-
Karabakh was created. Borders were drawn in such a way
that Artsakh did not have any contact with Armenia.
Moscow Treatie

In 1921, on March 16, a Russian-Turkish conference

was held in Moscow, where territorial-border issues
important for Armenia were to be discussed, but at the
request of Turkey, Armenia was not allowed to
participate in the conference. As a result, Turkey gets
the Kars and Surmalu districts, in return Turkey
returns Batumi to Georgia. Nakhijevan declared itself
a self-governing territory that could never be given to
Armenia. This was done so that Turkey could have a
border with Azerbaijan. As a result, all Armenians
were expelled from Nakhijevan.
Kars Treatie

In 1921, on October 13, the Treaty of Kars

was signed between Turkey and the three
Transcaucasian republics, which allowed
the three republics to accept the Moscow
Treaty in the city of Kars. Moscow and
Kars treaties legalized the transfer of
Armenian lands to Turkey and Azerbaijan.
Churches in Nakhijevan and Kars

Church in Monastery in Kars X

Nakhijevan XII century
The Beginning Of War
In 1988, on February 20, the Deputy Council of Artsakh, based on
the self-determination of the people, decided to secede from
Azerbaijan and join Mother Armenia. The Artsakh movement
began, which had an exclusively peaceful character. But this
movement was accepted "at knives" by Azerbaijan and the
Central Government. At the end of February, a massacre of the
Armenian population began in Sumgait, which continued in Baku,
Getashen, Khanlar. A full-scale flight from Azerbaijan began. In
1988, the Artsakh Movement Committee was created. They
brought troops to Yerevan and Stepanakert. In defense of the
Armenians, Sakharov, Bonner, Staravoitova, Dudin and others
appeared. But Gorbachev had no intention of solving this issue
peacefully, as it could be contagious to other territories.
Photos of War

Armenian Armenian tank

Truce Creation

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991,

the Artsakh movement had a military character. The
enemy occupied the Shahumyan region, bombarded
Stepanakert and other areas. A full-scale war began. To
protect the Armenian border, underground militias were
formed. In 1991-1992 bloody battles took place. In 1991,
on May 9, the old Armenian city of Shushi. All this was
acquired at the dear cost of the lives of Armenian
soldiers. The Artsakh issue has acquired an international
character. The UN, the European Security Council
adopted several formulas and in 1994 established an
State Order Of Artsakh

The population of Artsakh in 1991 on December 10 held a

vote and proclaimed the independence of Artsakh. The
first president was Artutr Mkrchyan. Elections were held
in the republic, a council was formed, the anthem, coat
of arms and flag, the supreme defense council were

The flag of Artsakh

coat of arms
War recovery periods

Periodically hostilities escalate

every few years. In particular
in 2016 and at the present
April 2016 war
Clashes on the line of contact in Nagorno-Karabakh (also known as
the "Four-Day War") between the armed forces of Armenia and the
unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) on the one side
and Azerbaijan on the other. Started on the night of April 2, 2016,
lasted three and a half days. Both sides of the conflict accused
each other of violating the ceasefire, and also reported intense
hostilities with the use of artillery, aviation and serious losses
inflicted on the enemy.
War Of Nowdays
The armed conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh in September-October 2020 is a large-scale
high-intensity conflict between the armed forces of Azerbaijan and the armed
formations of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR).
The fighting began on the morning of September 27. Both sides report numerous
casualties among the military and civilians. Martial law and general mobilization have
been declared in Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. In a number of
regions of Azerbaijan, in turn, martial law and a curfew were declared.

Turkey provides political and military support to Azerbaijan, providing it with military
equipment and instructors. According to a number of sources, with Turkey's
assistance, Syrian mercenaries from the pro-Turkish armed formations are being
sent to Karabakh. Formally, Armenia does not participate in the war; Armenia and
Nagorno-Karabakh, at least militarily, actually form one whole.
End Of My Presentation

At the end of my presentation, I would like to show

a map that shows the territory of Armenia as it
was before our era in 400 years.
Thank You For Attention

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