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Bagaimana struktur kimia suatu senyawa
Reaksi pencoklatan
Prosespembuatan Teh
Senyawa klorofil
Senyawa fenolik
Tannins are a class of astringent, polyphenolic
biomolecules that bind to and precipitate
proteins and various other organic compounds
including amino acids and alkaloids

Tannin constituents such as thearubigins and

theaflavins present in black tea are formed by
the enzymatic oxidation of EC and EGC
followed by condensation, and this causes the
characteristic astringenc
Chlorophyll is a very unstable substance, which means it is
very easily oxidized. Once the oxidation takes place on
chlorophyll, it will change into the substance called
Pheophytin and magnesium will be released. We do not
really get the taste of magnesium when it is bonded with
organic substance such as chlorophyll. But once
magnesium commes out, it greatly affects the taste. In
particular, magnesium gives astringency and bitterness.
Kelas C
Ferdino siski
Muhammad Rizky Dharma Fairus
Atikah adzra adila
Anadia Rahmadani
Ahdad alwi
Windi Aris Pratiwi

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