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What does OPSHACOM stand for?

OPSHACOM stands for Opinion, Shape, Age, Color,

Origin, and Material (mnemonic for the order of
adjectives in a sentence)

Opini, bentuk, usia, warna, asal dan bahan

Order of Adjectives = urutan kata sifat
Opinion: clear, good, useful
Shape: big, fat, long, round
Age: old, new, young, ancient
Colour: blue, black, yellowish
Origin: Italian, western, Japanese
Material: wooden, metal, paper, cotton
Adjectives in Order
We sometimes use more than one adjective before the noun:
• I like big black dogs.
• She was wearing a beautiful long red dress.
What is the correct order for two or more adjectives?
1. The general order is: Opinion, Fact.
“Opinion” is what you think about
something. “Fact” is what is definitely true about
• A nice French car. (not a French nice car)
[You have an opinion that the car is nice; and the fact
that it was made in France.]
2. The normal order for fact adjectives is size, age, shape,
color, material, origin. Other references place ‘age’ after
‘shape’ (just like in the picture). Both references are
I prefer  OPSHACOM (Opinion, Shape, Age, Color,
Origin, Material) because this pattern is easy to
• A big, old, square, black, wooden Chinese table.
3. Determiners usually come first, even though they are
fact adjectives.
• articles (a, an, the)
• possessives (my, your, his her, our, their)
• demonstratives (this, that, these, those)
• quantifiers (some, any, few, many, a lot of…)
• numbers (one, two, three…)
Det Op sh a c o m
articles (a, an, the) beautiful round old red Japanese plastic
possessives (my, your, his her, our, their) interesting long new white British iron
demonstratives (this, that, these, those) boring short young brown Indonesian silver
quantifiers (some, any, few, many, a lot of…) exciting big ancient green Chinese gold
numbers (one, two, three…) smart small yellow Peruvian wooden
square violet earthen
tall glass
Determiner ( penentu )
articles kata sandang (a, an, the)
possessives kepemilikan (my, your, his her, our, their)
demonstratives kataganti penunjuk (this, that, these, those)
Quantifier kata penujuk jumlah (some, any, few, many, a lot of…)
numbers angka (one, two, three…)
Opinion (opini)
beautiful (cantik)
interesting (menarik)
boring (membosankan)
exciting (menggairahkan)
smart (pintar)
shape (bentuk)
round bulat
long panjang
short pendek
big besar
small kecil
square persegi
tall tinggi
Age (usia)
old tua
new baru
young muda
ancient kuno
Colour (warna)
red merah
white putih
brown coklat
green hijau
yellow kuning
violet ungu
Origin (asal)
Japanese Jepang
British Inggris
Indonesian Indonesia
Chinese China
Peruvian Peru
Material (bahan)
plastic plastik
iron besi
silver perak
gold emas
wooden kayu
earthen tanah
glass kaca
Untuk mempermudah pengerjaan latihan
Det Op Sh A C O M
Determiner opinion Shape/size age colour origin material
penentu Opini/pendapat Bentuk/ukuran usia warna asal bahan
the smart little new pink Indian umbrella

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