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The introduction of genetically modified (GM)

food and crops has been a disaster. The science of

taking genes from one species and inserting them
into another was supposed to be a giant leap
forward, but instead they pose a serious threat to
biodiversity and our own health. In addition, the
real reason for their development has not been to
end world hunger but to increase the stranglehold
multinational biotech companies already have on
food production
We are told that GM crops will help feed the world's poor but according
to the United Nations, we already produce more than enough food to
satisfy everyone. And even though consumers have rejected GM foods
outright, the biotech companies and the governments that support them
are still trying to force their inventions on us, purely for commercial gain.
But the long term effects of GM crops have not been properly researched
and, by cross-pollinating with non-GM crops and wild plants, they
replicate themselves and contaminate the environment with genetic
pollution that is impossible to clean up.

The simple truth is, we don't need GM technology. Using sustainable and
organic farming methods will allow us to repair the damage done by
industrial farming, reducing the excessive use of fertiliser, herbicides and
other man-made chemicals, and making GM crops redundant.

Is a tomato containing a fish gene vegetarian?

There are moral questions about eating food with human
genes in - does this make us cannibals? And there are
moral questions about how we treat other species.
•GM crops can contaminate other crops simply by pollen being blown by wind from one field
to another.
•World starvation has more to do with wealth distribution rather than the inadequate
production of foods.
•Sometimes GM crops have allergenic effects.
•Loss of nutritional value.
•Reduction of the efficiency of antibiotics.
•New viruses could evolve from the mass production of GM crops.
•The more that gene technology is used, the worse the environment will become.
•Pests may develop resistance to GM crops that have been designed to kill them.
•Humans do not have the right to genetically alter nature for their own convenience and
•GM crops produce religious complications.
•Vegetarians and Vegans may find it offensive to put animal genes into plants.
•GM crops may cause harm to the wealth and welfare of animals.
•Some countries will not be able to afford GM foods.
•GM crops may produce ecological side effects (Monarch butterflies).
•Too much money spent on Gene Technology could have been spent on other things.
•No assurances of public liability for Farmers of GM crops
•Myth: "We need GM foods to feed the world" Myth: "GM increases
yield" Myth: "GM is good for the environment" Myth: "There is no
evidence that GM foods are harmful" Forget the myths and face the
facts: GM peas caused lung damage to mice. GM potatoes caused lesions
in organs of rats. GM food brought about premature deaths in the
offspring of rats. GM Bt cotton crops in India, and the pesticides created
to be used with them, led to failure of 80% of crops in four years and to
the suicide of thousands of the farmers growing them . Cross pollination
with natural crops is having a bad affect on insects and on the behaviour
and lives of bees, and polluting their honey. GM DNA is not completely
destroyed in the processing of food and can be found in meat, milk and
cheese from animals fed on GM products. The only way to avoid this at
the moment is to eat organic food. GM is good for growing Super weeds,
which are resistant to pesticides and are now proving to be a huge
problem for farmers growing GM crops. Start doing some research and
you will uncover many more problems caused by GM foods.

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