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Claim Request
Making Claims and Requesting Adjustments
(Complaint Letters)

 Persuasive claim/ adjustment letters: damaged

products, mistaken billing, inaccurate
shipments, warranty problems, return policies,
faulty merchandise, etc.
 The Indirect strategy is better if a past request has
been refused or ignored or if you anticipate reluctance.
Effective persuasion is needed.
Goal: to change something.

 Effective claim letters make:

a reasonable claim,
present a logical case with clear facts,
and adopt a moderate tone.
 Anger and emotion are not effective persuaders.

 Calmly express your disappointment as you

had high expectations of the product and of the
 Your strongest appeal: communicating your
feelings, without bitterness.
 Address a specific person: it is more likely to
produce action
Strategies for Making Claims and Complaints
1. Begin with:
 a compliment
 point of agreement
 statement of the problem
2. Provide supporting data.
3. Prove that your claim is valid
4. Explain why the receiver is responsible
5. Close by telling exactly what you want to be done
6. Enclose document copies supporting your claim
(invoices, shipping orders, warranties, and payments).

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