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Year 11 ATAR Health Studies

• What are cultural and social norms?
• How are such norms formed?
Social Norms

• Refers to the phenomenon that a lot of peoples

behaviour is influenced by their perception of how other
members of their social group behave.
• Unwritten rules by which a social group behaves.
For example: drug use, body image, physical activity,
sexual behaviour, communcation
Social Norms
A Social norm is:
a) a behaviour that is a regular part of society
b) based on a socially shared belief of how one ought to behave
c) a trigger for the enforcement of behaviour. A person will suffer
social consequences if it is not adhered to.
Social Norms
• Are people’s beliefs about the attitudes and behaviours that are
normal, acceptable, or even expected in a particular social
• People’s perceptions of these norms will greatly influence
Examples of Social Norms in Australia?
• Mind map different social norms in Australian society…

• E.g. Shaking hands when greeting someone

Cultural Norms

Are behaviour patterns of specific groups due to their

cultural upbringing. They relate to geographic location,
country of origin, ethnic group and religious practices.

For example: jewish/muslim – don’t eat pork,

ramadan, sporting culture
Examples of Cultural Norms?
• Mind map different cultural norms?

• E.g. Eating dinner at the dinner table with your family

The Construction of Social Norms
• Social norms can be constructed simply by like-minded people
congregating together. The presence of similar views,
preferences, and opinions leads people to spend time together
and the norm is formed.
• Newcomers to the group would need to share these views also
or risk being viewed as “weird” or “different”.
The Construction of Cultural Norms
• Cultural norms are formed in a similar manner but with less choice by
the individual.

• Cultural norms are formed in a similar manner but with less choice by
the individual.
• Usually determined by family expectation.

• The family’s traditions and regular ways of behaving is based on

where they live (or lived), language spoken, customs of culture, laws in
the country of origin, religious beliefs, leisure and sport preferences….
Activity 1
• Complete Activity 1, question 1 in your workbook.

• Be prepared to share examples

Transmission of Social and Cultural Norms
• The various ways norms can be transmitted include:
• Explicitly = Written or declared norms that must be followed
(dress code on invitation)
• Implied = unwritten and not declared but subtly suggested
(body language such as disapproving glare)
• Observed = required behaviour or attitude is obvious due to the
adherence by others (drinking alcohol at a party)
• Expectations = families, employers, schools and social groups
that place expectations on people to conform or agree with
norms in order to fit in and be successful…
Activity 1
• Complete question 2 and 3 in your workbook.
Influence of Media on Norms
• Norms are usually promoted by behaviour of the mainstream or
majority of the population.
• The uptake of a belief or behaviour as being popular will usually
result in it being promoted as a “norm”
• Norms can also be promoted by the media, Health promoters
• Eg. Celebrity and role model behaviour will promote norms and
influence the expectations on behaviours of others.
• If everyone else is doing it, acting like it, buying it, it must be
normal/right thing to do!
Influence of Media on Norms
• T.V shows will display fashions, behaviours, and lifestyle that
will reflect social and cultural norms of the time.
• This reflection perpetuates the norm and solidifies its place in
Changing Norms - Social
Changing Social Norms
E.g. Smoking is no longer considered an acceptable behaviour in

•Discuss the factors that have influenced the emergence of

norms about smoking

•Can you think of other examples?

Changing Norms
• How have social norms changed as a result of Covid-19?
• Will this change affect the way in which we interact forever?

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