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KP adalah peraturan yang harus difahami dan ditaati oleh Mahasiswa,
diantaranya ;
 Presensi : Kehadiran di kelas dan atau gabungan kelas online
sebanyak 14X, akademik membatasi min 75% kehadiran yaitu 11X,
 Mahasiswa wajib hadir sebelum kelas dimulai sesuai dengan
dibukanya link kelas oleh Ketua Kelas
Presensi berdasarkan keaktifan Forum & Quiz di LMS
Tugas Mandiri : Meliputi Quiz ( keaktifan/keakuratan menjawab ),
tugas individu & tugas kelompok.
UTS & UAS sesuai yang diatur Akademik.

What is Intermediary ? ……..

An intermediary is a person or service that is involved as
a third party between two or more end points in a
communication or transaction..

Intermediaries consider that by signing a confidentiality

document their commission will be protected and they
trust that a supplier or buyer will pay commission to
them when the deal closes.
the intermediaries trader needs to know a little about
law, finance, rules of agency and delivery.

If you are a proffesioanl intermediary trading, having

knowledge of the applicable commercial laws is not
sufficient. However, do not be intimidated by bankers,
lawyers, sellers, buyers, accountants or other
individuals when you start to trade.
Who is a trader? …
Because no publication spelt out the different meanings of these terms.
Even today these issues have not been addressed sufficiently and
remain a major issue of contention with the majority of internet

For example, Budi who drives a taxi for a living in Jakarta can offer
goods as a seller in the same internet thread as the corporate lawyer
from Papua who is acting as a buyer for those very same goods.

intermediaries now ostensibly number in excess of at least a million

traders who, for the most part, are chasing dreams and will never close
a commodity transaction due to their ignorance as to how the industry
There are intermediaries on the internet offering to buy and sell crude oil, sugar,
cement and many other products at unbelievable prices and in quantities.

Could they close the big trading deal just from internet base? ….
Intermediaries who are united in their methods of trading can also help others
find a source of supply, either directly or with the assistance of others within
their group.
What the intermediary requires today is not just a set of guiding rules and
procedures but also the knowledge required to identify when they are dealing
with an intermediate buyer or seller as opposed to an ‘end buyer’ and/or
‘supplier’ of goods. More importantly the intermediary has to have the ability to
identify false offerings as opposed to a real supply of goods
The Correct Trading Rules

A Trade between End Buyer and Supplier Only

the end buyer : seeks a quote for the goods required, communicates
interest in the quote and confirms their interest to the supplier, asking
validity period, agreed term and condition, etc

The Supplier : Offering the product, accepts the financial instrument,

Sometimes the supplier accepts the credit and provides a ‘performance
guarantee’ (PG) for the end buyer, agree term and condition, etc
• Perdagangan antara Pembeli Akhir dan Pemasok Saja
• pembeli akhir: mencari penawaran untuk barang yang dibutuhkan, mengomunikasikan minat
pada penawaran dan mengonfirmasi minat mereka kepada pemasok, menanyakan masa
berlaku, syarat dan ketentuan yang disepakati, dll.
• Pemasok: Menawarkan produk, menerima instrumen keuangan, Terkadang pemasok
menerima kredit dan memberikan 'jaminan kinerja' (PG) untuk pembeli akhir, menyetujui
syarat dan ketentuan, dll.
• Kedua belah pihak akan menyetujui barang untuk dikirim kemudian menetapkan penerbitan
bank. Bank penerbit yang menasihati instrumen keuangan sebenarnya menjaga kepentingan
pembeli akhir. Bank penerima menjaga kepentingan pemasok pada waktu penagihan. Bank-
bank itu sendiri mendapatkan komisi dan memungut biaya, sambil bertindak di bawah rezim
agensi. Akibatnya bank juga menjalankan bisnis sebagai perantara. Bank penasihat,
tergantung pada status aktifnya, dikatakan menjaga kepentingan perantara
The Intermediary in International Trade
An intermediary is defined as: Intermediary (n): Person acting between
parties, a mediator.

As an international trade intermediary you are going to attempt to

close an import/export deal using only acceptable international rules of
Intermediaries in the USA are called ‘brokers’. In most other countries
around the world you are known as an ‘agent’ or intermediary.
Specifically you are an independent primary intermediary agent (PIA)
acting as an intermediate buyer/seller and from hereon for ease of use
the abbreviation PIA will generally be used.
Other wise A buyer/seller, has to have many other skills than just
sourcing goods and buyers for those goods. He must also be able to
research as well as close an import/export deal and to solve problems
as and when they arise during the trade

The sourcing intermediary’s activities are simply to verify that goods

being offered are genuine, or to find out whether an end buyer’s intent
to purchase goods is real, and to communicate these findings to their
buyer/seller who then works together with the sourcing intermediary
to close the deal
As an end buyer, there are several advantages to using an intermediary.
The end buyer can avoid having to disclose proof of financial capability
and other problematic documents upfront
Types of Intermediary Indonesia:

Company Internal
• Ref labour agreement Article 1601 BW. Example: pelayan toko, kasir,
manajer, pimpinan perusahaan, sales dan sebagainya. &

Company External
• Ref Authorization Agreement Article 1792-1819 BW. Example: makelar,
komisioner, ekspeditur, agen. &

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