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Muscle Tissue
 Skeletal Muscle: the type that attaches to our
bones and is used for movement and maintaining
 Cardiac Muscle: only found in the heart, It
pumps blood
 Smooth Muscle: found in organs of the body
such as the GI tract that moves food and its
digested products.
Skeletal Muscle

 Long cylindrical cells

 Each muscle cell has
many nuclei
 Striated
 Voluntary
 Rapid contractions
Cardiac Muscle

 Cells with branches

 Only one or two nuclei
are present each cardiac
 Striated
 Involuntary
 Medium speed
Smooth Muscle

 Fusiform cells
 1 nukleus each cells
 Nonstriated
 Involuntary
 Slow, wave-like
 Smooth muscle is found in
the walls of hollow organs.
Microanatomy of Skeletal Muscle

Each muscle cell is

called a muscle fiber.
Within each muscle
fiber are many
 Each muscle fiber consists of thousands of myofibrils
 Each myofibril has 1500 meosine filaments and 3000 actin
 Each meosin filament consists of meosin BM 33,200 and
70,000 BM actin molecules
With a microscope of light: it appears a dark image
of light from relative density and there are parts
that overlap from actin and myosin
I Band (Pita cahaya I)
 Consists of actin filament only (bright)
 The nature of the polarized light (the beam of light
that comes was transmitted to all majors due to the
same density)

I band
A Band
 Located where actin and meosin overlap (which
appears dark)
 Anisotropic properties (light emitted unevenly)

A band
Formed by 2 Z lines (noncontractile protein) or an A
band and 2 band hemispheres
Cytoplasm of muscle cells
There is an agranular sarcopasma reticulum
Z line Z line

H band

A small section of a myofibril is illustrated here. Note the thick myosin filaments
are arranged between overlapping actin filaments. *The two Z lines mark the
boundary of a sarcomere. The sarcomere is the functional unit of a muscle cell
.We will examine how sarcomeres function to help us better understand how
muscles work.
A myosin molecule is elongated with an enlarged head at the end.
Many myosin molecules form the thick myosin filament. It has
many heads projecting away from the main molecule.
The thinner actin filament is composed of three parts: :
troponin, tropomeosin, aktin

Active site: an ADP molecule in which the meosine filaments

interact with the actin filaments so that muscle contractions
Tropomeosin: is a protein that will "cover" the active site so
no contractions occur
Troponin: will bind to Ca for start the contraction
sarcomere illustrating the thin actin and thick myosin
filaments. The area of the sarcomere has only myosin
is called the H band.
H Band
Sarcomere Relaxed

I Band looks wider

Sarcomere Partially Contracted

I bands are getting shorter.

Sarcomere Completely Contracted

The sarcomere is completely contracted in this slide.

The I and H bands have almost disappeared.
Relaxed and contracted of sarcomere

the thick myosin filaments have not changed, but the thin actin
filaments have moved closer together.
Theory of muscle contraction:
 Ca ions will activate the actin filament
 The meosin head will be bound to the
active site of the actin filament, energy
will be produced (ADP)
 The head becomes tilted to the middle
of meosine (called power stroke)
 The head is automatically released
from the active site back upright
 It will bind with the next active

site, tilted power (power stroke) so

that the actin filament moves
 And so on step by step pulling the

actin filament to the middle of

Binding Site Tropomyosin

Ion Ca
Ion Ca

Troponin Tropomyosin


Binding Site Myosin

- The string of blue circles represents an actin filament. There are binding sites in
the filament for the attachment of myosin heads. *In a relaxed muscle the binding
sites are covered by tropomyosin. The tropomyosin has molecules of troponin
attached to it. *Calcium, shown in yellow, will attach to troponin. *Calcium will
change the position of the troponin, tropomyosin complex. *The troponin,
tropomyosin complex has now moved so that the binding sites are longer covered
by the troponin, tropomyosin complex.
- The binding sites are now exposed and myosin heads are able to attach to form
cross bridges.*
Neuromuscular Junction
microanatomy of skeletal muscle tissue

- The blue sarcoplasmic reticulum is actually the endoplasmic reticulum. It stores

calcium. - The mitochondria are illustrated in orange. They generate ATP, which
provides the energy for muscle contractions
Acetylcholine is released from the motor neuron.
The general mechanism of muscle contraction
 The action potential runs along the motor nerve to its end in the
nerve muscles
 At each nerve end secretes a small amount of neurotransmitter
(y. i acetylcholine).
 Acetylcholine works on the membrane of the muscle and opens
the acetylcholine gate channel
 the opening of the acetylcholine channel allows Na ions to flow
to the bag. in the muscle fiber membrane at the nerve terminal
point so that action potential arises in muscle fibers.
 The potential for action runs along the muscle fiber membrane
as the sarcoplasmic reticulum releases Ca ions. Ca ions will bind
to troponin to start contracting
 The head of meosin binds with active site and power strokes
occur (!!)
 After less than 1 second Ca ions are see contraction theory
pumped into the endoplasmic reticulum (stored until the new
action potential arrives again) so that the contractions stop
Motor Unit
All the muscle cells controlled by one nerve cell
Muscle Fatique
 Muscle fatigue is often due to a lack of oxygen that
causes ATP deficit. Lactic acid builds up from
anaerobic respiration in the absence of oxygen.
Lactic acid fatigues the muscle.
Muscle Atrophy
 weakening and shrinking of a muscle
 It can be caused by :
1. Immobilization
2. Loss of neural stimulation
Muscle Hypertrophy
 the enlargement of a muscle.
 more capillaries

 more mitochondria to help them generate more

 Strenuous exercise and steroid hormones can induce

muscle hypertrophy. Since men produce more steroid

hormones than women, they usually have more
hypertrophied muscles
Steroid hormones such as testosterone stimulate
muscle growth and hypertrophy.
Muscle Tonus
 Tightness of a muscle
 Some fibers always contracted

 Sustained contraction of a muscle

 Result of a rapid succession of nerve impulses

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