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[Sliding Filament

 The fibres in our muscles are what move our bodies. They also make it possible for
our internal organs to function. According to experts, there are around 650 skeletal
muscles in the human body.

 Muscles are specialised tissues with the ability to stretch, and each muscle has an
infinite number of muscular fibres. Myofibrils are gradually smaller and thinner
strands found in muscle fibres. Muscle contraction is necessary for movement. When
tension-producing areas within the muscle fibres are stimulated, it contracts. The
sliding filament idea explains how this mechanism works.
 According to the sliding filament theory, actin and myosin filaments, which overlap
each other during contraction of striated muscles, shorten the length of the muscle
fibres. Cellular mobility is governed by actin (thin filaments) and myosin (thick
 A protein called myosin transforms ATP (chemical energy) into mechanical energy,
causing movement and push. This motion causes the muscles to contract and non-
muscle cells, like those in the mitosis and meiosis, to move (cell division).
 Additionally, the actin-myosin interaction and actin polymerization are what cause a
cell to move across a surface. When troponin molecules attach to calcium ions in
filaments, they reveal the myosin-binding sites that are present in actin filaments. This
facilitates the bridge creation between actin and myosin. ATP serves as an energy
source and powers this process. Myosin molecules' heads undergo ATP hydrolysis,
changing their shape and allowing them to bind to actin filaments.

 In conclusion, the steps of the sliding filament theory are as follows:

 The motor nerve triggers a motor impulse, which travels down a neuron to the
neuromuscular junction and activates the muscle. It encourages the release of
calcium into muscle cells from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

 Muscle Contraction: Calcium influx causes troponin and actin to bind, causing
the muscle cell to contract. ATP is used to bind to and contract the myosin and
actin cross-bridges.

 Actin and myosin can continue to bind strongly because of the resynthesis of

 When the nerve is no longer stimulated, relaxation occurs. After that, calcium
is pushed back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum, causing the connection
between actin and myosin to dissolve. The muscle relaxes when myosin and
actin revert to their unbound condition. In contrast, relaxation (failure) can
also happen when ATP runs out.

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