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The word, “lexicography” is derived
from the Greek origin: λεξίκόs
Where did the belonging to “word” and γραφω “I
term write”, if we translate it into English
“lexicography” it means, “I write words”.
come from and Definition: Lexicography is the
what does it theory and practice of compiling
mean? dictionaries. It’s an important part
of applied linguistics.
The word “lexicography” is of the Greek
origin as well as lexicography. λεξίκόs
Where did the belonging to “word” and λόγοξ means
term “learning”, if we translate it into English it
“lexicography” means “learning of words”
come from and
Definition: Lexicography is the part of
what does it
lexis dealing with the body of a language
and the properties of words as the main
units of language (words, words
What is the subject matter of lexicography and lexicology? What do they
have in common?

Lexicography Lexicography aims at systematization

revealing characteristic features of
and lexicology
have a common
object of study The field of lexicography is the
for they describe semantic, formal, and functional
the vocabulary description of all individual words.
of a language. Dictionaries aim at a more or less
complete description.
Lexicography is divided into two related disciplines:
Theoretical lexicography on the other hand is the
The art or scholarly discipline of analyzing and describing the
craft of semantic, syntagmatic and paradigmatic
compiling, relationships within the lexicon (vocabulary) of a
writing and language; developing theories of dictionary
editing components and structures linking the data in
dictionaries is dictionaries; the needs for information by users in
known as specific types of situation, and how users may best
access the data incorporated in printed and
electronic dictionaries. This is sometimes referred
Lexicograph to as 'metalexicography'
Functions of practical lexicography are as
1. Educational function presupposes teaching
language both native and foreign;

2. ‘Legislative’ function studies and problems of

description and normalization of language; it relates with
describing standardizing native language forming a certain
language norm;
4. Scientific
3. function fulfills
Communicative studying
function deals vocabulary of a
with realizing language periods
intercultural of practical
communications; lexicography.
Theoretical lexicography studies the
following problems:
1) General typology developing of
dictionaries and dictionaries of new types

2) Development 3) Development
of dictionary of dictionary
macrostructure microstructure
unilingual and scientific-
lexicography educational technological
(compiling bilingual lexicography lexicography
explanatory lexicography (compiling (making
dictionaries) (compiling dictionaries terminological
translating for language dictionaries).
dictionaries) studying)
 Dictionary is a term used to denote a book listing words
of a language with their meanings and often with data
regarding pronunciation, usage and/or origin
o A short list, sometimes at the back of a book is often called a glossary.
 Lexicon is of Greek origin, lexicos – “relating to word”. It is
used to denote the system being formed by the total of all the
words of a given language.
 Reference book containing words (or morphemes, phrases,
idioms) arranged in a definite order (different one in various
dictionaries), explains meanings of described units, gives different
information about objects or presents translation into other
languages or describes objects.
It embraces choice of vocabulary, -Alphabetical arrangement
principles of arranging words and
entries. -Homographs
-Main headword and sub
The dictionary entries must be
arranged in a particular order and in
a layout that is in accordance with
the aims and usage of the
It is the internal structure of It refers to the arrangement
a dictionary entry. of information within the
It affects grammar and lexical entry
phonetic commentaries to a
word and relates to The range and type of
classification and outlining information given for a
of meanings, definitions, lexical entry varies according
note system, supplementary to the type, size, purpose, and
materials. user of the dictionary.

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